For,Against,or Depends?
I am going to put something such as 'incest" or "gay marriage" and you put for,against,or depends. It is preferred that you tell us WHY you believe these things,but that's optional.
Okay,here goes:
Incest: Depends
Pedophilia: Against
Gay Marriage: For
Gay Adoption: For
Sex Change Operations: For
Rape/Sexual Abuse: Against
Polygamy: Depends
Interracial Marriages/Relationships: For
Religion: Depends
War: Depends
Beastiality: Against
Freedom Of Speech: For
Prayer In Public School: For
Racism: Against
Sexism: Against
Bullying/Harrassment: Against
Politics: Depends
Adult Pornography: Depends
Child Pornography: Against
Live and let live.
Incest: no
Pedophilia: no
Gay Marriage: no
Gay Adoption: no
Sex Change Operations: not yet/possibly never
Rape/Sexual Abuse: no
Polygamy: no
Interracial Marriages: Yes
War: possibly
Beastiality: no
Freedom of Speech: for
Prayer In Public School: only if the student chooses to
Racism: no
Sexism: no
Bullying/Harrassment: hell no
Politics: sometimes
Adult Pornography: if tasteful
Child Pornography: no
Incest:Its their problem if they want degenerate children.
Pedophilia:I'd rather die than vote yes.
Gay Marriage:Yes.
Gay Adoption:Yes.
Sex Change Operations:Neutral,as it doesn't concern me.
Rape/Sexual Abuse:NEVER!! !! !
Polygamy:Meh it doesn't concern me.
Interracial Marriages/Relationships:Yes.
Freedom Of Speech:Hell yeah!! !! !
Prayer In Public School:Whatever.
Bullying/Harrassment:Not a chance in hell.
Politics:Yes and no.
Adult Pornography:Maybe.
Child Pornography:No.
My sig pwns.
Last edited by RTSgamerFTW on 08 Mar 2007, 10:13 am, edited 1 time in total.
Incest: We talking cousin/cousin, or siblings?
Pedophilia: Against (Vehemently so)
Gay Marriage: For (I will respect gay rights if they don't hit on me)
Gay Adoption: For (As long as good family values are given. An adopted kid into a gay couple can turn out to be gay, hetero, or bi if they want when they grow up)
Sex Change Operations: Depends (Really only if they really have gender identity issues)
Rape/Sexual Abuse: Against (Certainly against)
Polygamy: Against (Until polygamy can include several husbands, and also be not frowned upon)
Interracial Marriages/Relationships: For (As long as there is no abuse or anything, I'm fine)
Religion: Depends (I hate religion, but I don't mind those who practice it, as long as they don't try to proselytise to me)
War: Depends (Rarely anything as a "just war", but if you need to defend your way of life...)
Beastiality: Against (Does the animal concent? No....)
Freedom Of Speech: For (As long as it is not at the expense of other's rights to free speech, and not obnoxious)
Prayer In Public School: Depends (I had to put up with 5 years of chapels at high school, in Australia. That kinda puts you off religion for life. However, I still think it may be good in some areas, but not for others.)
Racism: Against (Certainly. It's more of an individual case-by-case to hate, rather than hating races or creeds as a whole. There are as many good and bad people of Asians or Africans as there are of Caucasians)
Sexism: Against (I don't mind accepted repartee, but not anything deliberately designed to hurt)
Bullying/Harrassment: Against (Kill bullies!! ! When a kid was bullied in Australia, and his mum complained, they were told by the NSW department of education that "bullying breeds backbone". What a stupidly laughable comment!)
Politics: Depends (Fascists and communists should be banned. When I mean communists, I mean Stalinist/Maoists, not socialists)
Adult Pornography: Depends (Consent, and it's nature.)
Child Pornography: Against (Death to child pornographers! I mean, seriously, who is like that?)
(No longer a mod)
On sabbatical...
Pedophilia: Against (Vehemently so)
Gay Marriage: For (I will respect gay rights if they don't hit on me)
Gay Adoption: For (As long as good family values are given. An adopted kid into a gay couple can turn out to be gay, hetero, or bi if they want when they grow up)
Sex Change Operations: Depends (Really only if they really have gender identity issues)
Rape/Sexual Abuse: Against (Certainly against)
Polygamy: Against (Until polygamy can include several husbands, and also be not frowned upon)
Interracial Marriages/Relationships: For (As long as there is no abuse or anything, I'm fine)
Religion: Depends (I hate religion, but I don't mind those who practice it, as long as they don't try to proselytise to me)
War: Depends (Rarely anything as a "just war", but if you need to defend your way of life...)
Beastiality: Against (Does the animal concent? No....)
Freedom Of Speech: For (As long as it is not at the expense of other's rights to free speech, and not obnoxious)
Prayer In Public School: Depends (I had to put up with 5 years of chapels at high school, in Australia. That kinda puts you off religion for life. However, I still think it may be good in some areas, but not for others.)
Racism: Against (Certainly. It's more of an individual case-by-case to hate, rather than hating races or creeds as a whole. There are as many good and bad people of Asians or Africans as there are of Caucasians)
Sexism: Against (I don't mind accepted repartee, but not anything deliberately designed to hurt)
Bullying/Harrassment: Against (Kill bullies!! ! When a kid was bullied in Australia, and his mum complained, they were told by the NSW department of education that "bullying breeds backbone". What a stupidly laughable comment!)
Politics: Depends (Fascists and communists should be banned. When I mean communists, I mean Stalinist/Maoists, not socialists)
Adult Pornography: Depends (Consent, and it's nature.)
Child Pornography: Against (Death to child pornographers! I mean, seriously, who is like that?)
Fits me to a T.
How good music and bad reasons sound when one marches against an enemy!
Incest: Against
Pedophilia: Against
Gay Marriage: Against
Gay Adoption: Against
Sex Change Operations: Against
Rape/Sexual Abuse: Against
Polygamy: What's this?
Interracial Marriages/Relationships: For
Religion: Depends
War: Depends
Beastiality: What's this?
Freedom Of Speech: For
Prayer In Public School: Depends
Racism: Against
Sexism: Against
Bullying/Harrassment: Against
Politics: Depends
Adult Pornography: Against
Child Pornography: Against
If someone could explain to me what polygamy and beastiality are, I'd appreciate it!
Pedophilia: Against
Gay Marriage: Against
Gay Adoption: Against
Sex Change Operations: Against
Rape/Sexual Abuse: Against
Polygamy: What's this?
Interracial Marriages/Relationships: For
Religion: Depends
War: Depends
Beastiality: What's this?
Freedom Of Speech: For
Prayer In Public School: Depends
Racism: Against
Sexism: Against
Bullying/Harrassment: Against
Politics: Depends
Adult Pornography: Against
Child Pornography: Against
If someone could explain to me what polygamy and beastiality are, I'd appreciate it!

Polygamy is where a person has more than one spouse and/or significant other.
Beastiality is sex with animals.
Live and let live.
Incest: Not sure...
Pedophilia: Against (TOTALLY against, having been a victim myself)
Gay Marriage: Fine by me
Gay Adoption: Fine by me
Sex Change Operations: Fine by me
Rape/Sexual Abuse: Against
Polygamy: Not sure...
Interracial Marriages/Relationships: For
Religion: Depends
War: No
Beastiality: No, the animals don't have a voice to say 'No'
Freedom Of Speech: For
Prayer In Public School: Depends
Racism: Against
Sexism: Against
Bullying/Harrassment: Against
Politics: Depends
Adult Pornography: Against
Child Pornography: Against
I am diagnosed as a human being.
Let me see...
I think a lot of these are not really 'For' or 'Against' questions but I shall try to answer these as best I can.
Incest: Against
Paedophilia: Definitely against
Gay marriage: I don't see why not. If it shall make two (some might say misguided) people happy, let them.
Gay adoption: As long as the kids get brought up in a loving and safe household I don't have a problem with this.
Sex change operations: For, but on the NHS? No way!
Rape/Sexual abuse: Definitely against again.
Interracial marriages/relationships: I'm not going to say 'for' here. It's fine by me - if two people are happy with each someone then they must be
allowed to marry. Even if the bloke is a ginger tosser.
Religion: I'm agnostic tending towards atheism but others can believe what they want. I believe in Orange. Being serious for a moment: if religion was 'banned' people would just find something else to fight over. It's human nature.
Wars: Some wars are necessary either to save people, stop an absolute psycho from annihilating the world, to defend your own people/territory and so on. That doesn't mean that I give powerful armies another excuse to start stoking more bloody, sectarian wars. I think Britain has had enough of these when dealing with Northern Ireland and Iraq. We don't need any more!
Bestiality: It's twisted, though I have seen some very old pornography where it's clear that no harm was done. Still against, though.
Freedom of speech: For to the point where people are inciting violence against others.
Prayer in state schools: Against. Religion is your own business.
Racism: Against but it's not all that simple, is it?
Sexism: Same applies.
Bullying/harrassment: Generally against, but some people really do deserve bringing down a peg or two. This does not mean that bullying is acceptable.
Politics: I don't know what you mean. I'm probably not too enamoured with our current political system (but I support restoring the crusty old farts to the Lords, by the way). My politics are libertarian, with a streak of pro-Unionist Euroscepticism to go with it.
Adult pornography: For, as long as all participants consent. Bring it on!
Child pornography: Against! It's a vile trade and no question.
Incest: No, it's taboo for a reason.
Pedophilia: No, it destroys kids
Gay Marriage: What? Oxymoron
Gay Adoption: Should be married to adopt. See Above.
Sex Change Operations: Fine, but I don't want to hear any whining about people giving you a hard time about it.
Rape/Sexual Abuse: No, rapists need their genitalia cut off.
Polygamy: No, it's a bad idea.
Interracial Marriages: Yes, but I don't to hear any whining about people being racist toward you.
War: Yes, for a just cause.
Beastiality: No, . . . brb whilst I throw up.
Freedom of Speech: Yes, I'm doing it Right Now.
Prayer In Public School: Yes, it is the student's choice.
Racism: It's all about "content of character."
Sexism: It's all about "content of character" and big knockers. lol
Bullying/Harrassment: It's bad for everyone.
Politics: Better than anarchy.
Adult Pornography: It is overall bad for society but I'm not going to be a hypocrite . . . yes.
Child Pornography: See: Pedophilia

Joined: 21 Sep 2006
Age: 32
Gender: Male
Posts: 10,860
Location: Under your bed, in your closet, in your head
Incest: Depends
Pedophilia: Depends
Gay Marriage: For
Gay Adoption: For
Sex Change Operations: For
Rape/Sexual Abuse: Against
Polygamy: For
Interracial Marriages/Relationships: For
Religion: For
War: Depends
Bestiality: Depends
Freedom Of Speech: For
Prayer In Public School: For
Racism: Against
Sexism: Against
Bullying/Harrassment: Against
Politics: Depends
Adult Pornography: Depends
Child Pornography: Depends
You have your way. I have my way. As for the right way, the correct way, and the only way, it does not exist.
Incest: Against
Pedophilia: Against
Gay Marriage: For
Gay Adoption: For
Sex Change Operations: For
Rape/Sexual Abuse: Against
Polygamy: Against
Interracial Marriages/Relationships: For
Religion: Against
War: Against
Beastiality: Against
Freedom Of Speech: For
Prayer In Public School: Against
Racism: Against
Sexism: Against
Bullying/Harrassment: Against
Politics: For
Adult Pornography: For
Child Pornography: Against
... as it should be.
Incest: no comment
Pedophilia: Against
Gay Marriage: for
Gay Adoption: depends (it depends for straight adoption, too)
Sex Change Operations: depends (age and mental stability ect.)
Rape/Sexual Abuse: Against
Polygamy: Against
Interracial Marriages/Relationships: For
Religion: for (with a few... extreme... exceptions of course)
War: Depends
Beastiality: Against (Icky)
Freedom Of Speech: depends (see racism and sexism and bullying/harrassment.. freedom of speach goes both ways)
Prayer In Public School: depends (not forced but not punished if one wishes to pray. I prayed before every test I ever took )
Racism: Against (also depends on how you would define racism)
Sexism: Against (see racism)
Bullying/Harrassment: Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against Against
Politics: no comment
Adult Pornography: Against (its icky)
Child Pornography: Against (its icky and wrong)
SpaceCase.... what is this for anyway? just to get opinions or a project or something?

Joined: 24 Mar 2006
Age: 34
Gender: Female
Posts: 8,015
Location: en la luna bailando con las vacas
Incest: Against
Pedophilia: Against
Gay Marriage: For
Gay Adoption: Depends(in straight and gay adoption it depends on the kind of parents)
Sex Change Operations: Depends
Rape/Sexual Abuse: Against
Polygamy: Depends
Interracial Marriages/Relationships: For
Religion: Depends
War: Depends
Beastiality: Against
Freedom Of Speech: For
Prayer In Public School: Don't care
Racism: Against
Sexism: Against
Bullying/Harrassment: Against
Politics: Depends
Adult Pornography: Against
Child Pornography: Against
tinky is currently trying to overcome anatidaephobia. They're out there and they will find you...
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you may tire of the world but the world will never tire of you