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15 Nov 2014, 5:11 pm

I have this problem all the time. I have several games installed on my computer like SimCity 4 and Rulers of Nations (Geopolitical Simulator) and I think I have an especially tough time with the learning curve because of Aspergers, or my SimCity 4 is screwed up. I also owned SimCity 4 for quite a few years now and I still can't get past the beginning. I'm also afraid of "trying too hard". I think I might as well give up gaming sims like these because of my Aspergers. I can't even get past the very start of making a city.


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15 Nov 2014, 7:49 pm

Hmm, what exactly seems to be the problem? What part of the game are you getting hung up on? Maybe I can help a bit. I tend to be familiar with games like that.

Plenty of games like that have tough learning curves, particularly depending on how well or not the tutorial is done. ...or if the game in question even HAS one. If you've heard of Paradox's "grand strategy" games, like Europa Universalis and others, those have.... terrible learning curve of DOOOOM, and.... hardly any tutorial, at all. Just.... what.

And lots of games on PC are like that.

But anyway. If you describe the problem a bit more, possibly I might be able to help.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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16 Nov 2014, 9:25 pm

The thing I do when I run up against a game that seems like it was written by insane monkeys is instead of trying to figure out what I'm doing I remember that everything I see was an intentional and logical choice made by one of the game designers.. so I try instead to figure out what they intended for me to do what goals they expect me to have and how they think I might try to accomplish them.

When it was developed they didn't just put stuff anywhere they tried to imagine you playing it and anticipate what you might do or where you might look.

There is always a method to the madness even if it not obvious from the start.

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17 Nov 2014, 9:11 am

sim city 3000 is better.


play fallout new vegas instead! great game for those on the spectrum


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24 Nov 2014, 12:03 am

I considered Sim City 3000 as an alternative but wouldn't that be downgrading? I can totally do this, but it just feels kind of weird especially since i never played 3000 to begin with.

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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24 Nov 2014, 11:24 pm

Its kind of strange but yeah a lot of simulation games actually get worse as sequels are made.

The developers already made the best game they could then the bossman tells them they have to make another.. since they cant do better but have to change it enough to not anger the buyers who would realize they were just spending money twice on the same game they actually had to make the game worse in some ways just to get it out the door.

While graphics might improve over the years in a lot of genres the mechanics of the game was perfected decades ago.

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25 Nov 2014, 2:59 pm

I'll admit that I tried to do with with various rts games but, rarely have been able to become very successful at such be it age of empires online,total war series,etc.. Currently I'm playing star trek online and though it has not been easy in the early part of the game it was not super difficult though to be able to progress through the game I'd sometimes have to watch playthroughs on youtube to get past difficult challenges though not all..


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25 Nov 2014, 3:10 pm

If I am feeling especially clueless with a game that I want to get into, I'll get a notebook and write down everything I know related to the game and its scenarios in tedious, redundant, mind-numbing detail. This sometimes helps with information processing.