I recently saw an episode of Batman The Animated series called 'Heart of Ice'. The character of Mr Freeze for me seems to be a fantastic fictional symbol of Aspergers.
Though my problem is actually ADHD, I have read several accounts of people who have Aspergers, and their feelings & outlook on life, and most importantly, what isn't revealed about them to the outside world. And a lot of this was paralleled by this character.
As one person put it, this is ''a character whose emotionless evil is a facade that hides a brutal, sympathetic tragedy. The fact that he leaves one of his own henchmen to his fate after his legs are frozen solid is the perfect way to characterize Mr. Freeze as a ruthless, unfeeling monster, and in a lesser show, that would?ve been where it stopped. But as Heart of Ice continues, it becomes clear that Freeze is anything but ? he attempts to deny himself his emotions because he can?t take the pain of them.
This isn?t a man who doesn?t feel. It?s a man who feels too much.''
Watch the episodes ''Heart of Ice'' and ''Deep Freeze'', and see what you think. Hopefully I'm not talking complete nonsense here.