Strange? Then I am strange and proud of it. There's absolutely nothing wrong with writing stories. Maybe it's only strange to your mom because it doesn't interest her. Some people have trouble understanding things they aren't interested in.
I have done both, written for my own enjoyment, and written in an attempt to make money, and I have to say that writing what I want to write, for me, is much more enjoyable. Writing for money is hard work, and there's no guarantee of income from it even after that hard work, and there's a lot of rejection. Writing for publication (or the hope of it) almost ruined my enjoyment of writing, so I'm always cautious about encouraging people to do that. But writing for yourself, just because you love it, you can't lose. So fine, if you ever want to try to do it for money, but there's no good reason not to do it just for you. We watch TV and read books for hours and hours with no hope of income, so what's the big deal?
Want to write stories? Go for it. Enjoy.
Besides, any man who doesn't appreciate you writing just because you enjoy it is probably someone you don't need in your life anyway. Why wouldn't he want you to do what you enjoy?