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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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Joined: 1 Jan 2015
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01 Jan 2015, 11:19 pm

I am an Opera Singer from New Zealand. I am currently living in Cardiff and working on a Masters in Advanced Vocal Studies at the Wales International Academy of Voice.

I am fairly sure I am on the spectrum, but do not have a formal diagnosis at this stage. I was identified by the learning support team at the Academy (following a screening at orientation) as requiring further investigation. This meant doing a bunch of questionnaires, gathering information about my childhood development and a few weeks of one-to-one sessions which featured a battery of intelligence and learning proficiency tests. They made it clear that they couldn't offer a diagnosis but that they thought it was likely I was on the spectrum and could seek a formal diagnosis from a specialist via GP referral if I wished.

I also sought out some online resources:

AQ Test Score: 45

Aspie Quiz Scores:
My neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 152 of 200
My neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 64 of 200

Again, not a diagnosis, but it does seem to explain a lot of the difficulties I have had with "fitting in" socially as both a child and an adult. More about that later, if you're interested. For now, it's nice to be here and I hope to get to know some of you in the coming weeks.

Happy New Year!


~ Singing Synaesthete ~


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02 Jan 2015, 3:24 am

Hey Andrew welcome. :sunny:

No power in the 'verse can stop me. - River Tam (Firefly)


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02 Jan 2015, 6:33 pm

Welcome to Wrong Planet!

Silly NTs, I have Aspergers, and having Aspergers is gr-r-reat!


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03 Jan 2015, 10:17 am

Welcome! :)

English is not my native language. So it is possible that there are mistakes in my posts. Please correct me, I´m still learning.