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29 Jan 2015, 6:26 pm

Is there anybody else in that situation? I don't see what is wrong with it, is it acceptable? I mean I have the freedom to buy whatever I want whenever I want, don't I? Do you own more than one computer for yourself? Is there anything wrong with two or even three?

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29 Jan 2015, 7:00 pm

I have 10. 5 of them are used often. 5 are not. They are older, but will run plenty fast with Slitaz, Puppy, or Salix GNU/Linux. If I can only have one, I'll keep a high-spec rugged laptop. Versatile. I could stand to pare down to 2. My wife has 3 of her own.

Last edited by klausnrooster on 29 Jan 2015, 7:00 pm, edited 1 time in total.


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29 Jan 2015, 7:00 pm

Good Grief!

It's not like you're married to a computer, so of course you can own more than one!


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30 Jan 2015, 5:23 am

I have too many, but most are old vintage such as SGI Octane, SPARCstations, RS6000 etc.

I only use one of the sparcs now, just to test programs on a different arch/byte order, and laugh at how long it takes to generate a 4096 bit keypair ;)

Plus, old computers seem to reach a rock bottom price and then as they become fewer, go up in value :)


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30 Jan 2015, 1:39 pm

I do not see anything, wrong with it...but I don't really see much point unless someone needs different computers for different things like if they have a general use computer and a separate gaming computer or someone who has a desk-top computer as well as a lap top for when they're out and can afford both. If I upgrade my laptop I would probably sell this one to help pay for the new one.

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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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30 Jan 2015, 1:55 pm

My personal opinion is that you can never have to many computers. I have 10 different comps if you count my Raspberry PI and they all still work. I'm installing Vista on one as I'm typing this.


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30 Jan 2015, 1:57 pm

I have a 2nd computer for web surfing with solid state drive.

If it gets hacked I can go back and reboot from the original HD--probably no more than 10 minutes to open it up and hook up the cables back up.

It is great for doing two things at once--good multitasking practice.


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31 Jan 2015, 6:35 am

I have a different pocket computer for everyday of the week.(and then some) I use old "smartphones" as play devices and I do have numerous tablet PCs, not to mention the laptop and two older tower PCs,

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31 Jan 2015, 10:14 am

Apart from the Amiga 1200 in the cupboard, I have three all connected up and in use.
The oldest has all my music on and is the one I use for the internet, the next two are my gaming computers, kept lean and fast without all the crap the internet seems to bog your computer down with.
One of them is for XP games, the latest is for Windows 7.
The next one I will build myself when faster games require it, that way I can update it rather than the Dells that last forever but seem to be designed so that you cannot update them much.
Then I will have four!


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31 Jan 2015, 10:57 pm

For working, I have a PC that has never been online - and it runs just as fast as when initially purchased. No Windows Update clog.

I have a cheap laptop for going online.

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31 Jan 2015, 11:22 pm

Just did a rough count in my head & I regularly use three but I own eight counting my smartphones. My workstation at the office is about as fast as all that combined.

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31 Jan 2015, 11:58 pm

klausnrooster wrote:
I have 10. 5 of them are used often. 5 are not. They are older, but will run plenty fast with Slitaz, Puppy, or Salix GNU/Linux. If I can only have one, I'll keep a high-spec rugged laptop. Versatile. I could stand to pare down to 2. My wife has 3 of her own.

Me likes Puppy. I had a near-relative, Qtopia in the Archos OpenPMA exploit on a 605 Wifi. Fast little hacker toy for its' time!

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04 Feb 2015, 2:29 pm

I have 7 computers to my name alone. Two of them are newer machines, the rest are older that I got for free or paid very little for. I have a Lenovo desktop, which is what I use most frequently and am on now, a Lenovo Thinkpad R-series laptop (my other newer PC), two Dell Dimension desktops (on standard size and one small form), a Quantex desktop (my first computer, in the middle of an upgrade from a P3 to P4 board), a no name custom built Pentium III desktop, and a Windows 98 or 2000 Dell Latitude laptop.

The only one I use frequently is my Lenovo desktop, while my Lenovo Laptop doesn't get much use anymore and the others are in basement storage. I like having them because when we finish our basement, I would like to install a variety of Windows and Lunux OS's on them for playing around with and tinkering. I have a 4 port KVM switch so I can hook up to four of them to one monitor, keyboard, and mouse.

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04 Feb 2015, 3:44 pm

I own three computers at this time, but work primarily off my Windows 8.1 Hewlett-Packard.

The HP has the most recent software on it, for example, Office 2013 (I can't stand Office 365, I don't know about you, feel free to sound off on that), SketchUp 2015, and has the latest (but not necessarily greatest) components onboard.

I also own a Dell Latitude E6400 that runs Windows 7 SP1. I have a couple of programs that just don't work under Windows 8.1, even with compatibility layers, special switches, or running from the DOS Prompt, and that's why I retain it. Finally, I have an experimental unit that is a Dell Optiplex GX280 (or something like that) running Windows 2000 SP4. I only use it when I'm feeling nostalgic, and that's not often.

Additionally, I run various historic versions of Windows on either VirtualBox or Virtual PC 2007 from my HP. I don't run them at the same time, though- I've tried and have run my computer aground more than once doing just that, so I don't.

Back to the question at hand: is it okay/normal to own more than one computer? Here's my take on that.
Normal: Maybe...
Acceptable: Certainly, so long as you don't trip a breaker in the process.


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06 Feb 2015, 2:38 am

ReactOS would be quite apropos for this thread; open source Windows 2000/XP! I haven't run it on anything personally but that's only due to the congruent binary support on 7 & 8.1. I use 8.1 at work so I have no need but I'm sure I'll give it a go on some (possibly virtual) machine I can spare in the near future.

"Standing on a well-chilled cinder, we see the fading of the suns, and try to recall the vanished brilliance of the origin of the worlds."
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06 Feb 2015, 4:18 pm

The is CPUs in so many things nowadays you probably own more than you think.