From here on out, SRS would not likely assist me
Had I had access a decade ago, I would today be a lot better off than I am right now. The last chance for it to do something came last year, when I discovered that my company's Summary Plan Description, which the company said was authoritative, did not explicitly exclude SRS. I ran this by a lawyer at the TLDEF and he said that if I can demonstrate medical necessity I should be able to get it. My psychiatrist and psychologist noted how my mood improved when I thought I had access and both thought I was a good candidate for SRS; they each wrote a letter showing how under WPATH v. 7 and my insurance company's gender reassignment policy I met the criteria. I spoke with my endocrinologist to make sure and he encouraged me to go forward with SRS and wrote a letter himself. I then submitted these letters to Dr. Bowers's office along with the paperwork they had me send. The SRS was denied, which caused my functioning to decline. I would learn that the Evidence of Coverage for my plan had a specific exclusion for "transsexual surgery."
I am now on disability as a result of all this. The leave of absence I have with my company will end 8 days from now.
When I was interviewed using the Examination of Anomalous Self-Experience last December, I learned that I had long had certain traits, which I think have grown worse over the past few months, that would interfere with the ability for my SRS to be successful: 1.9 Ambivalence, 1.11 Disturbance of Thought Initiative or Thought Intentionality, and 2.16 Diminished Initiative.
1.9 I think I met because I often have conflicting feelings about doing something. Like I would lie in bed and would want to get up to do something, but at the same time I would want to remain in bed.
1.11 I think I met because I would think about doing something, but would remain idle for a very long time, while the thought of doing that thing would remain in my mind.
2.16 I think I met because I would want to do something, but at the same time I would see how hard it is and how much work it all is, paralyzing me and making me just sit there and think about doing it over and over again.
Now, I do find I tend to have much less problem with the 3 items above when another person is present and is giving me direction. Their direction allows me to see what I need to do clearly and brings an end to all the contrary thoughts, allowing me to actually develop a single perspective on something.
The aftercare for SRS is quite involved. It requires multiple and long-lasting dilations every day for at least the first 6 months to a year and since the neovagina does not clean itself it also requires douching. With those 3 traits, my SRS would likely end up being a failure.
The only way around it is to have support, someone there to structure my day, to tell me, It's time for your dilation, etc.
Ever since I was 8, when I learned about SRS in a medical dictionary, I dreamed of having it as my genitals disgusted me, but it appears that such a thing cannot possibly come to pass, at least in any sort of successful way.
"You have a responsibility to consider all sides of a problem and a responsibility to make a judgment and a responsibility to care for all involved." --Ian Danskin
Not so at all. Recommendations are to dilate three times a day for the first three months, reducing to twice a day at six months. Typical time required per dilation - five to ten minutes, max. I have never douched. Ten years post-op dilate every three to four months when I remember.
Rev Mother Bene Gesserit
Sent from my PDP11/05 running RSX-11D via an ASR33 (TTY)
Not so at all. Recommendations are to dilate three times a day for the first three months, reducing to twice a day at six months. Typical time required per dilation - five to ten minutes, max. I have never douched. Ten years post-op dilate every three to four months when I remember.
I think I could hold to that regimen, given that I have support.
"You have a responsibility to consider all sides of a problem and a responsibility to make a judgment and a responsibility to care for all involved." --Ian Danskin
I have no support ! ! Never have had. Flew to Phuket Thailand from Australia for surgery. No one went with me, and no one was around when I returned. Get used to being the only person in one's own world. It's no big deal.
Rev Mother Bene Gesserit
Sent from my PDP11/05 running RSX-11D via an ASR33 (TTY)
I have no support ! ! Never have had. Flew to Phuket Thailand from Australia for surgery. No one went with me, and no one was around when I returned. Get used to being the only person in one's own world. It's no big deal.
To overcome the 3 above-mentioned self-disorders, I need support.
"You have a responsibility to consider all sides of a problem and a responsibility to make a judgment and a responsibility to care for all involved." --Ian Danskin
Strange as it may seem for an Asperger's support forum, you might be surprised to find that many Aspies lack any kind of support network. It seems to go with the territory. If you think that friends and helpful acquaintances will just pop out of the woodwork as and when necessary, sorry it doesn't happen.
Rev Mother Bene Gesserit
Sent from my PDP11/05 running RSX-11D via an ASR33 (TTY)