hollowmoon wrote:
I have tried but its hard. I dont know which to make, which muscles to move, how it looks. It overwhelms me because it is so unnatural.
My rule is smile when they look at you smiling or when they say something funny. You can practice your smile in front of a mirror until you perfect it, and then use it around people to see the result.
As for me, I don't know how to make a frown or an angry face. I've been asked before "do you even get angry?" And boy, do I get angry.
But I smile a lot, and it makes people feel more comfortable around me. Although, seeing it in the mirror, it looks more like a smirk than a smile. Perhaps I should work on that.
hollowmoon wrote:
I read online that NT's are giving off signals all the time... I was wondering do you think they notice that I don't give off any? How would they interpret that? Since they give off signals ALL the time, and I never do?
I doubt that this is true. I think it means that all people give off signals all the time, and that includes people with ASD. It doesn't mean that autistics don't give off signals, but that they may be the wrong ones.
"They sound good in my brain, then my tongue makes not the words sound very good, formally." - Homer Simpson
Undisgnosed - Aspie score: 122 of 200 - NT score: 105 of 200