Ever a time where you want more from a video game?

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Tufted Titmouse
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30 Jan 2015, 11:46 pm

Well, I've not started topics before but this thought popped into my head.

I really like Sonic Adventure 2 and find it to be quite enjoyable, same with Soul Reaver and a Few Fighting games but sometimes I think what would it be like if the Sonic Adventure games were just Sonic's speed stages rather than having to play as Tails, Knuckles or whoever else. I have no problems with the treasure hunting and Shooting stages but they sometimes get tedious for me.


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31 Jan 2015, 12:39 am

Usually, if I like a game I want more from it. And it's sad, it creates situations like Arthur Conan Doyle, the creator of Sherlock Holmes, who tried to end his franchise gracefully, only to be menaced and buttonholed by irate fans demanding the return of the heroic detective.
I would rather a story end well than continue lamely until it is eventually abandoned, the Alien films are a prime example of this. In the third film the protagonist dies dramatically, but still there was made a fourth film, which everybody hates.

Yellow-bellied Woodpecker
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31 Jan 2015, 1:02 am

I know this feeling. Also, nice to see a fan of sonic adventure. Personally, I tend to look at both what can be added, and what can be removed. Like Big's stages. That stuff should never have gone past the drawning board. Or maybe SHadow's stages in SA2. They should have had more of them.
Take for instance Shadow the Hedgehog. I thought the game would have been better if it was like a GTA or Mercenaries like sandbox game.
As for tediouse, that's what makes games games. You have these tediouse moments so that you can bask in the moments you like. It helps make the experience greater. However, it can go against the player a lot. Take for instance GTA San Andreas. I love how the game was very gang based early on. Then the story take a turn, going into fantasy land with the whole CIA thing, only to go back into gangland at the last minuete.

Sea Gull
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11 Feb 2015, 7:09 pm

Sometimes this happens, but I prefer to judge the games that I play as a cohesive experience. The games that I really don't like tend be ones that completely throw out the idea of being a cohesive experience or only do it in paltry half-measures. Payday 2, for example, is a game I love to hate because there's a massive dissonance between the characters, the story and the promotional material and how the game actually works. The games that I really like, on the other hand, may have small flaws in them and may have parts that aren't immediately enjoyable, but the overall design and execution is superb and the parts that aren't immediately enjoyable still serve a purpose. It's just how I enjoy games, and I suppose I could say that I get the feeling that I want more from a game when it fails to fulfill those ideals.

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11 Feb 2015, 11:57 pm

of course I have... a few good examples:

Skyward Sword. I would have liked more options beyond awkward gimmicky motion controls, more of an overworld to EXPLORE, more enemy variety ( seriously, 3 Ghirahim fights, 3 fights against that bs Imprisoned boss and like 6 enemy types with slight variations ) and better tools

Assassin's Creed series. More FUN with the combat and exploration/freerunning, less forced stealth and lame tailing missions....

Smash Bros...more unlock methods for the bloody COLLECTIBLES. Seriously, this need to force players to be gods with the ability to put up with lame/frustrating bs modes and insane difficulties needs to die

Prince of Persia...more, just MORE. I'm specifically referring to the reboot with Elika, the game ended on a damn cliffhanger that continued in an epilogue DLC which also ended on a freaking cliffhanger....

Golden Sun....like above, just plain MORE. I mean Dark Dawn cliffhangers at the end...either they should have had more story to avoid that or they need to get part 4 done ASAP

Resident Evil 6...more zombie killing, less annoying setpiece moments and bullet sponge BOWs that take 3 clips to the face without dying on the easiest difficulties.

Hyrule Warriors. More representation. I was hoping to see Vaati, Onox, Byrne, Yuga and Nabooru as playable characters and battles based around Wind Waker, Minish Cap, Four Swords, and Link's Awakening....

Ore Sanjou!


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12 Feb 2015, 12:17 am

Pretty much every modern FPS game there is.

Holy heck. BORING. I hate sitting through set-piece moments, which seem to comprise 50% (at least) of each game, all of which I find boring, and then the actual gameplay is... also boring. For the most part they're all what I refer to as "hide-n-snipe" games, which are a superb way to get me to fall asleep. Just.... uuugh. Dull. Very dull. I want an FPS that is FAST. That doesnt make you use bloody stupid cover mechanics to sit in one spot and pop out repeatedly to fire. An FPS that doesnt even have a sniper rifle of any sort in it whatsoever.

Street Fighter (entire series): I always want to like this series. I always end up not liking it. I'm sorry, but the "fights" in this game are... they're not fights to me. They're at their worst in high level "pro" matches, where each player sorta wiggles in place at their opponent, every now and then sorta almost maybe kinda possibly but not really sticking a foot out in the vague direction of the other guy. Unless one of them can use ranged attacks, at which point they'll be spammed endlessly. The game is just WAY too freaking slow for me. I want them to move faster! I want it to encourage aggressive play, not encourage wiggling! And I'd love for character movesets to be more interesting. Just how many fireball users do we need?

Zelda series: ARGH. I used to love this series. And then came Ocarina. My affection of the series died a truly hideous death, as the challenge and very interestingly-designed areas vanished, to be replaced with the bloody set-piece spots and hyper-obvious puzzles (gee, I'm in the dungeon where I get this hook thing. Here's a puzzle room. Is the solution to use the hook thing? LETS FIND OU- oh of course it is). And of course the blank emptiness that is Hyrule Field. The series, to me, just got worse over time. And dont even get me started on Skyward. Joy, it's a modern Zelda that's PLAYED WITH THE DAMN WIIMOTE. Kill it! Kill it with fire! I want the old Zelda games back; the ones where you werent given super-obvious clues every step of the way, the ones where there was STUFF on EVERY screen, the ones that didnt NEED "setpiece" moments to captivate the player.

Every game with cutscenes: I'd like "more" from all of these. A lack of cutscenes counts as *alot* more, to me. Nowadays, I just dont play games that have these.

JRPGs: Give me some challenge, dammit! There's always all of these complicated battle systems, which sound great on paper, but in execution, you usually only USE about 10% of the stuff that's there, because the games are so freaking easy that the other bits just arent necessary. This trend is SO pervasive that I gave up on the entire genre. Doesnt help that they're STUFFED with cutscenes.

Sea Gull
Sea Gull

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12 Feb 2015, 1:56 am

Golden Sun....like above, just plain MORE. I mean Dark Dawn cliffhangers at the end...either they should have had more story to avoid that or they need to get part 4 done ASAP

I'd like see more Golden Sun stuff. It might be better if Nintendo bought the license, they'd milk the franchise and we'd have more spin-offs then we'd possibly want.

I've been playing Final Fantasy Dissidia recently, and that game has almost too much content. The engine would be perfect for a Dragonball Z game though. The battles are long enough, and there are a lot of special effects.

I liked the Harry Potter games for Gameboy Colour. It would be awesome if there was a game for each book.

I really want to see Megazeux or ZZT ported to Android. There were some goods games for those programs, and I'd love to play them on my phone.

I'd say something clever, but here's a Youtube link instead https://youtu.be/YwjnQEtc4p4


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12 Feb 2015, 6:28 am

During almost the entire seventh generation of games this kind of feeling ("this has potention to be way better") passed through my mind.
Why is this story so badly explained?
Why is this combat so easy?
What?! The game is already over?!
Why I'm in a quest to save the world and it is as easy as to go on a vacantion?
Why I beated this game almost without dying?
Why this game says that it have diffrent consequences based on my choices but everything leads to the same end?
Why this gameplay is good but the story is so poor?
Why this story is so good but the gameplay is so poor?
This combat is kinda nice but it feels so sloooowww

Those things popped through my mind more than I would like to during the last few years.


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12 Feb 2015, 6:04 pm

SpaceAgeBushRanger wrote:
Golden Sun....like above, just plain MORE. I mean Dark Dawn cliffhangers at the end...either they should have had more story to avoid that or they need to get part 4 done ASAP

I'd like see more Golden Sun stuff. It might be better if Nintendo bought the license, they'd milk the franchise and we'd have more spin-offs then we'd possibly want.

Nintendo already owns the license, it's a first party game ( or 2nd party as it's developed by Camelot...either way, Nintend-owned lol ). And Nintendo only milks Mario, Zelda, Kirby and Pokemon...I mean really, how often do you hear about Fire Emblem, StarTropics, F-Zero or HarmoKnight etc in comparison?

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12 Feb 2015, 9:10 pm

Andrejake wrote:
During almost the entire seventh generation of games this kind of feeling ("this has potention to be way better") passed through my mind.
Why is this story so badly explained?
Why is this combat so easy?
What?! The game is already over?!

Those things popped through my mind more than I would like to during the last few years.

Action games have been so dumbed down, even in the last ten years. It's infuriating. FPS games are the worst victim of this, especially military shooters. With a military shooter designed for console nowadays, it's like:
1 button for cover system
1 button for sprint
1 action/use button
1 button for "aim"

And what's left of the controller is supposed to do everything else. Add in a "melee attack" button, and you're already looking at a very simplistic game.