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14 Mar 2007, 10:19 am

you know what I am talking about .. have you looked in the mirror and smiled? -> does it look fake?

well to me Mine does.... have you ever realised that somtimes your smiles make certain co-workers hate you?

How have you curbed your enthusiasm (The pun is real...I wouldn't employ that guy either)


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14 Mar 2007, 10:21 am

Here's my smile.


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14 Mar 2007, 11:05 am

I am not quite sure how my smile comes across to others, I never really thought about it. When you look in the mirror you won't be seeing your real smile anyway.


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14 Mar 2007, 11:09 am

Good point .. but there was a thread about smiling already... I came to the conclusion that that strange blank face that some ASpies posses,,, may make it difficult to work in the Team envirinment.

I found that my face, not just the smile, but it's overall emotionless state.... made it disconterting to the workers around me.

...most of the time the workers will wnat you out of thier sight.... especially so if you are new.

...What do you do? Smoke dope to look more happy?

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14 Mar 2007, 11:20 am

Co-workers may not hate you for smiling, they may just be curious about why your smiling. Sometimes I smile for no apparent reason and others probably think I'm mad. If your co-workers accept you for who you are, you should not have to worry about if your smile looks real or not. Once again I really never thought about how I come across when I smile, I don't smoke dope to make myself look happier, I could function in work if I did.


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14 Mar 2007, 11:39 am

I smile all the time, but it's mainly because one of my obsessions is comedy. I've never done drugs in my life.

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14 Mar 2007, 11:42 am

you would probably look sader anyway, if you smoked dope.

Hmm, I prefer not to dwell on it either,, but recently (last 9 days since I found WPlanet) I have learnt to smile alot, some people have started to get scared of me, but I seem to be doing better with customers.... maybe it's just the fact that I transitioned to this happy state that has got them confused.

Chickens have feathers, Like eggs have shells...being tickled can hurt.

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14 Mar 2007, 12:28 pm

Yes, it´s true..

people are scared when they see us smile for no apparent reason. And the wild mood swings and tantrums make it even worse. I try to avoid them both...and fail miserably.

When someone finds the answer to this please pm me.


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14 Mar 2007, 12:28 pm

Erlyrisa wrote:
you would probably look sader anyway, if you smoked dope.

Hmm, I prefer not to dwell on it either,, but recently (last 9 days since I found WPlanet) I have learnt to smile alot, some people have started to get scared of me, but I seem to be doing better with customers.... maybe it's just the fact that I transitioned to this happy state that has got them confused.

I really like when a sales person is happy, I hate a sales person that is angry and shove things in my face. Just keep smiling :D :D


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14 Mar 2007, 12:52 pm

My smile is weird...I force it too often I guess. But when I'm genuinely pleased, my smile is lovely. I can't do it for a camera, so my school pictures sucked, except my senior pic, because my brother was making faces at me from behind the camera and making all sorts of inappropriate gestures lol.

Smiling is nice when you really feel it; but too often I don't and people expect me to so I force it and it looks lopsided and fake then, but it appeases them so I don't change it.

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14 Mar 2007, 1:34 pm

Yeah those telphone company salesmen are the worst -> when they make those lame jokes to try and get you in the mood for buying.

Lately, thanks to WPlanet , I have had a big enlightenment experience... becuase of it, now everywhere I look, or even when I cloe my eyes, I can't stop being happy!

..It's like this drug called happines went off in my skull, that hadn't been their in years....I mean it's good, but some people are starting to think that I am on drugs!

---Especially when I have started to try and be at one with them... I feel like a hippie without a protest!

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14 Mar 2007, 1:55 pm

I was looking at some old pictures of myself and my last girlfriend, and had shown some to some co-workers. They mentioned I looked different but couldn't put their fingers on it. I thought about it and told them it was because I was smiling in all the pictures, because she always made me smile when I was around her. She has that effect on people. I also realised that I haven't been happy since she left, or at least not as much nor as often.

I was always told that there is safety in numbers, so I majored in math.

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14 Mar 2007, 2:01 pm

Tanz wrote:
I was looking at some old pictures of myself and my last girlfriend, and had shown some to some co-workers. They mentioned I looked different but couldn't put their fingers on it. I thought about it and told them it was because I was smiling in all the pictures, because she always made me smile when I was around her. She has that effect on people. I also realised that I haven't been happy since she left, or at least not as much nor as often.

That's what I was like,, she was the most happy go-lucky little pocket rocket on the planet..and I let her go.... but now I'm married to Wplanet!

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19 Mar 2007, 3:49 pm

I don't like my smile. Many times people have told me i have a forced smile. How should i feel now about smiling at all when i'm in a good mood. ??

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21 Mar 2007, 2:13 pm

I don't think I much like my smile, real or forced. I think I've seen my real smile... but now that I think about it, maybe not.

I like my face. And my eyes. But not my smile.

Whats odd is when you realize that your laugh is almost always fake... that you just know when people expect you to laugh so you do... and it has become an unconscious action. I realized this about myself when laughing hysterically along with a room full of people at a joke a coworker told... then when I decided I was done, I stopped. It stopped the whole room. Everyone was like, wtf "how did you do that?" They had to explain to me that it wasn't normal to just go from hysterical red-faced laughing to normal pale faced calm like I had flipped a switch. The only thing I could say was, "oh."


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21 Mar 2007, 2:32 pm

What smile?

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