Joe90 wrote:
I'm starting to feel more....well wouldn't say popular exactly, but more noticed in real life than online. Facebook I quit because each time I posted something I hardly ever got even 1 like or any comments, but other people did even if they posted the most stupidest, pathetic stuff, like ''I am sitting on a bench'' and they got 2 likes, that annoyed me. Then when I posted something actually worth posting, like at a social event with my boyfriend, I got no likes or comments at all. Then I thought I'd post something stupid and mundane and see if I got any likes, so I posted something simplistic too like ''I am riding a bus'', but still got no likes or comments, so I quit Facebook. Then people were like ''oh I miss you on Facebook'' and ''why don't you go back on Facebook?'' But I couldn't really tell them why because it makes it look like I want attention or something, which I don't, it's just that I'm doing no different on Facebook to what everybody else does.
Seems like my instagram experiment experience. Pics of 'me' (me, the stuff I do, etc) which is no different than what others post and I barely got a couple of likes... but post a pic of my dog and it gets hundreds of likes.
Joe90 wrote:
Also I feel unpopular on WP too. Each time I make a thread in GAD, it only gets about 3 replies, and then I make a reply to the posts and then the thread suddenly dies off. But other threads seem to stay on page 1 for days or even weeks, whatever the subject may be. And no, I haven't made many self-loathing posts at all since nearly a year ago when I first went on antidepressants. So it ain't that. It must be a mystery, or I just somehow bore everybody, even though other threads are sometimes boring but they don't die off after 3 or 4 posts.
I'm sorry, I do have a habit of comparing myself to others, and then I take it personally.
I know how that feels. I enjoy your posts however, you're an interesting person. Many times I just have nothing to say that can add or argue a point.