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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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Joined: 10 May 2013
Age: 28
Gender: Male
Posts: 31

17 Feb 2015, 1:56 am

Not sure if this is the appropriate place to put this but I'll do my spiel and hope for the best.

I am currently a freshman in college, living on the island of Oahu in Hawaii and have been trying to meet other individuals on the spectrum, to which I have not had much luck. I am looking into support groups but I feel perhaps there are other ways to meet others on the spectrum. I want to get to know other people on the spectrum, their interests, and perhaps even how they come to deal with the daily challenges our autism presents us with.

So, essentially, are there any aspies on this forum who live on O'ahu and would like to potentially meet up with other aspies sometime?