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19 Feb 2015, 1:51 pm

My son has always had a curious reaction to warm/hot water -- instead of relaxing him, it seems to make him extra hyper and impulsive. This has calmed down some in recent years, or he's gotten better at handling it.

Yesterday he went to an outdoor warm water pool with his babysitter, and when he came home he told me that going to that pool always seems to depress him. (News to me, he's always been very eager to go.) He swims regularly at the Boys and Girls club and loves it, but it's an indoor pool and I'm guessing not as warm.

Is this familiar to anyone?

Sharing the spectrum with my awesome daughter.


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20 Feb 2015, 3:57 am

Some kids have a very low threshold for heat. Does heat bother him otherwise, like hot weather? Or is it just water?

I'm not on the spectrum, but I do have some significant sensory processing issues. Being is a warm bath, hot shower, hot tub, is NOT my idea of fun. It makes me sweaty and uncomfortable- sometimes I feel like I can't breathe. It's just very claustrophobic-like to me. I get irritated/impulsive if I can't immediately get out of those conditions once I start feeling like that. I have no clue if this is how your kiddo feels, but that's my own reason for not liking warm water.


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20 Feb 2015, 11:28 am

I've never reacted too well to either cold or hot water--though I've been getting better in relation to hot.

I react quite well to warm water, actually.


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20 Feb 2015, 9:34 pm

It's not that he doesn't like warm water. He seems to enjoy it a lot. It just has an odd effect on his emotional state.

Sharing the spectrum with my awesome daughter.


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05 Mar 2015, 9:31 am

I don't think there's anything to be worried about. Just give him some space and let him take his time during the swimming. Everything will be fine