UKdude1966 wrote:
I am researching the endocrynology of ASD/Asperger's
For yourself, or as part of a formally undertaken study by a research organisation?
Do you mean endocr
OK so I have dyslexia.
UKdude1966 wrote:
and finding that some people are reporting that pain medication seems to have little to no effect.
This is extremely vague. The more specific your question, the easier it'll be to answer. 'Pain' is broad, and can range from mild headache to a broken bone - and far worse.
'Little to no effect' on what
kind of pain?
It is the effectiveness of the pain medication I am investigating. Not the pain. The reports I have indicate that analgesics for many individuals with ASD/Asperger's do not work for any pain in any circumstances. The data published is extremely vague and some of it is empirical. I am endevouring to at least work out some kind of profile that will indicate if analgesics having zero effect, is a small proportion of those with ASD/Asperger's or if it is widespread. That analgesics have zero effect for some individuals is beyond doubt. How many that number is or what percentage, has as far as I can see, never been researched, and as far as I can see the exact mechanism has not been researched. That said I suspect that there is a different mechanism for each class of analgesia.
Published data - published by whom, and in what context?
This depends on several factors. Initially after I have completed the review, I will be presenting the research to two research hospitals in the UK. If I get their backing to research further it is likely that they will want papers submitted to research journals. The aim in the long term is to get a handbook published by the NHS for Asperger's and the implications for social and medical care. Even though this issue has had some research and Panskepp was publishing research as far back as 1977, and his work has been validated to the point where it is published in books EG:
Tsai, Luke., (2001), Taking the Mystery out of Medications in Autism/Asperger Syndromes, Arlington(TX): Future Horizons inc.
The information that is available regarding the differences for pain assessment and management in ASD/Asperger's is simply not being disseminated to frontline staff EG nurses doctors and anathesiologists.
Most individuals who join this forum to ask such questions usually, as default, state the university where they study etc
As many do not read the whole of the post I kept the length to a minimum.