kraftiekortie wrote:
LOL...As long as your clothes smell good--who cares?
I don't know. But my mom says people realize it, especially since I am a girl. Apparently a girl should wear different set of clothes everyday just like a girl needs a new dress for each important party. I always considered it unfair. Boys can use the same suit every time and noone realizes but when a girl shows up in the same dress 2nd time they ask "Hey, isn't it the dress you wore for Jake's wedding?". As if there was something bad with it...
But maybe I am just overreacting. It's a rule I heard a lot of times so I am afraid of breaking it. I am awkward even without wearing the same thing everyday and it isn't much of a problem to change sweater everyday or get a few dresses for special occasions (I buy dresses 2nd hand when they are cheap) so if thats the price I must pay to be considered slightly less odd I will just do it.
On the other hand when aged 19 I went on a cousin wedding wearing jeans and a tank-top once and nothing bad happened. Some people even complimented my "unique" style. Or perhaps they were sarcastic?
It was first weeding I attended and I was forced to attend it so I rebelled. My mom had no way to influence my clothing choice and save family opinion about me because I clearly said "I will go only if I can wear what I like" when presented to a uncomfortable dress she bought for me.
I listened to her after that though - and bought some comfortable dresses in advance for future weddings so I won't have to fight with her again.
But even with those dresses I don't I fit in. All of them are ball gowns and from what I recently realized NT girls wear short, average looking dresses or skirts. Last wedding I attended only me and the bride had ball gowns, out of about 70 girls there. My fashion sense is a fail.
Last edited by Kiriae on 20 Mar 2015, 10:04 am, edited 1 time in total.