There are some really great breathing and soft pallet exercises you can do to gain control over involuntary actions in that department. Ayurvedic medicine kinda has an answer for everything. LOL.
One thing that keeps popping up in my research is the power of visualization. Basically anything you can do, from sleeping less to deepening your resting breath, from inventing a new product, to memorizing the phone book can, from breaking the world power lifting record, to landing a date with your crush, can be achieved with the real faith that you can do it, and visualizing it is a powerful tool to helping you acquire that faith. Confidence was the only performance enhancer Mike Tyson ever needed, and he was one of the greatest boxers of all time. Also, visualizing the performance of an action in your mind, actually stimulates many of the same neurological pathways in the brain as actually performing that action because of the way that mirror neurons function. If you don't know about mirror neurons, do yourself a favor and youtube that stuff. It turns out that watching someone else do something, also mimics doing it yourself on a neurological level. So its a great way to repeatedly practice doing something you'd much rather not do once. Don't believe me?, try watching a hot sauce eating contest on youtube. If you're not sweating by the end of it, you can call me a liar!
Good luck sweetheart!
They call me Ben, thanks for letting me share!