I've had a liking for the strange for most of my life. Dinosaurs, deep-sea fish, science fantasy, time travel, anything that's refreshingly different from the stereotyped world I'm stuck with for so much of the time. I once considered trying to create an authentic, vintage-looking 78rpm shellac copy of "I Am The Walrus" by the Beatles, just for the fun of it.
One of the best dreams I had was that I was reading a bible in which the stories continued right up to modern times, with chapters such as "The Book of Clive" which was about Clive of India. I don't think I'd like dreams much if they weren't so bizarre.
I don't like modern art much as a rule, but was kind of impressed to find that Salvador Dali had created a suit which had wine glasses attached to it, and in its pockets were detailed instructions on what types of wine to fill the glasses with. The suit was not meant to be actually worn, and the instructions weren't meant to be actually carried out, the idea was just to keep it on a hanger in the wardrobe. I still can't explain why I felt that was good.