The Church of the Winged Gnome Goddess is open to anyone. She doesn't even mind people who worship other dieties...She is mostly a protective and house spirit. She guards against Tedium and Annoyance, but also Dire Adversity. Her fiersome countenanance is intended to scare away evil spirits and bad luck.
She is my own personal invented religion of which I am high preistess, but since the Church of The Winged Gnome Goddess has such an open membership, it is not technically a cult.
The Winged Gnome goddessmay possibly be thousands of years old, however the first shrine to her was only erected in 1999.
Some Important Things You Should Know About the Winged Gnome Goddess: The Winged Gnome Goddess Is Real! She Lives in a cave in Hermann Park in Houston TX. Although there is only one known sacred shrine to her in existence, and only a few people know about her, thousands flock to her homeplace every month!! The Winged Gnome Goddess has no claims of having made or destroyed anything. She will not punish you for not worshipping her, but prayers to her might be rewarded with interesting luck and diversion from potentially annoying and possibly fatal predicaments!! She has been known to protect against car trouble on long road trips, getting stopped by the cops, being in the wrong place at the wrong time, drunken bike accidents, and much much more. Her proud and fearsome countenance is great for scaring away evil spirits and annoying and confusing aggressive hate-spewing fundamentalist Christians. She is not the Goddess of Gnomes, but a Gnome who happens to be a Goddess!! Her favorite color is cobalt blue! This also happens to be the color of her wings, hair and sandals! She is not all-powerful, for example, prayers to her might bring your cat inside after he has just escaped and darted across a busy street, but that does not mean your cat won't get run over a few weeks later. If you are ever in a distressing situation, such as trying to ride your bike home when you are completely wasted at 3 in the morning, and don't feel particularly safe, repeat this mantra to yourself until the fear is averted: "Winged Gnome Goddess Protect Me, Protect me Winged Gnome Goddess"..and so on If you are ever stuck in a very long line or some place there you have to wait for a very long time, sing this hymn loudly to yourself and the time will magically fly by!! HYMN TO THE WINGED GNOME GODDESS (sounds a little like twinkle twinkle little star) Although there are many great spirits among us, we like to worship the Winged Gnome Goddess! The Winged Gnome Goddess with cobalt blue wings! She's naked and fearsome and screams when she sings! She looks like a bat got mixed up with a fairy! Looks kind of evil, but really she's merry! There is no house that is qute a home, Unless it's protected by a Winged Gnome. Unless it's protected by a Winged Gnome. Unless it's protected by a Winged Gnome. Of all the spirits she's the one who's the oddest! She seems rather proud, but she's really quite modest. Not the goddess of Gnomes, but a Gnome who's a Goddess! With wings so they call her the Winged Gnome Goddess. From Tedium and annoyance and dire adversity, Winged Gnome Goddess please protect me Winged Gnome Goddess please protect me Winged Gnome Goddess please protect me