Aniihya wrote:
I don't get stoned or high from marijuana. I often feel like I am slightly drunk and marijuana also make me hyper and really uncomfortable. However it seems like I am the only one who reacts to marijuana like this. That is why I haven't smoked it in five years.
That sounds like what Sativa does, as opposed to Indica. I used to do Sativa edibles and clean my whole house! Unfortunately in places where it's not legal or available medically, you have no way of knowing what you're getting.
I was just reading last night that high CBD and low THC strains can be really great for Aspergers/autism. I'm new to California and don't have a card here yet but I want to find a dispensary that specializes in this type of oil. I do keep a stash of edibles (I don't take a get-high dose, I just have a tiny bit to medicate) on hand for when my anxiety gets out of hand because they either put me to sleep or just make everything seem warmer & fuzzier.