Ailurus wrote:
Creation is also an act of faith that requires a lot of self-esteem. I want the end result to be perfect, but I keep questioning my capacity to build something perfect. That, sometimes, make me puts all stuffs I am working on on hold for long times, because, what's the point if it can't reach my expectations?
Perfect, how this describes my own difficulties with the creative process. (A high compliment, but ultimately we're all stuck in the same rut. Alas.
I've heard the comparison made between writing and sports: they are both things you have to
practice, until it becomes a muscle memory of sorts. I also remember one author - I've since forgotten who - stating that one should write "without hope and without despair", which is a zen-like state I've never willfully forced myself into (and certainly not on a schedule). I've written some of my better work under spontaneity, but it's always saddled with one or two problems that I'm unable to deal with the next day. So continues the vicious cycle: I revise, am dissatisfied with revisions, file it away indefinitely, get preoccupied with a new idea...and on. If this is ADD, it blows.