I'd like to share my work
Also to preserve it in the event that the sites its posted to disappear or my pc dies someday lol.
So the following replies on this thread i'll be making are rather long. I'm a writer, not by trade but hobby for now. I prefer fiction and have a fascination with zombies and anything science fiction. I'm also a supporter of a number of early access games around the net.
They are prob still not grammatically perfect but when you have this many pages to wade through things get tricky. The first story i will post is my ongoing zombie story. None of them have names yet, i may add one someday.
The sources can be found on the following links
http://www.thequantumprinciple.com/phpB ... ?f=2&t=108
http://www.sandswept.net/forums/viewtop ... 31&t=12048
Im like over there, somewhere.....
Last edited by magnum233 on 27 Jun 2015, 12:56 pm, edited 1 time in total.
A short survivors story - The day I found salvation.
It had been almost a year since the outbreak. I stumbled through the remnants of what I called home, the us army was decimated - reduced to a skeleton of its former self. Every so often the odd gun shot would ring out. Nothing was left of its former power base, command had ceased barking orders over seven months ago. All my friends and family were taken but I knew I had to endure, I had to sustain their memory. Fragments of my former life was all I could cling too, what little humanity was left I had become one of its caretakers.
My name is Vance Oriely. I am now a defender of scorched earth. This is the story of how I rose through the ashes and helped build a new world.
Day 365 - To what little remains we give thanks
I ran, I ran so damn far. Food was running low, I knew I had to find more soon. Running, its all I knew anymore. I had made and lost friends, found my humanity and lost it again. Seemed day in day out hell on earth had arrived. Yet through it all the occasional shimmer of hope was found.
Today I traveled along a deserted downtown street, I figured I must be somewhere in what used to be Vegas. "Little good the chips would do now", I could hear the shrieks of those damned creatures everywhere. Some sounded too close for comfort as I silently crept forward, I clenched dead eye my friend and comfort close as I moved along the street. Some would call me crazy for giving my rifle a name but she's helped me stay alive more than anyone has. After walking and hiding from the occasional roaming herd, I beheld across the street what appeared to be an intact firebird. I scanned for walkers, watching for stragglers. "All clear", I ran across smoothly like a cat. Slowly I moved towards the car. She was amazing. The previous owners corpse was hung over the wheel, it was obvious he loved his car enough to die in it so I removed him respectfully and climbed in.
Looking around the interior I found little of use except the keys still lodged in the ignition. I considered for a minute, instead of moving on what if she turns over. I weighed my options, if the car spunup and had gas I could get out of this damned city. If not I'd be torn too pieces in seconds.
Damn it, I tried. I turned the key and prayed, took a deep breath and with a mighty roar the engine sprung into life. I almost punched a fist into the roof of my newly acquired hotrod, then I crashed back to reality seeing the hoards were shuffling towards me. I shifted the gear and floored her, must of crushed 100 walkers by the time I reached the city limits. What a relief!, I was finally out of the rot.
After driving for what seemed like weeks, I arrived at the desert. Nevada desert, the long dead dustbowl of the USA. I remember reading years before everything went to hell dotted around this area was weapons testing ranges, so where weapons are tested must be weapons right? I speeded past wrecked cars here and there. A fleeting thought occurred that I should check them for supplies but I couldn't stop, I was having too much fun. It felt good to be human again. I didn't know where my destination was but I didn't care. The car was my horse and road my bride.
As I drove on night fall was rapidly approaching, I needed shelter and I needed it quick! I surveyed my surroundings after pulling over. Where was I exactly? Somewhere still in the Nevada desert I guessed. I roared off again and carried on past a ruined cob webbed gas station, thought twice about that death trap. It was then when I spotted a glint from something in the distance. Fuel gauge was starting to read low "damn one way trip all gotta die someday". As I drew closer to the glinting, I realized this was no random glint at all. The glint was coming from a dusty but just readable sign attached to its gate.
This was what I had been dreaming about. The gate was locked tight, I gunned the engine and smashed through it making it rattle on its hinges as it madly spun away. A drive up a long dusty path later and about a dozen walkers flattened brought me to a parking lot with white and grey unmarked buildings that appeared to have no obvious use. "THIS IS WHERE I MAKE MY STAND!". I climbed out of my spent hotrod as my stomach started to rumble, and cautiously walked towards a door in what appeared to be the main building being the largest. I dreaded what I might discover inside beyond death, not that death bothered me anymore.
The door was secured shut and I shouted out loud "DAMN YOU OPEN" as the sun was about to set. I hammered fists with all my might but it refused to budge. "ARhhhh" I screamed in pain as my fists started becoming bloody from share desperation. One last desperate lunge at the door as I threw all my weight at it, it didn't even buckle. I came to the conclusion it wasn't gonna give. Then the car, I looked at it glinting and gleaming at me like a protective lion. I had a sudden urge to start the engine and use her as a battering ram. She would give her life to save mine. I ran to her as quick as I could and vaulted through the drivers side window gave her some gas as I stroked her wheel one last time. I backed up a little gritted my teeth and said "this is it all or nothing" as I hurtled forward aiming for the door. I could hear the dead waking, waiting for their dinner.
There was a massive wrenching sound a bit like steel plates being shattered as the firebird came to a skid and spun around. Once I came too, the dust started to settle and I looked around. I marveled at my handy work. The front of my poor lady was all bent in and distorted, she was a ruined wreck but the buildings door was completely smashed in. It worked! The sky was dark but I didn't care I brought myself another day in this scorched earth. Shelter and food.
I immediately sprinted out of the car in through whatever waited beyond that door. Inside the first item that caught my attention was a military issue glock. It was still being clutched by its previous owner whom was slouched forward seated at a dusty desk. A uniformed soldier bearing no special insignia. I guessed this was one of those off record places that people always talked about. Poor bugger looked like he had had his throat ripped out. I gingerly grasped the glock and took it from his long dead hand. After living this way for sometime now I had learnt how to use just about any standard weapon, so I instinctively knew to check the magazine. "Hmmm a full clip minus one", he only fired one round off. "Never had a chance" I said almost tearfully.
I brushed dead eye back on her strap, steeled myself and held the glock out infront ready for anything as I walked to the darkness, to oblivion.
It was deadly silent. Somehow emergency lighting was still working as I walked up a corridor, "probably a small reactor somewhere" I thought as I walked forward. I saw body's strewn everywhere in the corridor, thankfully most would never be getting up again. A few gurgled at me as I walked past, the dead only know hunger. I continued on through the multitude of corpses and spied a M16 carbine with underslung grenade launcher winking at me. The grenade launcher had M203 stamped on it. Dead eye had just meet a big brother. It was laying next to a soldier who's death grimace told me he looked true horror in the face during his final moments. I holstered the glock in my pants, and examined the carbine. I could not believe my luck a full magazine. As I looked the grenade launcher over something occurred to me. This base must of been overrun quickly looking around at the corpses "glad I wasn't here to see the party". I checked the launchers breech, it had a round loaded "What a score". As I moved on I grasped the carbine in both hands, walking past offices with papers strewn about and limbs of the previous employees scattered everywhere.
After walking for about an hour past many varied rooms and offices I came to a large metal door with an attached electronic keypad. I noticed it barely had power as its led display flickered dimly. "End of the line" I said outloud as I slammed my fist on the door. Suddenly I could hear shuffling behind, I quickly spun around to see a small pack of roamers walking towards me. "DAMN the entrance!" I muttered trying not to shout. "Should of blocked it off, F..K!". They were still some yards off yet, I had precious little time. I knew I needed to conserve ammo but the noise wouldn't be a good idea either I thought. In a split second I considered my options as moans and gurgles came towards me. To my left was an office with yet more paper flung around "not much in there". To my right was a fire extinguisher. Now I knew some electronic locks can be tricked using certain chemicals, but this was a us army off the radar installation and no ordinary electronic lock.
I looked up and saw a fire sprinkler on the ceiling "maybe, if I could start it somehow?". What did I have to lose now anyway?, only way out. I figured the fire extinguisher could make an improvised bomb but I had no where near enough time for that however I mused it might be a good diversion tactic. I dropped the carbine which noisily rattled around, snapped the extinguisher from its wall mounting and let rip aiming at the crowd coming towards me. They slipped and flopped around all the while moaning away, if watched in a theatrical production roars of laughter would of followed. "Sorry guys, this is one meatbag not for dinner"
Stupid walkers I thought as I scooped up the carbine and then looked in desperation for a way out. I begun rummaging through the office. After some very quick searching I found what appeared to be a lighter which had some message engraved on it, no time to read grabbed a little paper and set it on fire then wafted it under the sprinkler. I knew this was gonna attract millions of them but had no choice. Immediately a piercing alarm wound up as the sprinkler system whirred into action. The locked door slid open. "THANK GOD!", the walkers were within a whiskers reach of me. I sprinted through the door arch as I slipped the lighter in my pocket to whatever fate was beyond. The moment I got through I spun around trying to slam the door on them. The infernal thing refused to move "Must be auto locking, damn". So I ran in near darkness to where I don't know but I was alive. The dead could hear my heart pounding, they could smell my blood.
A short journey up a corridor lead me to a large auditorium, it looked a bit like a mess hall. The firealarm was still blaring away as I had a look around the room. It appeared largely empty with a few walkers motionlessly standing around nothing I couldn't handle but I had to secure the entrance behind me first. I frantically looked for a way to lock down the corridor that lead me here. A button on the wall near the exit? YES IT WAS RED. I pressed it, and heard a grinding sound like some hidden gears being activated next thing I knew a large bulk head on hydraulics slammed down blocking the entrance to the large auditorium off which in turn shut the firealarm down and sprinkler system. I could hear my pursuers shuffling towards it moaning away, I chuckled to myself "NO MEAL TONIGHT" as I ran a free hand over dead eyes buttstock. After this I turned back and looked to my new home, "one last fight before I can rest". I noticed what appeared to be a nearby combat knife that some displaced soldier had left on a table. I quietly moved up to the table and gently placed the carbine on it and then turned my attention to the knife. I quickly picked up the knife and lurched forward, the walkers turned to greet the meat now running towards them at extreme speed. Ten seconds later they were just corpses again after I skewered their heads.
"This is my home!, Your not welcome!" I exclaimed to the now deceased undead with my boot resting on ones head. After this I looked around my new living quarters, and noticed there was rations and water on various tables. Man was I hungry, my stomach was now feeling like them. I had found a home, for how ever long it lasted but a place of refuge. Something caught my eye, I looked upwards. Through a very far up barred and secured vent I observed snow falling. I remembered it was the last night of the year. What a fitting gift! As I felt a little hope and looked around the room I noticed there was a large amount of ammunition and guns piled up in one corner.
A new year was about to arrive and Vance Oriely was ready to wage a war.
"To lash out and protect all that is sacred, all that survives is the last testament of mankind" - Vance Oriely. First day of the great zed war.
Day 366 - To all things, reboot
I awoke with a stream of sunlight hitting my face, it was warm. "Where was I?". Sunlight was coming from the small barred vent overhead. The events of yesterday and last night gradually came back to me, I looked over at a table. My new friend was sitting there. I waved at the M16. I must of been exhausted somehow slept on the floor. "The most sleep I've had in months".
Gradually I got to my feet, stomach rumbling away. My throat was sandpaper, needed water. I noticed my handy work still laying where I left them. Once I groggily rose, I cautiously looked around my new home aware there may be more uninvited guests further in the complex. Somehow the glock had skidded away from my pants, guess I collapsed falling into deep sleep. Deadeye was nearby must of fallen away, I picked her up and kissed her "welcome back baby" then placed her back on my shoulder. I never check deadeye's ammo, she always there when I need her help. I feed her when she's hungry, she's good to me. Couldn't find the glock after some searching "must of fallen in some damn hole".
"Guns and ammo still where I left em". My memory was so hazy. Walking around I found some bottled water with a small food package. I hungrily ate the food, thankgod the water was still good. "Should be more rations around here somewhere" forgetting what I had seen when I first found this place. I walked over to the ammo and gun pile. "Hmmmm, couple of frag grenades mags for various hand guns and small rifles". One item stood out. I noticed a long, wide tubular barrel with a hand grip and strap. "Wohohoo what do we have here!", I enthusiastically remarked. It had the label AT4 stuck on it. I couldn't figure out what this weapon was for but I knew it contained a rocket, and that meant small horde leveling. "Who wants to come to a newyears undead bbq?"
I placed the AT4 on a table in easy reach, then resumed searching through the stockpile. There was a few other items of interest. A couple of survival kits, a small cooking primus and a green duffel bag. "What could be hiding in here?". The bag was hefty, so I hauled it away from the stockpile to see what loot was inside. After some effort unzipping it I became very excited when I noticed small circular black tin like discs. "Is that what think that is?" I stammered. Sure enough it was, antipersonnel land mines. "JACKPOT!"
I carefully removed them from the bag, and piled them away from everything against one wall with a marker in front of them so I knew to tread lightly when near them. This was how my efforts to rebuild a fractured and dieing world begun, the day of humanity's payback had arrived.
There was not much else of interest in the room, I decided to check the perimeter after I moved the rations and water from various tables into a single pile on the largest table in the room. I looked back to the stressful entrance I had made, could see the large bulk head in place where it should be "Didn't I say no meal tonight!" as I made an insulting gesture with my fingers. I surveyed the edges of the room, only a single door exiting the auditorium. Emergency lighting was glowing from it.
"Outstanding, a good defensible room. One way in and a exit strategy" as I looked again at the bulk head. The only window was the overhead vent which I saw snow through last night, I guess this acted as air intake. "Atleast I wont run out of air".
It was time to make this room a bit more defensible, I moved tables up towards the unsecured door and overturned some in front of it to create a few defensible positions. I moved a few more tables next too these overturned ones and placed a couple of handguns and rifles with spare magazines so that in a hurry I had guns ready to go. Checked ammo on these guns "good to go". I also placed the grenades next to them "nothing like an exploding pineapple". I turned and looked at the AT4 longingly "NO" I decided "it should be used as a last resort". My love of guns and firepower started at a much younger age. Mom and Pa would take me to national gun day in the deep south. I have fond memories of tommy guns, and remember how I would pretend I was Capone. "Hah, Capone of a dieing world that's original".
Up till this point I had nothing to carry provisions in, I had been running and scavenging. Eating and drinking when I could. I looked at the duffelbag and examined it. Turned out I could attach a strap. I looked around for something to attach to my new kit. I found some sort of string wound around a pole, I think a pipe. Looked like a good amount, after removing it from the pipe I wound it over and over through some metal rings on the bag and created a sort of make shift strap then tied it tight using impressive knot work. I slipped this over myself and under deadeye, fitted perfectly. I begun throwing rations and water bottles in, grabbed a few spare mags for the M16 which I placed in my pocket and thought it best I also take a new hand gun. I looked through the unused pistols and found another glock, this one had a laser pointer attached. I placed the glock down my pants after checking its ammo which was full, picked up the M16 with deadeye slungback and moved towards the now secure door.
This corridor was different to the previous. There was a sort of feeling of dread coming from it. No windows, no offices. No doorways of any sort, only a long dimly lit corridor. "A torch would be great about now" I hummed. It was also silent, deathly silent. There was no signs of any body's, but I was sure I would find some. I moved forward cautiously, trigger finger twitching at the ready other hand on the barrel. After a brief walk I came to another doorway. More red light was pulsing through from the interior with some kind hum like noise. "Was that a terminal?, maybe a computer terminal?". I knew if this was a communications room or operations room I needed to be ready for anything. I peered in, checked around the corners. All clear. As I moved in, I heard a low moan "CRAP ones in here". That's when I remembered the knife I used last night "DAMN IT, I forgot to grab that". "Guns make good clubs right?". I saw it shuffling towards me, it was on the otherside of the room and missing an arm. Sure was hungry instantly moaning at me. "Deadeye, honey got a job for you".
As the walker moved towards me, I flung the M16 on the floor. I pulled my baby from my shoulder, spun her around and prepared to swing. It was a few feet from me when I swung with great speed. The rifle butt made contact, the walkers head splattered into fragments all over the floor with a sickening crack as its body followed and a disgusting stream of stale blood flowed out "Well done honey, your getting a nice polish for that". Now that my would be assailant was dispatched, I checked out the room.
Eventually I found the source of the hum, it was afterall a computer terminal. An empty seat was wedged in under its desk. I sat down to have a look. A slide out keyboard was hiding under the desk. The terminal screen was blank, but a small light gave away that it had power. I tapped a large button on the keyboard which made the screen display something. A prompt appeared which said, NORAD NETWORK, SECURE ACCESS. SCI CLEARANCE REQUIRED. PLEASE ENTER YOUR CREDENTIALS
I knew if I typed the wrong credentials too many times it would automatically lock itself beyond repair. I was tempted to try, but decided to carry on. Who knew who or what I might find further in. I had meet survivors along the way but none of them had lasted, perhaps if I meet another things would turn out different. Another doorway exited the small terminal room, after picking up the M16 I moved slowly to it and peered around the corner, couldn't see much so I moved in. I found myself in yet another corridor that was far wider. This one had seen some fighting, there was body's lying everywhere with sandbags and a couple of mounted heavy machine guns. I could see shell casings, with various bullet holes and burn marks along the walls but where was the dead that should be dead? Surely the undead are not genocidal eating their own kind? If nothing else it was obvious the base commander made his last stand here. This corridor was also much shorter, past the machine gun nests I could see a large doorway with flashing light coming from its interior and a low hum. The door was the largest I had seen yet, I guessed this must be the command center. I started pushing forwards, as I walked past the machine guns I made a mental note to acquire one during the return journey. Some of body's were so mangled they were not distinguishable, if they were once men or women was anyone's guess. "Must of been a hell of a fight". The new rooms door was exquisite, it was extremely heavy and vaulted like a bank vault door. It was also blown wide open, I guess someone tried to escape in a hurry. I noticed black marks where high explosives had been detonated.
As I moved through the large doorway I heard some sort of muffled crying. Mumbling maybe? "That's no walker". I considered the risk of shouting. "Hello, is someone here?, damnit show yourself". Nothing, but the slightly muffled crying continued. "Hey, I wanna help comeon man don't be afraid. Im alive aint I?"
Silence, "this is stupid, I'm gonna attract every damn walker in the base if I don't stop" Screw it I started moving to another exit door, when suddenly one loud word was spoken from the darkness "ALIVE?". That was all I heard, from a very nervous sounding voice. Someone was there! I quietly but sternly replied "ALIVE!". Too which the voice replied "Your... your real?" I replied "Damnright I am, and if you want to stay alive you better come out". The voice said back "S... Sorry I've been on my own for so long now and lost all hope". I replied "Comeon pal, you've got a crack fighter here to protect you, now comeon out". The voice replied "o.. ok, I'm coming".
Out of the darkness emerged a ragged skinny man, about 6 foot wearing a dirty pair of glasses. He was visibly malnourished and had clearly been to hell and back. I moved my hand out to shake his and said "Welcome to the start of the war for humanity".
"My names Zackary, i, i think im all thats left". He explained what happened, what a lousy thing to live through. Every friend he had, every work colleague gone. Zackary explained the base was overrun. They were hoping to hold out as a small pocket of resistance a bastion of humanity, but the hoards were immense in size and no amount of firepower could stop them.
"No one knows where or how this whole thing started, man all I know is there was some batshit crazy blackbooks projects being run and that's about it. Then the world ended, everything just stopped man. Man, It was like a giant bomb went off! One by one the soldiers fell, until it was me and few hard dudes left. The base commander went down with the ship man, rest his soul".
He explained he was the onsite administrator, it was too important to lose him. He was one of only a few staff on base who could access all systems. He was defended at all costs. Zackery explained that the fight was going badly, he feared for his life knowing that the base was lost. He hid in a small cooling duct. During this time until I discovered him, he made quick ration runs having the occasional close call. "Why didn't you pick up a pistol?, there's a small stock pile not far away" Zackery replied "I... (he gave a nervous look with shaking hands) I don't know how to fire f..king guns this isn't my world anymore forgive me commander Blake. F.f.f, im just a system admin i'm not built for this stuff" tears streaming down. I replied "I see (laughing), if you want to help rebuild humanity your going to need some weapons training" as I stroked deadeye. "Come here zack", the poor man was at his end. "Put your hand out" and as he did so i grabbed it pulled him forward and hugged Zack "your safe now, safe"
Zack showed me around the room we were in, explaining it was indeed the operations room and much of the bases automatic systems can be accessed from here. Various consoles and screens lined the walls at desks. I explained to Zack that I had already established a base of operations in the main auditorium. He said "ok man, I'm just your information guy". As we traveled back I remembered the heavy mounted machine guns "damn gotta drop the M16, you stay put" as I pointed at it on the floor. With this in a display of extreme effort I picked up a heavy machine gun from its tripod after which Zack picked up the tripod, displaying his own feat of strength. As we lumbered back with the weight of the gun and tripod through the terminal room, I asked Zack "buddy, what's so secret about this terminal?" He remarked "Oh that, you don't want to mess with that man. Nukes, don't go there man just back off!" We silently walked back to the newly established operations room and prepared for night fall.
I remembered the lighter in my pocket, I forgot all about that. I pulled it out and read the engraved message on it. Written on the lighter, glinting like fire was "To my dearest husband, may this lighter keep you warm when there is no light left. 30 April 1975". "Zack?, who owned this lighter?" I asked with a puzzled look. He replied "The supreme commander of NORAD".
- the character count wasn't long enough to post it all in one post lol multiple posts it is.
Im like over there, somewhere.....
Last edited by magnum233 on 27 Jun 2015, 12:54 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Scarce little remains, but the flickering candle stays lite. It is the legacy of man in these shattered days" - Vance Oriely.
Day 367 - Fortress Nevada
With Zack's help I mounted the machine gun on its tripod, evening was drawing in as we dug in and fortified. We positioned it towards the doorway and cleared some of the tables to provide a good line of sight. Two of the moved tables were setup on either side of the machinegun turned on their sides to provide a makeshift barricade. The gun appeared to have an attached ammo box so it provided some degree of defense. I performed a last minute check on the small arms lying around to make sure they were loaded, and assessed our current defensive stance.
"Well it aint gonna get any better than this". I asked Zack what skills he had beyond IT. He said "Well man, ive been known to cook a tasty steak" "Great, so what else can you do besides playing wizard and making me a superb meal?" Zackery replied "hmmmm *Zack paused for a few seconds* i can blow things up, is that any help dude?" "You dont say?????" "Guess what Zack, ive got a job for you", to which he nervously replied "whh whattt?" I laughed a little but silently was aware of the danger i was putting my new friend in. "Zack pal, i need you to setup some mines for our hungry friends".
Poor Zack knew what to do in practice but said he had never actually been trained in military ordinance use. He felt confident he could do it, but was still feeling nervous twangs. I discussed with Zack some mining strategy's. I explained our exit strategy if we needed to move out in a hurry and how it was important to cover our departure. "You, you want me to mine our own operations center?" "Yeah its important because if we get cut off in the front as we leave atleast our rear will be secure, buddy we need to be able fight off anything in front of us if we get held up do you understand? Its not going to work if zeds are approaching from the rear". He stammered "ye yeah man sorry dude i see that now. Im just a little scared ive been through too much to lose it all now". He looked to me for some leadership and i proudly exclaimed "Zack, how about i make you the chief operations commander. Would you like a title pal? I need men like you to start a turning point, to help fight back the tide of walkers. I need guys who can show their teeth and think on their feet. All you have to do pal is prove yourself, take control of this. Do what is needed. You have the skills to do this man" "N, no one has said anything like that to me for a long time, your voice was the first human one i had heard in forever. Im real sorry Vance, I lost my nerve" "Zack, its ok man". I shook his hand and saluted him. "And call me Van" A fire appeared in his eyes and he steeled himself, an anger stirred in him. "ok man OK, i can do this" I helped him move the antipersonnel mines to a nearby table from the carefully placed pile. He begun examining them and looking at their design. A few minutes later he remarked "Ok, ive worked out how to arm them give me a minute". And with that he picked one up and asked "Where should i place these baby's?"
As the light was fading, i swear i could hear silent shuffling from somewhere in the interior of the base. I worked out cooperatively with Zack the most useful positions for the mines to be setup, which he then got to arming them. This room i was aware could become our own tomb if we were unlucky enough to be caught in a mine blast during a quick exit, but it couldn't be avoided. The mines were carefully cleared of any objects and furniture near them, and then were marked with pieces of cloth from where ever we could find some. We even tore a little of our own clothing off, it was better being cold and alive than dead and cold. Thankfully Zack completed the mining operation without incident. During the arming of each mine we both held our breaths. After the final mine was armed i shook Zacks hand again and saluted him, saying "good job chief operations commander".
All that was left now was to find a meal, and bunker down for the night. We decided to take rotating guard shifts, someone had to be awake incase a group wandered down the hall. I asked Zack "have you eaten recently pal?" while looking around for a small meal myself. "Look at me Van, what doya think man" he weakly laughed and coughed. "Grab a bottle of water and two packs of rations buddy, i cant have one of my top men in that shape" as i bellowed into laughter.
Sometime i guess about midnight i was in a deepsleep when i woke up startled. Zack was whispering to me tugging on my shirt "man wake up Van, wakeup dude i can hear something. Sounds like shuffling" "ok Zack, calm down im getting up" Quietly i got to my feet and moved towards the mounted gun. Zack quietly followed my lead and looked at one of the nearby pistols as i moved into position behind machine gun. I said "Zack, pal don't shoot first there might be other survivors here, we don't know if this is friend or foe" As the quiet shuffling moved slowly closer i whispered to deadeye.
"Darling what do you think? Does it want to eat us or not?" There was no moaning coming from the as yet unseen figure so it seemed premature to shoot. Could it be there was a few solders that made it through this massacre? "Hold Zack" i ordered as i noticed him reaching for the nearby pistol. As i wondered what to do, a thought occurred to me. "Zack, does this base have a call sign?" "mmmmmm, trying to remember man. YEAH!, thats right we did". He whispered "charlie bravo omega seven." "Thanks Zack, you may of just helped provide some usefull intel".
As the shadowy figure moved slowly forward towards us, in the emergency lighting it appeared it was crawling. "Is that blood?" as i noticed a small trail behind it. I quietly said towards the moving figure, "charlie bravo omega seven".
Instead of a ravenous gurgle a barely audible "help" expelled from the figures lips. "Zack, quick that must be a soldier, hes hurt might be near death". The figure stopped moving as we moved towards it. It did turn out to be a soldier, he had been badly injured and was barely alive. I moved in close to examine the soldier. Apart from his injuries he was heavily malnourished and had been living in his worn and torn uniform. I yelled at Zack "QUICK, get a bottle of water, quickly". Zack returned as fast as he could and i unscrewed the lid and held the bottle to the soldiers mouth. Fortunately he was not unconscious yet and sipped slowly. He very weakly said he didn't know how he managed to survive all this time but was glad we had found him. His injuries upon closer inspection were not as life threatening as i had feared but they were bad enough that he required immediate treatment. He had a large gash in his left leg, i couldn't tell if it was a bite or not. I guess if he turned atleast we were well equipped to deal with him. Other than this, there was some scraps and cuts but nothing that was seriously life threatening.
Zack and I picked up the man and carried him behind our defenses to a safer place. Till now we had been sleeping on the hard concrete floor but the condition of this soldier required something softer. "Zack, go and find my satchel bag the one i was wearing when i found you". Zack rummaged around the room and after a short while as i comforted the soldier, he returned with the bag. "Bring me that combat knife over there Zack pal" as i pointed to where i had left it when last used. Zack brought it over, and at once i emptied the bag of the contents i had stocked up in it then using the combat knife tore the bag open. Because the bag was quite thick material it made a good makeshift pillow and provided a little comfort compared to lying on hard concrete. I rolled one half of the now ripped bag out as much as i could and then rolled the other half up to create a pillow. I placed both of these on the ground and with zacks help carefully moved the man onto these. After the soldier was placed there he passed out and i worried he had slip into a coma but instead was in a deep sleep. "Zack, we need to bind his wound" "ok, tell me what i need to do Van". I inspected the soldiers wound. It was obvious he had lost a fair bit of blood.
The wound was still bleeding slightly, but i was worried far more about infection. "Zack, we gotta cauterize this wound to seal it up or he could die from infection" "ok man, whats the plan?" "Zack see that small burner over there? we need to clean, heat and sterilize my combat knife and then sear the wound with it. The wound also needs disinfecting. We need to find some strong alcohol. Because im now your commanding officer i will go, you need to keep things together here. Can you do this Zack? I'm relying on you pal, i know you can this. You'll learn to shoot quickly, i have faith in you" "Im ready Van!, those sons of b***h's took everything from me. Just give me an excuse!", the anger in him stirred more. "Ok!, i'll be back soon" "You do not leave this barricade under no circumstances Zack, let none through not one thats an order! This is all on you now, you can do this! When they come think of your friends, family and your colleagues that they took. For every zed you put down let it be one they took from you". Secretly i knew Zack had to be put through a test of fire to truly prove if he was ready for this, i had lost so many friends now it would not bother me if Zack was taken. But i did want to see him live through this, im not sure why? I had done fine on my own till now but i liked the guy i guess. There was plenty of punks in this world before that deserved death, but Zack was not one of them.
I remembered where i had left the M16, if i could reach it i had a chance to explore a little further in the base. Deadeye was bored, i could feel her cold steel ache for battle. The glock was still in my pants all this time. I gripped the pistol after turning on its laser pointer, a nice improvement "paint em and spray".
I decided it would be better to move lightly so i only took one extra mag for the glock and whatever ammo Deadeye had in her. I was probably as good as dead anyway if this mission failed. As i moved towards the secured door, i considered that if i made it back without anything to disinfect the soldiers wound and he went over we'd lose the only chance we have at any real intel in this base so we'd survive maybe a few months before we were overrun out of food and out of everything. I mean s**t the guy is probably combat experienced anyway, that in its self is worth saving him for. I passed Zack as he was hunched over the machine gun "Zack, pal you have any idea how to use that?" "No but im a quick learner", he saluted and resumed watching the door. "Cover me" i said jokingly. Truthfully i knew i'd end up getting shot if he did right now, so i hoped for the best as i moved up the corridor.
Slowly but cautiously i made my way up the dimly lite corridor. I arrived at the communications room with the still humming terminal. I steered briefly at the terminal zack warned me about "I hope to high hell we are never forced to use that" i said out loud. Slinking smoothly around corners checking for signs of walkers, zipping in and out of shadows i gradually made my way up the large corridor. I stopped for a moment at the sandbag machine gun positions and surveyed ahead. "No obvious movement or sounds" i noted. All was silent except for general machinery noises. I found the previously discarded M16 and holstered the glock back in my pants. Then picked up the M16 and vaulted over the sandbag pile making my way towards the command center. Once i reached the vaulted door, i surveyed the room quietly. Looked clear. Like a shadow, i moved in. The room was free of zed's after a full search. I momentarily had a closer look at some of the consoles, it seemed they were radio and communications consoles. While i knew alot about survival and the use and care of weapons i was no military expert. I decided if the mission was successful i'd bring Zack back here for a small tutorial. I looked towards the door which lead to more unexplored base interior. The door was closed, i slowly opened it pushing it ajar and moved forward with the M16 first pepping through.
The next sight that greeted my eyes, as i adjusted to the dim light was a horrific scene of violence. The floor was littered with body parts as if a grand orgy of blood by some primitive tribe had taken place. This must of been where the rest of the base employees huddled in a feeble attempt to continue living, relying on the bases security to protect them. "Bad call". I almost felt sick, but i had to make my way through this obscene theater of blood. As i slowly moved through the room, it looked like it was a specialist employee lounge. Prob most of these poor people were researchers and other specialists. Thankfully atleast none of them were in any state to get up again, i almost laughed sickly. One twisted and ripped up body i passed by, had a name tag barely visible covered in blood and unidentifiable liquids. I picked it up and wiped the grime away. Jakeob Phillips, senior project manager - biological entity division. It dawned on me that further in this base would be high security doors requiring card access. I searched an extremely blooded lab coat Jakeob was wearing, and in it was a card. Stenciled on the card was SCI clearance black #705, maybe a room number?
Pocketing the access card, i moved to the end of the room. The exit to the lounge appeared to be a secure door, it didn't surprise me. This door was different to others i had seen though, it had perspex paneling to let light through to whatever was behind it but the paneling was tinted black. There was no obvious way to open this door. I couldn't find a card reader at all. Nothing. I concluded it was controlled internally from something further in. So i was in a lounge, and where there is a lounge is alcohol right? I was now faced with my only option. A deceased employee surely had a previous drinking problem?
I started to examine the remains, what a terrible task it was. I would of gladly had to fend off a pack of zeds than this. "Bloody hell, atleast the dead have most of themselves in tact" i shouted as i moved my hands around various lab coats and shifted body parts with my boots. After maybe 10 minutes, i located something that looked promising. "Woooooooo, thats some strong brandy. I took a whiff, yup thats good for a Molotov. It aint surgery alcohol but it'll do" I removed the bottle from the previous owners hand who's connected arm then skidded over to another part of the room as a stiff finger caught on the bottle. I flinched as i heard the arm bounce off other body parts. Quickly i left this morgue of insanity, wondering if i was to find i am alone again. As i moved through the command center, i heard a string of shots ring out and screaming followed by multiple obscenity's. "Zack!" I bolted to the comms room, a couple of bullets hit the nearby corridor wall. A small group had made their way up the corridor from where? Didn't matter, he needed my help. They were hissing and gurgling, as they shuffled forwards.
Bullets whistled all over. I couldn't reach Zack, i'd get shot. So only thing to do, was take a shot from my current position. The M16 wasn't gonna cut it, not this time. I needed long range accuracy. "Deadeye, baby?, still bored?" I unslug her and placed the M16 on the floor then balanced myself in a safer spot where i was less likely to be shot by friendly fire. I edged against what looked like part of a cooling system. I Steadied up and raised her sight to my good eye. I could see them closing on Zack. He was trying his best but i knew he wouldn't survive without my help. He had taken a few out atleast. There was still four. "Ok baby, up to me and you now" More shots rung out as Zack screamed at the walkers. I think he had snapped, atleast he was trying. I zero'd in on the group. The next few seconds were critical, the shots had to count. Once upon a time i had practiced shooting multiple targets with single shots, this was sniper training. I loaded a shell in the breech, pulling deadeyes bolt back and got ready to fire. Its possible i thought that i might be able to draw them away from Zack atleast give him some breathing space. BOOM, one dropped as i eased off a round. They didn't turn to me, i knew i needed to move on this quick. "hmmmm three left". They were almost at Zack, i could see he was atleast following orders. He was prepared to die for this. I wrenched the bolt back as the spent shell case pinged to the floor. "Impossible, i'll never get three in one shot" "ZACK, i screamed, GET THE COMBAT KNIFE" "IS THAT YOU VAN?" "ZACK YES, QUICK NO TIME JUST DO IT" He ran to the knife and stayed back a bit as the group moved up towards the barricade.
I lined up 2 more zeds in my sights, pulled the bolt back and loaded the next round. "baby, listen i need you to help me here. Do your best my girl" For a split second two of the walkers heads lined up perfectly, i took the shot. BOOM, two for the price of one. Two of the remaining three zeds fell to the floor as their heads were shattered all over the wall.
"Thanks girl", I threw deadeye back on my shoulder. The last walker was trying to climb over the barricade, i could see Zack was unsure what to do. He was in trouble. But he had the knife in his hand. I hurtled forward as fast as my lungs would allow, i smashed into the remaining zed with the force of a bus. It flew forward, and landed on one of the tables. "ZACK, quick knife" I held it down as it tried to rip into my arms. Zack lunged forward knife in hand. He plunged the knife into the last walkers head, he slashed it again and again taking out all of his anger on it. "Zack stop pal, its gone you done it"
Zack dropped the knife and fell on the floor. He begun to shake and convulse. "Zack pal, its ok you did what you needed to do. Let it go Zack, its over". "You did good Zack, you didn't abandon a wounded man or our base, you did good". I sat down next to him and he vomited "here have a swig". He grabbed the brandy and knocked back about a quarter.
Breathlessly he gasped "I did what you asked man, i did it. I almost got wasted but i did it." I stood up, and i saluted him, he saluted back. I gave Zack some time to compose himself and process the events that had taken place. He staggered off to find some water and a meal. I walked over to our soon to be patient, he was running a small fever "Damn, we cant lose this soldier." He was mumbling a bit, guess he was getting a bit delirious. I checked his wound and sure enough it was beginning to puss up a bit, it was swollen and red.
Something had to be done soon, or we were gonna lose him. Once Zack had rested for a bit i walked over to him. "Zack the soldiers gonna die we need to fix his wound now" "Ok man, im ok now." "Get the primus Zack, meet me by his side". Zack wandered off to get the cooker, and i picked up the knife. The soldier was shouting a bit now, he was clearly not well. He keeped saying code words and other assorted phrases that were meaningless to me. I wondered what these things meant as Zack returned with the cooker.
Zack set the cooker up, ignited the gas and a small flame lept up. "We need one more item Zack, something to bind his wound with. Do you have anything buddy?" He frowned "there is something but i'd rather not" "quickly Zack, what is it we dont have time now to consider sentimental reasons" "my fathers waist coat" "quick get it" "oh man, please not that. It was passed down through the family its the only thing i have left. I hid it on base so i had something to remember him with. Its in the command center stashed." "Zack, listen to me. This MAN IS GOING TO DIE if we do not do something NOW!" "ok, ok man i'll get it" "Take my glock, just in case" I handed Zack the glock and he sprinted off then i got to work.
First things first, his wound was nasty looking. Time to clean that up a bit. I opened the brandy bottle and poured some on the open wound. The soldier screamed in pain, I held him down a bit. "Take it easy" i said softly to him. He barely acknowledged this and continued to mumble. Next the knife needed cleaning. Zack returned thankfully a few minutes later with a very impressive looking waist coat. I could see it was a relic, and it was of a quality not seen in a 100 years. "keep the glock Zack, its yours. Now pass me the waist coat" he very reluctantly handed it over. "Zack im sorry, this is going to split you in two so look away" "I know what lose is like pal, but it has to be done". I tore the waist coat into bandage sized strips using only my hands, it was old so it was easy to tear it at the seams. Zack cringed at every sound as i tore the waist coat. I could see it was hard on him. Next i used one of the bandage strips to clean the knife, i poured a little of the brandy on the strip, heated the knife over the primus and as tightly as i could moved the strip up the knife. The strip sort of bubbled and smoked but it cleaned the knife as if it was shining. "Zack i need you for one more task before we can rest" "What Van? Im a wreck here. Its hard to keep it together" "I need you to hold this soldier down while i seal up his wound." "Do whatever you need to do Zack, but its gotta be done"
Zack moved over to the soldier and lent over him as he held the man down with his head facing the wall. It was almost more than he can bare, seeing the last memory of his father being used in this way. I heated the knife a second time and moved it towards the soldiers cleaned wound. The soldier was shouting all manner of gibberish, i knew he was nearing death. I placed the knife on the solders wound, it was red hot. The solder screamed loudly. I hope that didn't attract anything i thought. The soldier thrashed around but Zack held him firmly. A few more seconds of the hot knife and the wound had been sealed shut. I removed it and placed it on the concrete to let it cool. Zack continued holding him down as i bound the wound, a tear rolled off Zacks face. "Thats it Zack, get some rest. You deserve more than a drink for what you've done this night" Zack staggered off and flopped almost face first on the concrete then passed out. He was sound asleep. He passed the test.
The soldiers breathing improved after a few hours and his fever reduced. I carried on with my guard shift as i looked at Zack deeply in sleep. "Its time i taught you how to shoot properly Zack"
"Curious thing the human race, even when all light has been extinguished when the deepest darkest pits of hell descended upon earth leaders among men still rise" - Vance Oriely. Battalion commander, Nevada
Day 368 - Training Day
A chilly morning i awoke too. Damn i must of passed out, too tired. "Well s**t, time to get up. Rise n shine lazy bones" shouting at a very deep sleeping zack. "Heyyyyyy man *cough* comeon let a guy sleep in for once" "Get up pal, your gonna learn to aim and shoot properly today". Zack protested a bit more but gradually woke up. "Get something to eat Zack, long day ahead" "Sure thing Van" with that Zack shuffled off to the food pile meanwhile i went and checked on our recovering soldier.
He was awake but weak. "water" the soldier said weakly. I went and grabbed a bottle and handed it to him. He very slowly reached for the bottle and opened it, then sipped. I gave him sometime to drink, after drinking roughly half the bottle he tried to sit up a little but gave a painful cry. "Hey pal take it easy, lie down you've been in a bad way." The soldier took my advice and then begun to tell me about himself and how he ended up in our care. "Thank you sir for helping when you did, i was sure i wouldn't last much longer. I hardly remember reaching you just fragments of memory here and there. I owe you my life and on my code of honor to whatever still exists of our proud nations military i will serve under your command. I take it your the leader of this venture?" "Yes, that's correct ive had more experience than many in this conflict that has befallen the planet and I accept your pledge of loyalty soldier, you may call me Van but if you need to address me formally call me Commander Vance" "Thank you sir, i welcome and accept your invitation into your unit and new establishment and will always perform beyond and above whatever you ask of me" "Your welcome, what is your name by the way?" "Eric, ranking sergeant. I was assigned to a small fire team protecting some base assets further in the complex. I've seen alot of combat before but i swear in all my years of proud service ive never seen an enemy like this before." "Sgt Eric, once you have recovered i will assign you to training this facility's new operations commander in firearms training. But get well first." With that i saluted him to which he gave a weak salute back and gradually fell asleep. I considered probing him for further information on the base and his background along with the events leading up to him being under our care but decided against this "He needs to rest". I looked at the bandaged wound briefly as he slept, upon lifting it it appeared the swelling had gone down "He should pull through".
I walked over to Zack who was sitting at one of the tables eating an instant meal and swigging from a fresh bottle of water. "Zack good news about the soldier, hes going to make it and looks like you will get some real military training. Hope the guy doesn't know you Zack pal haha" "Man, if he knew me even if he was my worst enemy before the base got overrun i'd just be pleased to meet a former colleague. Like even if he used to get me to make him coffees i'd be happy. Just someone who i can talk to about everything that happened here." I picked up an instant meal tore it open and proceeded to stuff it down "So today Zack im going to teach you some basics about firearms, the use of and how to handle them properly. It wont be anywhere near what our new sgt will be able to teach you but it will be a start" "Sounds like fun, can i shoot some bottles haha?" "Sure Zack, go find some!" "nooooo way man, i aint going for a wander into the base, no no way" "hahaha, soon it wont be so worrysome for you" "Well buddy, training begins in 10 minutes, so finish up here and meet me over at the barricade". With that i walked over to our make shift armory where the rest of the guns and ammo were deposited.
I had another rummage through it all "Hmmmm now what would some good training weapons be?" I spied what looked like a Beretta M9. "Damn no instruction manual, i had fired a few of these before i could aim them well but i knew little on how to maintain it". I laughed loudly "The instruction manual is recovering a few feet away". "Ok then, basic aiming and handling only on the pistol for Zack today" I resumed pilaging through the stockpile, and low and behold what i discovered next made it all worthwhile. "Hotdamn, thats a real ballbuster." I had found what appeared to be a surplus bolt action Winchester Model 70 Featherweight 30-06. I knew alot about guns, since i was brought up around them and developed a big interest in all types of guns during my life. I knew all too well what the Winchester Model 70 was and how it saw limited service right up till Nam. I remember reading a legendary story about a sniper during the Vietnam war, who took down a Vietcong sniper by shooting him through his scope. "A fine addition to the arsenal" i bellowed. "Right, so thats pistol and rifle training for Zack today, that'll do". I picked up a couple of full magazines for the Beretta and grabbed a handful of rounds for the Winchester as i moved off to the barricade.
Zack had been waiting at the barricade for a short while leaning on the mounted machine gun, he looked restless when i arrived. "Mannnnn im getting bored here, can we get to it Van?" "Ok Zack, are you ready to begin" "Yes, i feel confident about this. Lets go dude." He ruffled his hair a bit, if he had of been wearing a cap it would now be backwards. "Before we begin Zack, first thing your doing is cleaning your glasses. I cant have you shooting without seeing a thing" "Wait there pal" i wandered over to a bottle of water and promptly returned with it. "Zack, hand me your glasses" he quickly gave them to me and i poured a little water on them, they were literally covered in crap. I then wiped them clean with one of my sleeves. "Good as new!" I handed them back to Zack who then exclaimed after placing his glasses back "Whoa far out man, this place is dirty" I laughed with him. "Ok, Zack before we get to aiming and shooting practice i want to teach you how to load both of these guns" I presented the Berreta and Winchester before him. I ran through a small tutorial on how load ammo into the Beretta's magazines, how to also slide them into the gun and arm it. I drilled him for about an hour doing this, he was a natural. Figured, hes a smart guy.
By the end of that training drill, he could load the Berreta in record time. "Well done Zack, you'll make a fine addition to the team yet" In a more official capacity he replied "Thank you sir, i appreciate that" "Well, im happy with your ability to load the pistol now its time to train on loading the rifle". "Now this baby is something new for you, infact few people would still be alive today who can use her effectively. Shes what you would call a modern relic. If you can learn to load her at speed, you will be well on your way to becoming a zed destroyer" I handed a couple of rounds to Zack "Farout, those things are huge" "Yup, they'll take out multiple zeds like cutting through butter if you aim it right" I hand Zack the model 70 Featherweight "What you have in your hands can take down a bear, respect her and she'll give it back to you" "Would you like to name her Zack? She belongs to you now" "Dude isn't that kind of weird? I mean i name computers but not a weapon" "Zack, if no one else is around if your all on your own that weapon may be your only way out. They do become like people, and if you treat them right they will always protect you" "Ok dude, its a bit weird im new to all this gun stuff" "I name you BFG, what Van why the weird look?" "HAHA, Zack whats that in relation too" "Oh just some game haha" "Ok, lets get to loading your rounds" "Right, so pull the bolt back, drop a round in the chamber and push the bolt forward then lever it down to lock it into place and your ready to fire" "Ok man, but how do i eject the spent round?" "Once you've fired the round, lift the bolt up slide it back and the round should eject its self".
We practiced loading and unloading rounds with BFG for about an hour, i calculated he could fire anywhere up to 10 rounds a minute based on his current skill. With practice maybe more. "Zack, you keep practicing loading and unloading rounds daily now ok" "Sure thing Van" "So lets see how you go on aiming and shooting. Both guns have iron sights. Almost all guns come with some basic form of sights. I will leave advanced target training up to Sgt Eric".
"For target practice, we need something to shoot at. Im going to have to go past the barricade, dont worry Zack i can handle myself if anything happens" "O k k" he replied nervously" As i searched around for something to use, zack sat down at a nearby table. I happened upon an old rusting can "hah, missed that somehow, perfect!" I cautiously moved up past the barricade while Zack nerviously watched. In the dim light i judged a good target length about 15 feet away from the barricade and placed the can down then carefully walked back all the while watching for signs of any zeds. Thankfully i was able to return without incident.
"Ok Zack, were ready to begin some basic target practice. Pick up the Beretta". Zack picked up the Barreta and pointed it down the now make shift shooting range. "Ok Zack, before you shoot a little firing tutorial. First thing you need to know is the safety lever. If the lever is pushed down, safety's on if its up safety's off and you can fire off a round. Got it, remember this if you meet someone that wants to eat you". "Ok i wont forget that in a hurry Van haha". "Second part, when your magazine runs dry, the top part will slide back exposing the chamber but that'll be more obvious when you begin target practice" "Always make sure you have a spare magazine if away from base" "Got it Van" "Ok lets see how you do"
Zack lined up the Beretta's sights and fired off a couple of rounds at the can, BOOM BOOM. The shots went wide and made a pair of small holes in the corridor wall. "Hold the Berreta with both hands Zack, and adjust your stance. Plant your feet down firmly and lock into position. Keep the Beretta at arms length, you dont want a bloodied nose". "Finally focus on looking down the guns sight and always aim a little higher than what your aiming for". BOOM BOOM, this time one of the shots went straight through the can and into the floor behind. "Well done Zack, your getting the hang of it" "Man, this is easy. Im not scared of those punk walkers anymore" "HAH, an inanimate can is a tiny bit less dangerous than a small crowd of zeds" "Yeah i guess your right Van. This stuff isn't so easy afterall hah." "You'll improve Zack, feel free to practice anytime but always check to see who's in base at the time. I will setup a shooting range somewhere else later" "Ok man, ive got this figured out lets move on to the rifle now" "Thats the spirit Zack" i shouted as a slapped him on the back.
"So the Model 70 Featherweight has quite a different shooting style and technique than the Beretta. It is after all a snipers rifle. But to handle it like a sniper will take a long time to master and i will leave that up to Sgt Eric to train you in. For the time being i will teach you how to shoot it accurately enough to hit near targets. It wont take many rounds to demolish the can so you'll only get a brief training session with this. Load a round into the chamber, and line up your sights" Zack takes one of the Model 70's rounds snaps the leaver back pops it in its chamber then slams the leaver forward and lowers it as he learnt earlier. "Zack have you ever fired a rifle before?" "No not even when i was a kid Van sorry, i never had that opportunity". "Ok before you begin lets go through correct rifle usage. Always shoot the rifle with both hands, with the buttstock pressed into your shoulder. Rest it in a sort of soft part of your shoulder. You can seriously hurt yourself if you don't do this right. Always keep your hand clear of the shell extractor, spent round cases are very hot and you don't want to have an accident while zeds are closing in on you. As you aim for your target rest your cheek in the curve of the buttstock this will allow you to better aim. When you do shoot, squeeze the trigger gently rather than fast and jerky. You wont hit much if you try to be rambo haha". "Im ready to try this Van" And with that Zack took his first shot with a legendary rifle that would become a legendary zed demolisher.
KABOOM, the rifle flew out of Zacks hands and rattled around on the floor. Zack was knocked back and ended up sitting ass down on the ground. "Im sorry Van, i messed up. I tried to hold on but i lost my grip" "Hmmmm I can see we are going to have to work on your fitness too. Dont worry about it Zack, you done good today. I'll let Sgt Eric take over from here when hes recovered. Keep practicing your pistol aim the Beretta's yours now look after it". "Thanks Van im determined to become a good aim, i'll work at this".
And with that the training session was over, and Zack went to relax and reflect on all he had learnt. I picked up the Model 70 and admired it as i ejected the spent shell. "What a beauty, such quality". A tear rolled down my face. "Such a waste this world has become, my home my planet". I vowed on this day, that i will hunt down every last one of those sons of b***h's till not one can walk let alone crawl and i will send every last hell spawn back to the gates of hell where they came from and that I will not rest until i live in a free world again. This was my pledge to what is left of the human race. After i said this with a tearful grimace i returned the rifle back to the stock pile and placed all ammo carefully back. As i did this i swear i heard a muffled moaning but maybe it was just the wind.
I moved back to where Zack was resting and checked on Eric. He was resting peacefully, it made me smile. Evening was setting in, so i petitioned Zack to take the first watch so i could turn in and get some quality sleep. As i was drifting off and thinking about what tomorrow may bring i saw her face. I had not thought about the last woman i was with for some time. Gosh what was her name? It seemed like it was years ago. That was it, Clara. I mused at sweet memory's and started falling into unconsciousness. I felt something poking me in the side, what was that? Then i remembered the access card i had procured. The last thought i had was, how do i open that secure door.
Im like over there, somewhere.....
Last edited by magnum233 on 27 Jun 2015, 12:59 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"All doors have a key, the key to beating this plague is buried under the ruins of a burnt and shattered world." - Vance Oriely. Survivor, scorched earth.
Day 369 - Knock and enter
Somewhere a lone raven cried, its screech echoed throughout Nevada. It was deadly quiet, as if death had descended as a living thing. Even the ravens were starving.
Vance awoke to a cool morning, Zack had already woken up, Vance could tell he had been sleeping. "Zack, how long were you sleeping for?" "Hey man its cool Van i only nodded off a few hours ago" "Zack, you know the rules, wake me up when you need sleep" "Sorry Van, yeah sorry man i was exhausted" "Don't worry about it, get some breakfast Zack, I need you today i need you frosty" "Im on it Van!" Zack wandered off to find something to eat. Van then walked over to check on Eric, he was conscious but groggy. "Morning soldier" "Morning Sir *cough cough* it hurts Sir" "Take it easy Sargent Eric you've been through a rough time" "Yes sir" "Would you like something to eat Sergeant Eric?" "I'd be most grateful if you can accommodate me Sir" Van walked over to the food stash and brought back something that looked like ramen noodels. "Sir thank you Sir" "Your welcome Sargent Eric" "Sir i need water as well *cough*" Van walked off to the food stash again and brought back some water. Sargent Eric gulped down half the bottle then hungrily begun to consume the noodles. "Sargent Eric do you think you will be recovered enough to resume your post today?" "Sir, once i have recovered some energy i will be fit enough to resume active duty" "Thank you Sargent Eric, continue resting until you are strong enough to be on your feet" "Yes sir" He saluted and Van saluted back.
Van walked over to Zack who was eating breakfast. "Zack i have a special mission for you today, i need you to use your skills to unlock a secure door. All doors can be accessed right? You just need its key" Zack just about dropped his breakfast "You want what Van? You want me to hack a secure door in one of the most secure facility's in the former united states? " "That's correct Zack, and i need you to do it quickly were beginning to run out of supply's and time is crucial." "Mannnnnn, Van i dunno man." "Can you do this Zack? I need you, are you up to this?" "O Ok man i'll try but if i trip the bases security were f**ked man, its over man we'll be beyond screwed. 60 seconds and all doors are deadlocked, there's not a goddamn thing i can do to fix that man, do you understand Van? FUBAR'd" "Zack i get it pal, but we have no choice. I'm trusting you buddy, your the best shot we have at this" "Ok man, but if this messes up were so screwed" Just then Van remembered the access card poking him in his pocket.
"Zack is this card of any use?" "Where, where'd you get that man?" "The place your going to see shortly, don't eat too much" "Van let me take a look at the card" Van handed Zack the card, he adjusted his glasses and squinted. "Black 705, black 705 where have i seen that before? Holy s**t, do you know what this is Van?" "No idea Zack, so what is it buddy?" "You know how i said to stay away from nukes and that consle Van, Just dont man" Zack panicked and his hands shook so much he dropped the card. "Tha, that card...... overrides security login access to the main firing console, it activates an automatic launch sequence Van!, its a panic card if standard launch protocol is not possible. A back door, its a dooms day key incase the united states came under attack! Every nuke this facility is linked into is aimed at and preprogrammed to specific destinations Van. No, NO, NO! just rip that card up man" Zack made a desperate grab for the card but Van stopped him "Zack, stand down" "Van that card has to be destroyed! it cant go missing man, it cant!" "Zack i said stand down that's an order!" Van and Zack begun to struggle when a shot rang out from behind them. Sargent Eric had resumed active duty and was pointing a glock towards the ceiling, smoke was coming from its now warm barrel. "Sir, is there a problem?" "Sargent Eric, this man is the bases security IT administrator do you know him?" "I do Sir, he was an employee here. Is something wrong Sir?" "Sargent Eric, you will address him as commander Zack. Being his superior however i order you to remove that card on the ground and guard it with your life, am i clear?" "Yes Sir!" Zack protested as Sargent Eric picked up the card. "NOOOOO you cant do this man, NO NO NO! that cards gotta be destroyed Van no!" "Im sorry Zack, its the only serious firepower we have against living death right now" "F**K, ok but im telling you this is a bad idea Van" "Zack, i need you to focus on your mission today. Are you still frosty? Can you handle this?" Zack took a few deep breaths. "Im good Van". Van turned to Sargent Eric "Sargent Eric, myself and commander Zack are about to undertake a mission of great importance. You are to defend this command post at all costs until we return. You may fire at will if you come under attack from the enemy. Is that understood Sargent Eric?" "Yes Sir!" Both men saluted each other. Sargent Eric took up position on the mounted machine gun whilst Van and Zack put together some equipment.
"Zack, what are your requirements for this mission?" "Guns, lots of guns" Zack laughed. "Your brain might help too Zack HAHA" "Yeah man i know, too much smoking when i was younger" Zack and Van laughed as Van slapped Zack on the back heartily. "Seriously Zack what do you need?" "Well since your asking man, any sort of laptop or terminal device would help. Electrical leads so i can bypass stuff, anything magnetic, alot of stuff you probably have no idea about Van" "HAHA your correct about that Zack" "So man, what do we actually have?" "Just guns, lots of gun" Van laughed again. "We'll have to run 'n' gun this one Zack, if we find kit further in its yours" "Mannn, your asking me to brute force hack a secure terminal in a nuclear launch command center Van? Are you crazy man?" "You could say that Zack HAHA" "Well man, it was nice knowing you Van, atleast it'll be more fun than ive had since all this BS begun" "Just get the job done Zack" Both men laughed.
Van checked deadeye was still where she belonged, he ran his hand smoothly over her metal. "Hi baby, you'll be there for me. Got more work for you". For good measure, Van selected an unused glock from the ammo and gun pile checked to see it had a full magazine and that safety was on, then placed it down his pants. Zack choose the Beretta M9 he had previously practiced with since he was developing his aim and use with it. He checked to make sure the magazine was full and checked the safety was on then also placed it down his pants.
"Zack grab a bottle of water, lets do this" Van also picked up a bottled water as they moved past Sargent Eric towards the barricade. As Van walked past Sargent Eric he nodded, Sargent Eric returned the gesture and said "Command is in good hands Sir" "Carry on Sargent Eric" with that Van and Zack moved forward up the hall. As they passed through the terminal room Van spied the M16 he had dropped in a hurry during the firefight to save Zack. Might just leave that here Van thought. Zack grimaced as they walked past the still glowing terminal. They arrived at the central hall to the central command center, vaulted over the sandbags and moved up towards the command center door. "Zack we should take these sandbags back to our command center, but we have more important matters right now" Zack nodded. As they moved into the command center, they scanned around the room checking to make sure it was clear of zeds. "Clear commander Zack, move in" Zack moved towards the consoles and sat down at a chair that was shoved under one of the console desks. "Here we go Van" Zack clicked his fingers. "I'll cover you Zack, Do it!"
As Van stood guard watching both entrances Zack got to work. Zack pressed enter on a nearby keyboard, which brought up multiple screens on the consoles. They had a warning message on them, ALERT ALERT console locked threat level 5. "s**t, i cant do this Van im locked out" he pressed a few different key combinations but nothing worked. "Zack, ok lets think is there another way" "Yeah, there is Van but its tricky" "Ok tell me what we need to do Zack" "We need to get access to the server room Van, once in there i can reboot the entire facility's security" "Ok Zack any idea how were gonna get there?" "Yeah man, there's a service elevator i was able to reach it through the duct i had been hiding in when you found me" "Come on Zack lets go" They walked over to the duct shaft. "I'll go first Zack, if anything happens tail back to Sargent Eric he'll know what to do" "Ok sure Van" They climbed into the cramped cooling duct and slowly belly crawled forward. After 5 minutes of crawling Van stopped briefly. "Zack how much further is the elevator?" "We must be about half way now" Van peered into the darkness. Van took out the lighter in his pocket then sparked it. There was writing all over the inside of the duct shaft with strange symbols. "Zack what is the meaning of this?" Zack remained silent. "Zack are you still there?" More silence. "Zack i order you to tell me the meaning of this now!" "were all going to die" silent words were uttered behind Van. "Zack what in zeus's uncle in law is going on? I order you to tell me right this instant or i swear im coming back there and will get it out of you one way or another" "we can't stop it, the world is theirs" "That's it Zack you better hope i cant turn around in this shaft" Van heard behind him a click of a pistols safety catch. "Zack what are you doing? What in gods name are you doing, put the gun down" Van instinctively knew Zack was flipping. "I cant go on man, this world...... its not the way it's meant to be... I, I" BANG. Lights out.
"In the pit lay the beast, he was hungry and bellowed for more meat. He had offspring which wandered the world looking for prey. Like their father all they could feel was the constant hunger and desire for more human flesh that was until they became melted to the spot. They say human flesh smells like pork when burning, but the undead? Thats not a nice smell, it smells of death"
Day 370 - A duct into darkness
The duct had collapsed, both Van and Zack were unconscious lying some feet below where the duct had been attached. Zack was still clutching the Berretta a good thing since there was shadows moving in the darkness. Van slowly came too, surveying his surroundings it appeared they were in a room past the secure door but where was the door? "Well s**t, that's one way of doing it" Van whispered. Van noticed he was pinned down by the wreckage of the duct shaft, with heroic strength he pushed the now wrecked shaft off him. "Zack are you here?" "Zack?"..... silence. "Damn it Zack where are you" Van couldn't make out too much in the near darkness of the room that was lite by only a faint red light. Sigh "I hope that crazy idiot didn't manage to pull the trigger" Van got up very slowly as he sensed the danger in the room. He moved forward trying not to make too much noise to attract? anything. Zack was lieing some meters from where Van had made his entrance. Zack also had a small rod sticking out of his leg "Damn it Zack, you've hurt yourself bad" Van looked him over, it wasn't a serious wound but he'd need to be on crutch's for a month. Carefully, quietly Van tried to bring Zack to consciousness. He noticed the M9 in Zack's hand cocked and loaded, Van gently uncock'd the gun and resumed trying to wake Zack. "Zack, pal wake up its Van we gotta move man" Zack finally came too "Van what happened man?" "Dont worry about it Zack your still alive we gotta move" "Arrrrr its hurts Van What the hell man what happened?" "Don't worry Zack, we have to move now. Can you shoot that thing?" "Yeah, i think so Van" "Lock n load buddy, this is gonna get messy" Just then both men heard footsteps and moans. "OH crap here we go!, safety off rock n roll motherf**kers!"
Van Spun around just in time to see the most putrid looking zed yet, half of its face was missing and decayed with exposed brain matter that was also liquefying. BANG, Van dropped it decayed brain matter sprayed all over a random table nearby. "Move, MOVE Zack that's an order head down that corridor ASAP!" A hoard nearby heard the gun fire and begun homing in on their location. As Zack limped forwards down the corridor Van covered their escape. BANG, BANG BANG BANG, Zack fired off four rounds and dropped four zeds. Van spun around to see them dropping. "MOVE IT, KEEP GOING" The hoard was approaching Zack could hear them very nearby, hissing and moaning wanting the meat that was trying to escape. "Zack, can you see much ahead is it clear?" "Looks good Van" "MOVE IN Zack" At the end of the corridor it took a sharp left and then too a small room that had a button on a console attached to the wall. The console had SECURE LAB ACCESS ENTRY written on it. "Zack this must be the security room for opening the secure door, buddy hit that button we gotta get moving" Zack punched the button and from somewhere nearby an electronic beep was emitted. "s**t the hoards closing in, we are leaving now ZACK MOVE!" With his best speed Zack hobbled back into the corridor and a previously invisible door had opened from within the end of the corridor wall. "THATS IT ZACK MOVE THROUGH THAT DOOR DOUBLE TIME!" Van screamed at Zack as he sprinted into the corridor after him. The hoard was just visible now at the begining of the corridor. "SHITTTTTT that's a big pack, GO GO ZACK MOVE" The Zeds were howling for fresh meat as they stumbled over each other down the corridor. Even though Zack was in massive pain he almost ran through the door way into........... a specialist employee lounge. "HAH guess i know what ate its way through these poor guys now" exclaimed Van. "F**K their coming Zack, we gotta get back to base and prepare for a big fight!" "MOVE, MOVE NOW RUN" Screamed Van.
Van and Zack sprinted through the lounge and out to the operations room, then into the terminal room. As Van snatched up the M16 dropping his glock Zack was screaming in pain but he realized it was better than being dead and torn to shreds. "THE PAIN VAN, I CAN'T CARRY ME OR LEAVE ME. "YOU s**t, you gotta do this to me now? OK!! !!" "Zack hold onto that gun do not drop it!, you hear me!" Zack Saluted, his face screwed up in pain, the metal pipe was really getting nasty looking now. With superhuman strength Van temporally put the M16 down and hoisted Zack onto his shoulders then somehow knelt down and picked up the M16. Almost humorously Deadeye helped keep Van stable on Zacks shoulders. "Baby you ain't even tasted zed tonight and your helping out, you get a double shine for this" The hoard was closing in, faintly their moans could be heard a small distance away. Van ran forward towards their base with all his might. "ERIC PREPARE FOR A FIREFIGHT, THE ENEMY ARE A FEW CLICKS BEHIND" Van shouted down the corridor. "OK SIR, I STAND READY TO SERVE"
Eric assumed his position in battle stance behind the mounted machine gun as Van burst from the doorway and threw Zack over the barricade. Zack grimaced in pain but scrambled to a defensive position. Van screeched around the barricade M16 in hand, turned its safety off and prepared to fire. "SGT ERIC, FIRE AT WILL THE ENEMY ARE ADVANCING" Van looked around at the barricade and noticed the AT4. He winked at it. BRRRRRRRRRRR THUD THUD THUD, Sgt Eric let off the first barrage of machine gun fire. "SIR THE ENEMY IS LARGE IN NUMBER" "HOLD YOUR GROUND SGT ERIC" Zack begun emptying his M9 down towards the corridor BANG BANG a couple more zeds dropped. Van moved the M16 into position and took aim BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG BANG, 6 more zeds dropped. "SIR THEY KEEP COMING" "DAMN HOW MANY ARE THERE" Van looked again at the AT4. "SGT ERIC, COMMANDER ZACK MOVE BACK TOWARDS THE REAR OF OPERATIONS, DON'T QUESTION MY ORDERS JUST DO IT" Van screamed at the two men. Van picked up the AT4 and quickly worked out how to arm it. It was complex'd but he knew enough about weapons to figure it out. Like most rocket launchers it had an exhaust for the missile and a trigger mechanism for firing. A simple iron sight was mounted on it. The zeds were getting worryingly close to the barricade. "SGT ERIC AND COMMANDER ZACK MOVE OVER TO THE BULKHEAD DOOR AND GET ON THE GROUND" Both men immediately realizing what was about to happen ran over and hit the deck. "MOTHERF**KING ZOMBIES, TIME FOR SOME PAYBACK" Van pulled the trigger and prayed. WHOOSSHHHHHHH. . . . . . . the rocket hissed forward at tremendous speed, it went through the barricade doorway and ploughed into the first zed pushing it back a little. Van immediately dropped to the floor KABOOOOOOOOOOMMM a massive explosion rocked the entire base. Van immediately lost consciousness as some random flying debris hit his head.
It must of been hours before Van came back to the living. COUGH COUGH "ZACK???? SGT ERIC???? anyone?????" he said weakly. Slowly vision came back to Van. The room was full of smoke, sirens were blaring everywhere. "s**t... what happened?. VAN are you there? Where are you man? Argh my leg it hurts." "That you Zack?" "Yeah man, Sgt Eric's here were fine man, you were on the edge of the blast zone. Lucky you hah" "Ive survived worse pal *COUGH* well the base is f**ked! i can see that" "Guess we need a new home now Van?" "Better that than dead eh?"
Van rose to his feet and a scene of utter chaos sprawled out before him, a massive hole was blasted through the doorway and it arched in a huge circle throughout the corridor. But.... zeds were minced up everywere, it made the employee lounge look like a field day. "Well i think that's one debt paid back to humanity, another one billion to go" "Van, we still got the door open" "Yes, yes we did Zack *loud laughter*" "So what do we do now Van?" "What ive always done Zack, run. Another place to hole up is out there" Sgt Eric chimed in "Im sorry sir i was not able to push the enemy back" "You did good Sgt Eric, you survived and that's all that matters" "Very good sir" Sgt Eric saluted, Van saluted back. "At ease Sgt Eric, you've earnt some R and R time" "YES SIR" "Zack, you and I still need to have a chat about what happened back in the duct" "Van? Im not sure i remember?" "Zack dont worry about it right now, but something is going on in your head ok, lets get you somewhere safe and get your leg seen too." "Thanks Van, argh it hurts to walk". "Sgt Eric, are you able enough to carry this man? He has been wounded in the field" "Sir, I believe i can" "You have your orders Sgt Eric, you are to carry this man, and guard him as i lead us to a new base of operations" "YES SIR!"
"Team, arm up take extra ammo rations and water. We have no idea what to expect out there" "YES SIR" Both men saluted Van. Van picked up a couple of grenades and shoved them in his pocket, as he did his hand touched the lighter. "Zack you never did tell me what happened to the base commander" "His name was Blake, commander Blake. He was a decorated marine, had seen combat in nam man. He was a good man, and hung onto his command till the last. I saw him get torn apart, it was terrible man just terrible.... I, I don't wanna talk about this anymore Van im sorry lets drop this s**t ok please man that's enough im in a bad enough way already lets just drop this" "Ok, pal take it easy calm down, your in enough pain" Van moved over to the bulkhead door, sirens blaring away smoke thick in the air. "Ok Listen up team, through this doorway is most definitely more of these dead bastards, i need you both to be on your guard. We will beyond a doubt have to fight our way out, so stay focused and alert drink extra water if you need too just do whatever is needed. "Van, any of that brandy left man? I could use it about now" "Yeah" Van looked around, the bottle was sitting on a nearby table somehow it had not fallen and smashed during the explosion. "Yeah man gimme some, come on man im dieing here" Van brought over the brandy "Go easy Zack i still need you to be able to aim" Zack swigged it back like a thirsty pirate. "Now im pumped man, lets get going" Van moved back over to the bulk head getting ready to press the switch. Sgt Eric picked up Zack over his shoulders as Zack held onto his M9 now with a fresh magazine and 2 wedged in his pockets. Sgt Eric had already picked up a shotgun and the Model 70 Featherweight. After some rummaging around earlier managed to find a shoulder strap for it, then pocketed a few box's of rounds along with some extra shotgun shells. All men had wedged a few bottles of water in their pockets and a ration each. Van had his girl, along with the M16 and a shiny new magazine plus spares. As Van pressed the button, the gears for the bulkhead grinded into life and it slowly slid up. All 3 men aimed their guns directly ahead, into the waiting darkness, the waiting jaws of death.
Van took point as Sgt Eric covered him and Zack keeped guard at the rear aiming behind Sgt Eric from atop his shoulders. "Its too quiet, weve got a long walk ahead of us. No firing unless necessary guys" Both Sgt Eric and Zack saluted. The group arrived at the electronic door. "Damn this again" Base power was barely working, the rocket explosion must of caused extensive damage. "Sgt Eric, do you know how to operate this door?" "Sir, i do would you like me to open it?" "Sgt Eric, do what must be done" Sgt Eric put Zack down and walked up to the door then pressed a button Van had not noticed that was camouflaged into its panels, the door came to life and slid open. Sgt Eric then picked Zack back up again and the group continued. After about 10 mins walking a loud explosion was heard from back at the base. "ARRRR CRAP, here we go again. Must of been a lone walker that hit a mine. Our luck just ran out guys, fire at will". It was about another 20 minutes before the first sign of trouble showed its self, the group had arrived at the halfway point to exiting this death trap when a small horde of walkers presented themselves. One still had fire extinguisher foam covering it, Van chuckled. "Fire at will" Van ordered. BANG BANG BANG, all 10 of the walkers were lying on the floor, brain and body matter sprayed over walls and floors. "I hope that didn't attract more" whispered Van "Not that Deadeye would mind would you baby?" Van almost kissed her. The group continued forward and finally made it to base entrance door. It was dark outside, nighttime. The soldier was where he had been discovered still slouched at his desk. "Sgt Eric, did you know this man?" "Sir, I did. He was a rookie. Posted to guard duty, but one of the first to die" "Sgt Eric, he died defending his nation and doing his duty. We will come back and bury him. Make a note of this Sgt" "Yes Sir, i will remind you" "Thank you Sgt Eric"
As the small group moved out through the entrance and out into the night Zack asked Van a question. "Van, whadowedo now?" "Breath Zack, just keep breathing".
Im like over there, somewhere.....
Last edited by magnum233 on 27 Jun 2015, 1:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
"Debris and discovery's abounded ripe for exploration, yet danger lurked around every corner. Now was the time to explore"
Day 371 - Cat whispers^Stalking the dark
The group was having a brief rest, Van turned to Sgt Eric "Sgt Eric, the surrounding area needs scouting. But first we should bury your comrade. We sure as hell wont be coming back here so we need to finish up things here first" "Sir, i know a little about military funeral honors do you want me to assist?" "Confirmed Sgt Eric" Van turned to Zack "Zack we need to bury Sgt Eric's fallen comrade, watch our backs as we do this" "Ok man, im on this" "Sgt Eric we need to acquire a tool to dig a grave with" "Sir i believe there should be one nearby, command often required such tools around here for general maintenance and bulking up defenses" Van begun looking around the base grounds as Sgt Eric and Zack followed guns at the ready just in case. Up one wall of the base Van located a small spade, Van picked it up and returned to the base entrance with Sgt Eric following along and Zack hobbling as best he could.
Van turned to Sgt Eric "Sgt Eric, can you dig holes?" "Yes Sir, do you require assistance?" "Proceed Sgt Eric, Dig a grave for your fallen comrade" Sgt Eric picked up the spade and begun digging a reasonable sized grave with vigour and strength. One of the few advantages of being in a desert is the ground is mostly sand or lose soil, Sgt Eric was able to dig the grave in a fairly short amount of time. Although today Van was burying a soldier he would never know, the thought occurred to him a desert would make a great defensible operations center if a suitable place was found. A great place to digin Van cracked a smile at his weak attempt at humor.
"Sir, the task is complete" "Thank you Sgt Eric, at ease" "Yes Sir!" "Sgt Eric we now need to move the rookie to his grave. Can you assist soldier?" "Yes Sir, it would be my honor" "Zack Keep watch, we gotta do this" "Ok Van, don't take long man. Its too dark out here" Zack firmly gripped his M9 alert as ever surveying his surroundings. It was painful for Zack to stand for long so he propped himself against a wall of the base entrance. Van and Sgt Eric approached the corpsed rookie, then both men lifted him one on his feet and another on his shoulders. The rookie was badly decomposing, the stench reminded Van of garbage bins almost a pleasant smell. It reminded him of home.
They carried the rookie out and set him down in the freshly dug grave. Van turned to Zack "ok, Zack were going to now perform a small funeral procession for Sgt Eric's brother in arms, you don't need to join in but keep an eye out for any walkers. This is important pal, this rookie represents what little of the us mill is left need to keep some parts of civilization alive. We bury those who serve and fall in combat from now on" "No problem man" Van turned to Sgt Eric "Sgt Eric, you may begin"
Sgt Eric bent down into the grave and moved the rookies arms neatly down to his sides and straightened up his bloodied shirt. "Here lies one of my brothers, i never learnt your name rookie but you served bravely. I remember sharing mugs of refreshment with you, you always greeted the base commander with a smile. You did your job selflessly and put yourself in harms way daily without even a second thought. They say one good rookie is worth a hundred regulars, Son you didn't even get a stripe. You deserve a medal and under different circumstances i would present you the purple heart. Rest in peace brother, you done your country proud. Oorah! TenHut!" Van moved his arm up to a salute posture as Sgt Eric unshouldered the Featherweight, pulled the bolt back and aimed to the sky. Zack was moved by the entire procession, despite having painful pulses in his leg he straightened up and moved his arm as well to a salute posture.
BANG BANG BANG, Sgt Eric eased off 3 rounds skywards. All Three men performed a final salute and Sgt Eric turned to Van "Sir, permission to bury the rookie" "Permission granted Sgt Eric" Sgt Eric picked up the spade and covered his fallen brother. All three men took a small break and rested for a few minutes, passing some water around. "Van, sure is quiet out there" "Yeah Zack, we need to see whats around here" "Sgt Eric, I have a mission for you. I require intel in the surrounding area. You are to undertake a scouting patrol, report back to me with information about any points of interest" "Yes Sir" Sgt Eric placed the Featherweight back on his shoulder and moved off into the darkness shotgun in hand.
"Zack we need a campfire, temperatures are dropping and we need to keep warm" "Yeah Van, its getting chilli who turned on the aircon" "Zack i gotta go find something to build a fire with keep watch and sitdown you idiot rest that leg HAHA" Zack slumbed down hand at the ready on his M9 pistol hilt. Van wandered off, looking for stones to build a camp fire with, he managed to find some decent sized pebbles. Returning back with an arm full of rocks Zack exclaimed "Hey man, what are you gonna do with those, throw them at those sonsofbitchs?" "HAHAHAHA nah, gotta make a fire Zack nice try though" Van begun arranging the stones in a circle to create a small campfire. "Ok Zack listen i gotta head back into the base entrance room, you good?" "Yeah man just go, im fine" "Here Zack have a sip of my water, need you focused" Van handed Zack his water bottle, Zack took a sip. As Van wandered back into the base entrance room he glanced back at Zack, the poor guy was shaking he must be freezing. Van resolved he needed to hurry it up.
Van Searched around the room, he found some wooden railings on the desk that the rookie had been sitting at, he ripped them off. "Great, that'll make good kindling" He had now obtained the means to start the fire but where would he find fuel to keep it going? Van scanned around the room in the dim light, the rookies chair? "Might as well" he shrugged, Van wheeled the desk chair out through the entrance room doorway, as he did Zack looked up and at Van "Hey man, comeon what are you doing with that dude? I could use that its a nice chair. Your not gonna burn that are you?" "Yeah sorry Zack need something to keep warm" "Your an evil person Van HAHA" "Yeah pal, you love me dont cha *throws him a fake kiss*, now kiss my ass" "HAHA, in your dreams Van"
Van begins ripping the chair apart, the arms turn out to be alot of wood. The chair also contained some padding which made great fire starting material Van decided. "Its no tree that's for sure, it'll do" Van begun piling some of the chair up in the small rock circle then placed some of the smaller railing kindling on top and some of the combustible padding. He took the lighter out from his pocket. Flick, flick few seconds later the fire was roaring away. Zack moved over to the fire and begun warming himself. "Thanks man, was getting cold out" "Anytime Zack, lets turn in soon. Hopefully Sgt Eric returns soon. You hungry pal? Go have some dinner, eat half your ration" "Yeah thanks man" Zack pulled out his ration and started hungrily consuming half the portion. About 30 minutes later and alot of conversation about stupid things that happened in the past, Sgt Eric emerged from the shadows. He looked unshaken but cold and tired.
"Welcome back Sgt Eric" "Sir i have important intel to report" "At ease Sgt Eric, Sitdown and warm yourself first" Sgt Eric sat down, took a sip from his water bottle and got his breath back. After a few minutes Van turned to Sgt Eric "Ok Sgt report" "Sir, i have located some transport nearby. I was unable to locate the vehicles ignition keys but i could hot wire it sir. It also appeared to have an untouched trunk that was locked shut, Sir it may contain valuable supplies. I was able to recon Sir without incident, i did spot a number of the enemy but was able to avoid them" "Sgt, what was the numbers?" "Sir, limited i would estimate a count of no more than 2 dozen in the immediate area" "Very good Sgt Eric, we will headout at daybreak. Dismissed Sgt, get some rest" "Thank you Sir" Sgt Eric sat down, placed both guns down next to him lied out flat and gradually fell asleep. Van turned to Zack "Zack were heading out at daybreak, i need you in good shape. Turn in, thats an order" "Ok, thanks for the fire tonight and Van?" "Yeah whatisit Zack?" "Im sorry for snapping back there man, i dunno what happened up there. Its this world you know the reality we live in, it got to me" "Hey buddy, don't worry you went off the deep end and i brought you back, your fine you see you can live in this world" "Yeah your right man, thanks Van" "Get some sleep soldier" Zack placed his M9 near his side close to his good pistol hand ready for anything then rolled over and drifted off to sleep.
Van took watch, he needed time to think. To plan, to consider strategy's. As he steered into the fire keeping a watchful eye to the distance his mind wandered. He remembered a sunny day near the end times where he woke, and looked out a window in his apartment room. He remembered seeing this huge monarch butterfly flit past that morning, a slight tear welled in his eye. Would he ever see such natural beauty again? Random flashes of old friends and family crossed his mind as he continued to steer into the flames. This is the problem with thinking, thinking gets you in trouble. You remember things that take your mind off current events. Were the 10 minutes of memory's worth it? Van looked up as he heard a hissing and gurgling approaching from the darkness, and it dawned on him it was not some random memory. "F**K, walker approaching" Zack and Sgt Eric were deep asleep. "NO options need to deal with this myself" As the walker slowly moved forward Van desperately searched around for a quiet way to dispose of the walker. It was snarling and hissing at him, hungry as ever. Fortunately it hadn't noticed Zack or Sgt Eric yet. Van looked into the flames, he found found his respite. It came in the shape of a charred piece of wood with a nail in it. As Van slammed his hands into the flames they caught fire "ARF**KKKKKKKKKK" no time he shook the fire out grabbed firm hold of the wood and rushed forward, grabbed the walker by the throat smashed it to the ground and drove the nail deep into its head as it thrashed around snapping its teeth at him. Van looked at his hand "Not that bad" was minor singe's and 3rd degree burns but would heal. It had scarred him if only as surface wound a reminder to always pay attention to his surroundings.
For all the commotion surprisingly neither Zack or Sgt Eric had batted an eyelid. "They must be real tired, atleast their getting badly needed rest" "Man, im hungry" Van yawned. He pulled out his ration and begun eating half of it whilst resuming steering into the flames. His mind started to wander again despite his own advice. "F**k what a waste that base was as he turned looking at it, all those nukes gone. Guess its probably for the best no man should have that power" Then he had a startling thought. "The Card!! !!, Sgt Eric still has it doesn't he?" "If that card worked here, i wonder if it works elsewhere?" Van decided at the right time he will have a private conversation with Sgt Eric, considering Zacks previous response to the card. He knew Zacks new found sanity was only skin deep and really under the surface he was teetering on the edge, Van resolved to be careful around Zack with this subject. "Ok Deadeye, baby SO whats next!" Van spent the rest of the night working on strategy's, estimating how far from LA they were and thinking about known landmarks that might be nearby.
Daybreak was approaching, and so was the hoard. Death or life? As the sun broke, a monarch butterfly circled somewhere in the distance.
Im like over there, somewhere.....
Last edited by magnum233 on 27 Jun 2015, 1:16 pm, edited 1 time in total.
They say deep in space is quiet darkness. As far as the eye can see, inky like the deepest darkest night. No starlight, no warmth just black. A stark reality but beautiful..... beautiful and deadly.
In the year 2070 a medium sized deep space vessel, silent and with almost zero signs of life drifted on its flight path. If it were not for a slight hum and only a few lights the vessel could be mistaken for a tomb.
Devon Starflare awoke suddenly, sweat rolling down his forehead. "How long have i been sleeping? 20 years? Damn!. The stasis chamber kicked into life, its heating unit hummed. Gradually Devon recalled where he was and why, memory's were fresh like it was yesterday. A desperate mission sent by the remnants of Earth. Earth had descended into a final dark age. Much of its population had been decimated from disease, war and overcrowding. After the upper atmosphere had been colonized still the population continued expanding. Technology meanwhile continued to advance. Near the collapse of civilization scientists made an unparalleled breakthrough.
Subwarp engines had been developed decades ago, the technology was applied too and improved. Finally, warpdrives had become a reality. Consequently Devon's ship was fitted with an experimental warpdrive, the technology was still in the prototype phase. During the initial testing phase, it was found that the drive needed large quantity's of rare and exotic fuel per ignition. The news was broken to Devon,an experienced and skilled pilot with a life time of working in space that this would be a one way trip. Devon's last memory's came flooding back. "f**k, is anyone still alive back home?" "20 Years hah? 20 years with warpspeed?" Devon had a little background scientific knowledge on what happens when the laws of time and relativity become altered. "The year was 2050 when this mission was launched, am i all..... all thats left? Please no!" The thought dawned on him like his own personal nightmare. With all his might Devon blanked those thoughts out "Everyone's ok, mom and dad are fine, i bet their wondering what discovery's ive made already"
'Bleep bleep, bleep bleep' a loud electronic sound was emanating from somewhere near the stasis chamber. The stasis shield slid back, and he groggily got to his feet. "Crap my head, worse than a night in with some synthetic Champagne". He was dressed in a jump suit, sort of an underlay worn when going EVA with some nano heating systems controlled by a virtual intelligence.
As Devon rose from the stasis chamber his foggy head cleared up, blaring lights shone from various systems in the room. 'click clack' overhead lighting in the room switched on. Devon moved past the stasis chamber towards a console on the other side of the room that appeared to be making the bleeping sound. Devon noticed to the right of the console was a door and security switch. "Later, i gotta find out where in the universe i am first" Devon examined the console, and located the source of the infernal bleeping, a flashing light. Below it was a button. As Devon pressed the button immediately the console begun to hum and a small projection unit rose up from a concealed hatch. The unit begun to hum then a holographic display projected up and a voice spoke. "Hello Devon, you've been asleep a long time. I'm your personal VI assistant. We are nearing our destination" "VI, what is your name?" "Devon you may call me Sarah. That is what the scientist whom created me named me." "Ok Sarah, I was never briefed on what my destination was, it was all tight-lipped and classified. Where exactly is our destination?" "Devon i have special orders for you that i can now declassify". The VI was silent for a moment as if thinking, then the VI projection transformed into a floating video.
"Hello Devon, this is president Alexander. I know you have never meet me, and there are so many questions you have. I may be dead already by now, so an explanation is in order. Where you have been sent is to a suspected object of interest that was picked up during deep space scans. I wont beat around the bush, lets get to facts. You have been sent to what appears to be an object in deep space of unknown origin, yes something not man made. Energy scans revealed it still has power and is estimated to be over 10,000 years old. The ship you are standing in has been outfitted with the latest technology mankind had to offer, some of which was still prototype. A small gene bank has been included which Sarah whom you've no doubt meet by now will give you guidance on. You are charged with all the hopes and dreams of a possibly now dead civilization to begin again. Your fist mission is to explore the derelict and hopefully our boys got it right that the object of interest is technologically advanced beyond anything imaginable. That will give you as good as any chance to reboot the human race way out there somewhere. Early scans of the derelict found it was constructed of a material that was not found anywhere in our database of known metals, advanced metrology or any other form of experimental and theoretical materials . This is the first and only time anything like this has ever been found. God speed Devon, you are now the last of us. Its all up to you now" Alexander saluted and took a puff from a cigar, in the last few seconds Devon could hear in the background shouts and explosions. As promptly as the video had begun Sarah returned.
A sense of loneliness came over him, his fears were true. "Sarah what should i do?" "Devon, i'll give you some time. My biological scanners detect you are feeling sadness and disturbance. If you go out of the door and up the hall you will find a small messroom with a stockpile of food. My advice is to eat".
Devon pushed the security switch 'hiss' the door slid open, 'click clack' more overhead lights powered up as he walked up the hall. About midway up it, he noticed a titanium plaque attached to the wall, which detailed the christening of the vessel. On the 21st day of November 2049 The Starseed was flown on her maiden test flight, mankind's most advanced and experimental starship a dedication to the human race in the name of progress and exploration. On the plaque was a laser etched colour photo of all the technicians and scientists who were on the construction team gathered in front of the finished ship. In the photos background was a few buildings and trees, a tear rolled down Devons cheek. "I'll never see any of that again" "So Starseed, just me and you now. Hell let the good times roll" Devon punched his fist into the wall "This is so f****d up........... Ok... ok, f**k ok food" Devon centered himself then continued up the hall and came to another closed door and a security switch, he pressed the switch and the door hissed open. 'click clack' another set of overhead lights crackled into life, The mess room was well lite, tidy and showed signs of standard factory fabrication freshness. Devon noticed a vending machine that appeared to have a few buttons on it. Devon walked up to it and begun to examine the vending machine. A button labeled 'on' in stylized writing was obvious. Devon pressed it, after which a voice spoke to him from the vending machine. "What'll it be sir? Im here to serve you." "Whats on the menu?" "Sir, today we have a selection of chicken soup, roast beef with a serving of vegetables or mashed potatoes and sausages. What would you like sir?" "roast beef sounds tasty. I don't think ive eaten in 20 years , no wait 100 years?" Devon's head begun to spin a little "Very good sir, take a seat and i will bring it to you"
Devon staggered over to a table and sat down. As Devon waited for his meal he looked around. Apart from the food vendor there was a neon sign with something about a clean home is a good home and what appeared to be some sort of drink vendor. Devon also noticed another door with a security switch on the opposite side of the mess room. For now he needed a meal. "Sir, i will be right there" the VI said. Devon tapped his hands on the table as he pondered how a meal from this machine might taste and look. Finally the VI said "Sir coming, sorry for the delay". A few seconds later a small hovering robot that looked a bit like a rounded box hovered over to Devon, on top of it was a plate of steaming roast beef and vegetables. Devon licked his lips, food had never looked so good. He picked up the plate off the floating waiter and as he placed it on the table in front of him the VI spoke again. "Sir, take a knife and fork" at which some cutlery popped up from a slot in the waiter. He hungrily wolfed down the meal. If this was replicated from air or it was artificial it sure didn't taste like it Devon thought. After enjoying his meal, he pondered what to do next. The VI said "Sir if you've finished just leave all your dirty dishes there and we hope you enjoyed your meal". Devon responded "Yes i did very much thanks". The VI replied "Very good Sir we serve to please".
Sarah then made an announcement from a hidden intercom. "Devon, now that you have rested and had a meal, continue through the other door. The bridge is ahead. I will give you further instructions when you are there". Devon got up from his seat and as he walked towards the door he glanced at the drink vendor. He sure was thirsty now and decided to walk over to it. Similarly to the food vendor the drink vendor also had an 'on' button. Devon pressed it. Another VI voice sprung to life "Hello sir, are you thirsty?" Devon replied "Very, whats on the menu?" The VI drink vendor responded "Black coffee, tea or hot chocolate, what would you like Sir?" Devon pondered for a moment. "I'd like a hot chocolate, i haven't had one of those since i was a kid" "One moment sir" Devon glanced at the table as the hovering waiter used a small gravity beam to collect his dirty dishes and drag them over to whatever apparatus cleaned them in the food vendor. Devon heard a click and a odd beam like hum. A few seconds later, on a tray inside the drink vendor a white cup full of steaming hot chocolate appeared from thin air. The VI sprung into life again "Enjoy sir, leave your empty cup on the table once consumed" Devon picked up the cup and it tasted amazing. Just like home made.
He tossed the cup on the table and walked to the other door, pressed the security button then walked through. 'clack clack clack clack clack click click' Multiple overhead lights powered up. Devon was greeted with an impressive elaborate bridge, small however as this vessel was designed to be piloted by only one person. At the very front of the bridge in front of the pilots seat and various navigating consoles was huge glass panels providing a 180 degree view 'During the last 10 years before the mission earth's scientists made impressive leaps forward in space safe glass technology, the panels were constructed of an odd combination of nano tubes glass fibers and titanium threads making it extremely strong and flexible but ultra thin, perfect for deep space applications.
He moved forwards to pear out of the glass. He could see what appeared to be a large mass floating in the distance. "Must be the mission objective" Directly at waist height in front of the pilots seat was the ships main piloting console. A holographic screen appeared centered on the large glass panels and Sarah spoke again. "Devon im going to walk you through a few ships systems. The mission is to get under way shortly and i can control most systems for you , but in the event of an emergency you will need to take over manual control.
Sarah explained what the various controls do. She detailed how the propulsion system worked and the warpdrive should Devon actually find some more material to fuel it. At best the basic engine was below subwarp but it was still very quick. A few emergency systems and overrides were detailed, how to lower and raise radiation and heat shields how to enable energy impact shielding systems and how to bring the ships weapons online. The ship was also outfitted with a self destruct sequence. Finally Sarah went through the systems for loading and unloading cargo, how to access the armory and where it was located where the airlock is and the procedure for going EVA. She then went on to detail where some tools were kept and emergency supplies. The ship as it was, turned out to be alot bigger than it seemed. Devon had only explored about 10% of it. Most things were automated, that is why only one pilot was needed. Even the automated systems had automatic backups, finally if manual intervention was required for anything very sophisticated tools were available. The last thing Sarah detailed was the comms system.
Sarah spoke "Devon, while it was predicted highly unlikely the mission objective has any living entity's in it, it would be wise to attempt to make any communication on all known frequencies and bands which carbon based lifeforms are known to interpret". With that Devon assumed his position in the pilots seat and Sarah said "Shall we commence the mission now Devon?" Devon responded "Execute mission orders now!"
"Devon would you like to begin scanning known frequencies for any signs of life?" "Ok Sarah go ahead". Blip blip blip, Static - nothing. Sarah continued scanning for a couple of minutes. "Devon ive run through all possible ranges and frequencies, i'm sorry nothing has been detected" "That's ok Sarah, it was a long shot to expect anything would be living in such an ancient relic". "Shall i begin docking procedures Devon?" "Proceed Sarah". The ship lurched and shuddered as its engines came online, Devon strapped himself into the pilots seat. "Sarah run a fuel check and diagnostics of all core systems"
"Fuel at 90%, No hull breech's are detected"
"All Engines and navigating thrusters functional and operating at 100% power"
"Warpdrive currently disabled but functional with no damage detected"
"Navigation systems functional, optimal calibration"
"All shields functional and charged"
"Weapons nominal, heat dissipation currently at 0%"
"Ballistic ammunition stores at full capacity"
"Power stores 100% Reactor functional, no leaks or damage detected"
"Life support functional and at optimal levels"
"Gravity generator functional and at optimal levels"
"Emergency Solar panels functional"
"Airlock functional, pressure stable"
"Genebank stasis functional"
"All communications and shipwide communications systems functional"
"Deep Space telemetry scanners functional and operating at maximum frequency's"
"All systems are functional Devon and working at optimal levels"
"Ok, thanks for the report, Sarah run a system check on the docking boom".
"Gantry functional"
"Hydraulics functional"
"All docking systems functional"
"Ok Sarah take her in". Devon felt the ship accelerate towards to the large object floating ahead. As the Starseed neared the mass, she slowed to a crawl. "Beginning initial ship scan" A weak laser shot out from the front of the ship and begun tracing over the ancient hull. "Composition of hull, unknown. Trace elements detected within...... Radiation..... Helium..... Unknown atomic compositions detected..... Evaluating..... Further analysis is needed....." "Sarah scan for any power signatures" As Devon examined the behemoth in front of him the laser changed modulation "Scanning...... one weak power signature detected..... location, not known..... internal structures too dense to penetrate.... possible other undetected power signatures, advise taking portable VI rig on expedition." "Thank you Sarah, locate an entrance please and dock". "Devon i'm scanning for entry points now..... There appears to be a breech near the derelicts aft. Shall i attempt docking there Devon?" "Yes proceed Sarah"
The ships navigation thrusters spun it around and then shuddered forward again. Devon watched through the bridges front panels, as the Starseed navigated towards its destination. "It sure is ancient" Devon remarked as he looked at the ancient hull. He noticed what appeared to be some blast marks at random points. Whatever happened to this vessel, it must of be catastrophic. Here and there was cryptic markings and what appeared to be some sort of language but unlike anything he'd ever seen. What Devon was observing , made him question every history book he'd ever read and every lecture he'd ever attended on the nature of the universe and its age.
The Starseed started to decelerate, and forward facing lights flicked on. A huge gaping hole was before the ship, with only darkness being visible inside. "Devon we have arrived" "can you extend the docking gantry into that hole?" "Scanning hull breech........." A beam shot into the hole and begun probing it. "Devon it appears there is nothing structurally that will interfere with docking procedures, shall i extend the gantry?" "Go ahead Sarah". Devon heard a grinding hydraulic sound and gears moving, then the sound of metal on metal as the gantry crashed its way into the hole. After a few minutes the gantry was fully extended into whatever lay past the hole. Devon looked through the bridge window and could see its metal features glinting. "Well time to suit up and see whats out there" "Very well Devon, I will now guide you to the armory and tools".
A door Devon never noticed before leading off from the bridge hissed open. This was to the left of the pilots seat. "Devon, go down the corridor and enter the first door you see". Devon got up from the pilots seat and moved towards the door. 'click click click clack' more lights switched on. This corridor was much the same as the one that lead to the bridge, devoid of features just polished metal. After walking up the corridor a little he came to another door, pressed its security button then walked in. As Devon walked in Sarah spoke again over a ships intercom "Devon this is the ships armory and store room. All tools, ammunition and weapons can be found here" "Thank you Sarah".
Devon examined the stocks in the room. Back on earth he had had multiple weapons training including some highly specialized weapons. The room contained various storage racks full of scanners tools and miscellaneous gadgets, a few gun racks and a couple of lockers with bulk loads of different ammunition. Devon examined the gun racks first, a familiar sight presented its self. "Very nice, i always liked the M16+ Mk3 Turbo laser" "A dependable fast firing high powered energy weapon". Devon picked up the weapon and grabbed a couple of spare energy clips. "Hmmm i should really take a sidearm as well". Looking at the other gun rack he found smaller sized weapons. "Sarah said there's traces of helium in the derelict, forget ballistic weapons". Devon rummaged through the small weapons rack and found something ideal. "Excellent this will do perfectly" He had found a small cylindrical gun shaped weapon with a handle and trigger. "Sarah how does this weapon work i'm not familiar with it" "It fires solid bolts Devon, some years before the launch modernization took place for undersea exploitation and workers needed small and practical weapons to protect themselves with from predators. The traditional harpoon gun was redesigned" "Ok but how do i reload it?" "There is no need to Devon it uses a nano matter generator, it has an infinite supply of bolts as long as its power supply does not run dry" "Ok, can i reload that" "yes Devon its possible, but the procedure is complicated. However its power supply is rated for 100 years, you will of expired by such time" "haha, thanks Sarah". Devon continued to search around the room.
In the tools racks he located a VI rig, it was thankfully wearable. "Sarah can the VI rig integrate into EVA suits?" "Yes Devon, the suits have been designed with that function in mind". Great Devon thought, the VI rig would be a non issue. Devon examined the rest of the items in the tools rack. He located what appeared to be some sort of multitool. "Sarah how does this..... multitool work?" "It features a built in VI Devon, and situational awareness. Once the tool is turned on its VI will ask you what manual task you attempting. The tool features a large assortment of functions such as drills, cutting blades and small lasers of different wave lengths. Tell the tool what you are trying to do and if it can perform that task it will".
With that devon picked up the VI Rig, both weapons and the multitool then walked back to the hallway and continued to the airlock. He came to the end of the hallway to find another door and security switch. Upon entering a large cargo bay was sprawling out ahead. Sarah spoke again "Devon, this is the cargo bay and where the airlock is located. Here you will find supplys to establish a small outpost when a suitable planet is discovered. An all terrain vehicle has been provided for you. The newearth mk1 features a small assault weapon, a nano ballistic accelerator and a basic inertia shielding system. It is able to navigate with wheels, jump jets and is amphibious with a self contained pressurized atmosphere. I advise you become familiar with it after returning from the expedition".
Devon looked around and saw a large covered object. That must be it he thought. "You will also find repair parts for this vessel here if needed. In an emergency where a device needs to be repaired if im still functional i will advise what to do". Devon moved forward through the huge cargo bay, and towards what appeared to be a sealed airlock. As Devon approached a large blast door Sarah spoke again "Devon, inside you will find lockers with a couple of EVA suits. You have been provided spares also to accommodate for any population increase" "f**k, what does that mean Sarah, what the hell does that mean? you said population increase!" "That information is classified Devon, im sorry" "Sarah i order you to explain what that means right now!". As Devon yelled at Sarah the voice of president Alexander played over the ships intercom. "Devon, this is president Alexander. You have just tried to access restricted information. When the time is right you shall be given clearance, until that time you are not to attempt to gain access. Do you understand. It is of great importance that you don't. Im sorry that i cannot give you any more information than this". The recording ended. "Damn it Sarah what the hell is going on!" "Im sorry Devon i cant authorize that" "Damn it!" Devon smashed his fist into the airlock blast door. "Well s**t, ive still got a mission to do".
Devon looked around and found a large display panel on the side of the airlock blast door with a secure security switch mechanism. This door was different to the others, it required pressing two buttons and finally the security switch, they were clearly there for safety. He pressed both buttons in order from top to bottom and clicked the security switch. The display immediately displayed 'WARNING INNER AIRLOCK OPENING', Sarah also rung out an audio alert "WARNING WARNING INNER AIRLOCK OPENING". The blast door slowly slid open and Devon moved inside. Another panel inside the airlock with a button had a flashing light blurring from it. Devon knew if he pressed this now it was lights out. The panels display said 'OUTER AIRLOCK SEQUENCE'
Devon placed both weapons, the multitool along with the VI rig on the floor then opened one of the lockers and pulled out an impressive looking EVA suit. The suit had many storage pockets and attachments for hauling devices. It featured a reinforced exoskeleton with nano boost features that made it easier to navigate and move in zero g environments. The suit was flexible, very light yet incredibly strong. As Devon climbed into it, a surge of power burst through it and it molded its self around him. "What's the EVA suit doing Sarah?" "Don't panic Devon, it the suits AI configuring to your body and form. You may feel a few tiny pricks, this is the AI establishing probes of your vital signs and probing your body's chemistry". "Owe that hurt a tiny bit" he said as he felt some uncomfortable pin pricks". "You are now integrated into the suit Devon. It features a collapsible helmet that will automatically cover your head shortly". "Sarah how do i attach the VI rig to the suit?" "Pick up the VI rig and place it near your chest". As Devon done this the rig came to life and using some hidden internal antigravity system navigated its self to the rear of Devon's suit then some mechanical hooks unlocked and the Rig slid in at which point the hooks snapped shut again. "To activate a holoscreen Devon speak out loud, holoscreen. The rig will project a screen infront of you. This is a command interface to the ship, to communicate with me, and also some limited tools built into the rig such as short range scanning and threat analysis. To operate the holoscreen just use your hands as if it were a physical console." "Ok got it" "One final thing Sarah before i proceed, is there any attachments for my weapons and the multitool on the suit?" "The suit is multipurpose and can adjust its self automatically, place items where you would like them to be attached and the suit will tailor itself" Devon picked up the bolt gun and moved it to his hip, as he did the suit magically rearranged itself on his hip and grew a holster from seemingly thin air.
"HAH, nano tailoring, that's new" "Near the time of your launch Devon, the apparel industry was one of the few profitable industry's still experiencing growth. Researchers knew that the need for apparel would far outstrip conventional methods of producing goods. Eventually a researcher made a breakthrough, with one suit fits all technology. People were issued a single suit featuring holographic technology that could virtually skin the suit with whatever they desired. Because the technology was partially intelligent it was self cleaning and self modifying. What you are wearing is the end result of military research based on this technology" "That's amazing Sarah. A shame it all had to end" "I'm sorry Devon my empathy module doesn't allow me to understand the word shame" "HAHA, guess VI's will never be that smart"
Devon picked up the M16+ Mk3 Turbo laser placed it on his back and the suit grew a back strap around the gun so that the gun was now slung on a strap. Finally he picked up the multitool and placed this on the other side of his hip, the suit also grew a holster for it. Then the suit slid a helmet over his head and oxygen from systems somewhere in the suit started pumping into the helmet along with a few other gasses which also pumped around the suits internals to create a stable pressure. Heating came online and a small headsup display in the helmet to its very extremities on either side poped up. The information presented in the display showed Devon's vital signs along with current oxygen reserves, the suits status as well as some basic info on the Starseed and a small biosign scanner. Devon spoke to Sarah through an internal coms system "Sarah what if i need to relieve myself?" "Your biological needs are provided for Devon, the suits nano systems remove and deconstruct biological waste material in a very short time." "HAHA, thanks Sarah" "Devon, if you need to consume water, bring up the holodisplay and under the menu survival you will find the button water. Press it and a small straw will extend inside your helmet. Sip from it and you will be refreshed. Be aware the suit has a limited supply of replenishing liquids, use it sparingly". "Great Sarah" "I don't understand that word Devon" "Nevermind, lets begin Sarah".
Devon moved towards the flashing panel and pressed the button. Sarah said over the ships intercom "WARNING WARNING, OUTER AIRLOCK NOW OPENING. ALL UNSUITED PERSONAL EVACUATE THE AIRLOCK, WARNING WARNING VACUUM ENVIRONMENT IMMINENT". Massive gears spun up and the internal airlock blast door slammed shut, the oxygen inside the airlock was vented, and the external blast doors slowly slid open. Devon moved forwards towards the outer blast door and into the extended gantry. "Sarah does this suit has some sort of lighting built in?" "Yes Devon, on the holodisplay under integrated features, press lighting." Devon brought up the display and turned on the suits lights. A large flood light switched on from a tiny light emitting circuit at the front of the suit and projected forwards to the darkness. Devon ventured forwards towards the gaping hole. "Sarah does this suit have any mobility features?" "Devon it does, but it will expend oxygen to do so. There are small pressure jets built in but i advise against doing this, its an emergency feature." "Ok thanks Sarah"
As Devon approached the end of the gantry and peered in, all was black and he got the feeling he was walking into an ancient tomb. He moved the suit around to get an idea of where to go from the gantry. An unusual looking walkway was glistening a few feet below the hole. Its design was more alien and strange than anything he'd ever seen. The pathway curved and zigzagged forward for miles. It looked like it did both at the same time. He looked around the edge of the gantry and noticed a small lowering winch. "Must be for cargo" Devon examined its controls, a lever primitive but reliable. "Sarah can you operate this winch so i can be lowered to the path below?" "Devon i can, please attach the winch's securing hook to your suit." Devon placed the hook on his suit and the nano suit wrapped its self around it. "Devon please move forward and i will lower you" As Devon moved forward the winch engine whirred into life. He sort of abseiled down to the bottom. Devon's feet hit the floor with a metallic thud, the suit's AI released the winch hook and it clunked to the floor. He looked around and could see all manner of strange objects, some of it looked sort of like machinery.
Devon walked along the strange path for what seemed like hours, maybe it was? He had lost all concept of time. He looked at his oxygen read out, 75%. The strangeness of it made him uneasy. Majestic towers and columns were scattered everywhere to the sides of the paths. If there was anyway to once interface with these structures, it had not been done since earth was a young planet. There was small hull fractures and minor holes in various places, but it was to be expected, the thought occured to Devon "Some things remain a constant in this universe".
After some more walking he came to a huge room with exquisite features. The path lead to an intersection with other paths splitting off from it. All around the room was some sort of stone looking structures. They appeared to have form and distorted looking faces. Devon did not recognize them as anything associated with earth. Were these the previous occupants of the ship or just objects of worship to some alien deity? In the very center of the path split was a small standing black marble like pedestal no higher than Devon's chest. "What on earth could this be?" Devon said. He brought up the holoscreen and asked Sarah to run some scans. A small probe on an attach'ed arm moved up from the VI rig and beamed a tiny laser towards the pedestal. "Scanning....... Composition.... Unknown...... Energy signature..... found..... Radiation emissions...... 0 Switching to alternative wavelengths....... Scanning for any known elements...... Carbon.... found .... Rare earths ...... found ...... All other atomic components are unknown ..... Advise caution, examine with care"
Devon walked towards the pedestal and wondered how he could examine it. He unholsterd the multitool and activated it. A small VI voice spoke to Devon "Hello sir, how can i assist you?" "I want to examine this black pedestal in front of me". The multitool beamed a small scanning laser at the pedestal. "Analysis shows a hollow structure with unusual componentry. Advise interfacing electronically. Shall I initiate communication with it sir?" "Proceed" The mutitool beamed a shortwave electrical signal at it, a few seconds after this the pedestal emitted a strange hum and begun to glow. Sarah spoke to Devon "Devon i've detected another energy signature, is it the pedestal?" "Yes Sarah" "Devon some of the derelicts systems are coming online, use caution" "ok thanks for the intel Sarah". The Multitool VI spoke again "Sir, i have done as much as i can. I was able to turn on the device. Call me again if you need me Sir."
Devon placed the multitool back in its holster and waited for a bit to see what if anything would happen. After a few more minutes, a few unusual green lights switched on overhead. "That must of been the ships internal lighting once, atleast whats left of it." Devon brought up the holodisplay and went through a few menu's. In the VI rig's tools menu he found the short range scanning tool. he selected it and the VI begun scanning for nearby points of interest.
"Scanning...... ping detects..... multiple rooms with unpowered machinery...... many below and above this location...... a large power signature is detected ahead..... proceed with care" Now that the limited lighting had powered up, Devon decided it was best to conserve his suits power and turned off his suit light. A quick glance at his oxygen status, 70%. Devon continued onwards.
Instead of walking up a path that split off he carried on straight ahead towards the large energy signature. After another 10 minutes walking up a wide corridor he came to a large room that made the previous room seem tiny. It was a humongous chamber, at the rear of it was some strange looking cylinders with light emitting from them. "I guess i done that" remarked Devon. As he moved towards the cylinders Sarah spoke to Devon "Devon, caution i'm detecting radiation spikes. Your suit is protected from radiation but extreme exposure will harm you". Cautiously Devon moved towards the cylinders, they appeared to be some sort of glassy material, opaque containing whatever was emitting the light. As he neared the cylinders something strange took place. A semi transparent bipedal figure speed past him. "Wha..... What the f**k was that!" Devon exclaimed. "Sarah can you run an energy analysis on whatever just happened" Scanning..... Energy signature detected..... VI detected...... Attempting communication...... Sarah produced a weird high pitched digital scream.
"AARRRRRHZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZZBBZZZZZZZ" "Sarah, are you there,?" nothing, just static. "SARAH WHAT THE f**k JUST HAPPENED, PLEASE REPLY!" more static. He was really sh*****g bricks now. Devon opened the hologram console and selected ship information. "Holyshit, the entire ships VI system is down. What the hell?" Devon was getting worried. As he tried to work out what to do next, a loud sound like a screeching came over his suits com. "WHA....... WHAT THE f**k IS THAT!". Then suddenly a ghostly figure appeared, it was the same thing that had fried Sarah. It moved up to Devon as if floating and pressed a long gangly finger to his suits helmet. Gradually the screeching turned into understandable english. "Stranger you have entered my home. Why are you here?" "Wha wha, who are you?" "Answer me stranger" the voice boomed "I am the last of my race, i was sent here to find a way to restart my civilization" "You speak the truth, i am the guardian of this vessel. my masters perished in a terrible war. One that destroyed and obliterated all of my makers proud civilization. I am what you relate to as a VI. What do you hope to achieve by being onboard this tomb?" "I need technology and equipment so that i can survive" "I will give that which you seek but do not go anywhere i command you not too, if you do this tomb will also become your own" "In your language i see there is a term known as respect. You must apply this understanding here. I have disabled your ships VI, upon leaving this dead place it will be restored. Now walk with me and listen to a tail"
The Alien VI, as it turned out was created in the image of its maker. A scientist of the long perished race that made this ship. The alien VI's name was called Kn'thor which translated to english meant assistant to high overseer. The VI described examples of its dead culture and things that had existed a long time ago. "Kn'thor what was the name of your creators?" "They were only known as the farseers, there was other lesser advanced races in different parts of the universe but my makers had brought them into forceful protection. My makers wanted to protect them from themselves. One by one the different races yielded and accepted my makers as their new rulers. Some resisted but were not technologically adept to fight back. However one race was, and after a war that lasted a 1000 years my makers were defeated. The vessel you stand in now was where my makers last desperate stand took place. They perished here, holding onto everything they loved dearly. This vessel contains fragments of all of my makers culture. And just walking through it with me is history lesson enough". As we continued walking up a path i looked around and noticed some most unusual sculptures and other art forms lining the walls of the corridor. The art was twisted and unusual geometric shapes that made no sense at all.
"Now, come with me, i will give you something to take with you on your journey." We entered a large room with an oval dome in the very center of its ceiling. As we walked in many green lights switched on and we became bathed in green light. A spectral starscape appeared swirling around overhead. "This is a map of the universe before everything went silent. There was a great cataclysm which destroyed most sentient races." Kn'thor moved his hand in a strange gesture at the starscape. The starscape instantly zoomed in. "This is the same place we are located now but 1000's of years ago" He waved his hand at the starscape, the map moved a bit to the left and showed a few planets with strange symbols on them. "These planets are the last known resting places of a few of the races that became subservient to my makers. They contain much technology left from my creators. If you can reach them they will serve your needs. I will send coordinates to your VI's data storage systems once you have left this place." "Kn'thor i have a problem reaching them." "Speak!" "My vessel has an experimental warp engine capable of reaching many far off stars in a short time. But for it to operate it requires much rare material that i currently don't have. Can you please help?" "Granted, i will transport some material to your ship to allow you to continue your journey." Then Kn'thor walked with me back to the gantry, as we approached it he said "you would of made a good citizen of my makers race. Go in peace" Kn'thor faded out and Sarah came back online. "Devon what happened?, i was taken offline. Did you shut me down?" "Sarah, all is well. Just operate the winch. We need to continue our journey." "Devon im receiving coordinates of 2 planets, a long distance away. Im reading the warp drive is now online, Devon how is this possible?" "It just is Sarah. Some things should not be explained" "Very well Devon, Winch coming online. Please attach the hook." A fleeting thought flashed through Devons head to play thief, to steal some items from this tomb but he remembered well Kn'thors warning. "Maybe not today"
Devon attached the hook again to his suit and he was winched up and reverse abseiled. As he was being lifted he looked at his oxygen readout "s**t 20%, just as well." He was thankfull he didn't give in to the other side of his human nature. Perhaps Kn'thor was wiser than Devon imagined. Devon walked down the gantry, and towards the airlock. He pressed outer airlock initiation sequencer button and waited. The blast door grinded open and he walked in. After a few seconds the outer airlock blastdoor sealed shut and oxygen started pumping in. Then the airlock panel displayed Environment Equalized, which meant it was now safe to open the inner airlock and remove his suit. The suits helmet slid back as the suits VI detected a safe environment and Devon removed the multitool and weapons. The Suit retailored its self and the holsters disappeared. However the sling for the M16+ remained. Finally the VI rig unhooked its self from Devon's back and gently hovered to the floor. The suit then disengaged its self from Devon's body and he felt some small needles unprick themselves. "Hope i dont have to make a habbit of this" he said out loud. Devon put the suit back into its storage locker and pressed the airlock panel button. The inner blast doors slid open, he picked up his weapons and the multitool with the VI rig then walked through. Once back in the cargo bay he dropped what he was carrying and closed the inner airlock door. Sarah spoke to Devon "Devon i have logged and noted all events of the expedition that i was online for. You can review the log in the stasis chamber room on your personal console." "Thank you Sarah, i need to get a meal now. Is there a hot shower on this vessel?" "Yes Devon i will direct you" "But first i need a meal Sarah" "Very well Devon, speak to me when your ready"
And with that Devon returned the weapons and tools back to storage then went to the mess for a well earned meal.
Im like over there, somewhere.....
Devon located the shower with Sarah's guidance, it felt amazing. "How long had it been since the last shower?" It seemed like decades to Devon. The shower as it turned out was in a small room off the corridor that lead from the stasis chamber room. After an excessively long shower, Devon pressed the off button. The shower unit then presented some nano airblowers that blew warm comfortable air over Devon and dried him off. "Thats impressive" Devon remarked. Sarah spoke "Devon would you like a fresh set of clothing?" "Ok Sarah thanks" A flight suit dropped from a small opening in the ceiling. Devon put on his new suit, discarding the old which was nothing more than shorts and a tshirt. He noticed there was an insignia on the suit, a small logo of the Starseed with a circle around it which was blue and a dove which represented the hopes of the human race. The suit was nothing special, was constructed of standard modern material and techniques. Warm and thin. A basic flight suit.
Devon made his way back to the bridge to decide the next course of action. As he settled in the pilots seat he recalled the meal he had earlier before having a shower. What a nice meal it was, fresh veggies and meat "Must remember to give my compliments next time" "Sarah whats the status of the warp drive?" "Warp drive is online and primed for initiation Devon, fuel is reading....... 100%" "Great!, that'd allow a long jump" "Are all systems functioning and is there any damage Sarah" "Systems check indicates........... no damage all systems are 100% capacity" "Very good Sarah. Sarah bring up the navigation console and show me the data that was sent to this vessel" A large projected holodisplay of various stars appeared in midair in front of the huge forward glass panel. Two points of interest were marked on the holomap. "Sarah, give me the analysis based on current data of both marked points of interest" "Yes Devon............... processing................ Devon, both POI's are reachable with current warpdrive fuel reserves however i am unsure if enough fuel reserves would be left to initiate a jump to a second POI without finding additional fuel. Deep space telemetry data suggests both POI's have multiple planets and a sun......... average orbit paths around the suns....... Minimal radiation projections.......... The sun of one POI is estimated to be, much older than earths sun..... early analysis shows signs of a red dwarf..... The second POI's sun appears to be...... a black dwarf this is an anomaly Devon black dwarfs were thought to be non existent. Devon i advise setting a path for the first POI with the reddrawf, the second POI i will be solely reliant on energy reserves since there is no solar output from a black dwarf" "Ok Sarah, set a path for the POI with the reddwarf" "Coordinates are locked Devon and the Warpdrive is ready. Shall i initiate warp jump Devon?" "Hit it Sarah!"
The Starseed lurched and shuddered as a large buildup of rippling energy projected around it forming a bubble in space. Devon watched out the forward glass window, stars seem to melt away and a vortex of energy opened up before the ship. It was a strange thing to witness for the first time entering warpspace. Devon felt weird, as if he was about to enter another reality. The Starseed screamed forwards at a blinding speed through the vortex. And then, all that was to be seen outside was utter darkness. Devon experienced an unusual eeriness, as if this was a place humans were not meant to go. "Devon, all warpdrive systems functioning normally..... Hull and superstructure is experiencing zero stress.... Fuel reserves for the warpdrive currently at 95% and dropping..... Energy Shielding is experiencing no disturbances or fluctuations..... ETA is 20 minutes earth time Devon" "Very good Sarah" Devon wondered what might be found on the other end, what ancient door was he about to open? "Nothing to do but wait now" Devon said as he laid back in the pilots seat and stretched.
"Devon, the Starseed is 2 minutes from destination. Warpdrive fuel reserves have dropped to 40%. Shall i prep communications systems and all shield systems?" "Yes Sarah, bring short range coms online and raise all shields" The Starseed hummed as its shielding came online. "Sarah prime weapons systems but do not bring them online" The pilots console showed energy levels being built up to weapons systems and shielding. Devon examined the console more closely, it showed 100% energy to radiation heat and energy impact shielding. "Thirty seconds to the POI Devon" Devon whistled a small tune. "Ten seconds, nine...... eight.... seven.... six..... five..... four..... prepare for contact" The Starseed suddenly lurched, the feeling was as if things were falling backwards. "Stabilizers online" Devon was pushed back into his seat. He heard the warpdrive winding down a sort of low hum. The Starseed burst through another energy vortex as outside filled with stars and bright lights again. The energy bubble surrounding the Starseed dissipated as the warpdrive went offline. "Contact made Devon, POI reached........ warpdrive fuel reserves at 35%...... no damage detected.... all systems are working optimally...... shall i begin communication broadcasts Devon?" "Go ahead Sarah" As Sarah sent out short range signals, Devon rubbed his eyes and looked out the front glass window. Ahead was the reddwarf and circling it was a cluster of 3 planets. Devon blinked, could he really be here? This was the first time he had been awake to experience warpspace travel. Sarah broke him away from his thoughts "Devon im detecting a very faint signal originating from the third planet" "Sarah, bring scanners online and perform analysis's on all 3 planets" "Devon shall i move the Starseed to near orbit of the planets solar system?" "Proceed Sarah"
The Starseeds subwarp engines blared up and the ship begun to shudder as she hurtled towards her new destination. She came to a rest near the third planet. "Scans show....... planet one...... argon and silicon composition...... atmosphere...... environment not friendly to humans....... acidic air composition needs closer analysis...... planet two........ mostly iron composition..... body's of liquid that appears to be liquid metals....... unusual characteristics exhibited by the body's....... use caution........ environment not safe for humans to breath but with protection may be survivable....... planet three........ carbon and magnesium composition....... other small deposits detected...... scans reveal pings of unknown alloys....... weak signal originating from planet three..... limited body's of water..... drinkability unknown........" "anything more to report Sarah" "Devon im detecting structures of unknown design on planet three" "Move into orbit around planet three Sarah" The Starseeds subwarp engines pushed her forwards towards planet three. "Entering orbit around planet three Devon, optimal orbit trajectory has been calculated and engines are going quiet" The Starseed was now in orbit around planet three and her engines had shutdown. "Sarah begin planet wide analysis and communications scans" "Initiating detailed scans Devon, this will take some time. I estimate 24 hours. I will provide you a verbose report once completed" "Very good Sarah, proceed." Devon thought it best he got some sleep, he needed to be ready for whatever lay ahead on planet three. He stopped briefly in the mess for a small meal and a hot drink. Devon remembered to tip the VI's this time "Thanks guys your meals are the greatest" "Very good sir, please come again"
Devon made his way back to the stasis chamber room, climbed into his chamber and closed his eyes. He could see his family, he wondered what they did with the last years of their life's never knowing what had become of him. It was a sad thought but comforting to remember them. Slowly Devon fell asleep, giddy and excited with the thought of the adventure that lay ahead.
"How long had i been out? 5 hours?" Devon opened his eyes, he was sitting on his parents sofa. "Son can you come here" Devon got up and wandered across his family's lounge to find his mother in the kitchen preparing dinner. "Hi mom what cha cooking?" "Its a special dinner tonight son, got some visitors popping over about eight" "Is that so mom? Anyone i know?" "You sure do son, Uncle Tom and Grandpa Jack are visiting" "Awesome mom, would love cracking a beer with the ol man and gramp's" A nagging thought wouldn't go away, aren't i supposed to be somewhere else? "Now go and sit down son dinner will be ready soon, Tom and Jack will be here any minute" Devon meandered back to the lounge and sat down on the sofa again, he fiddled with his fingers for about 10 minutes when there was a loud honk outside and seconds later the front door burst open. Uncle Tom and Grandpa Jack walked in as if they owned the place. Uncle Tom shouted"Lane how are ya you old chook?" "Well if it isn't the two partners in crime" Uncle Tom picked up Lane and spun her around "HEHEHEHEHE Tom stop that" "Where's the ol man is he in?" "Sure is Tom, hes messing around in his garage as usual" *Devons mom rolled her eyes* Tom walked off to the garage and grandpa jack yelled out "Got a beer for this old man? and where's that son of yours Lane?" "Sure Jack, grab a bottle from the fridge. Devon come here son! say hello to your grandfather" Devon moaned as he got up and walked out to the kitchen, Jack shouted "Devon my boy come here, you look like a man now splitting image of your father. Those flyboys in DC will be rearing to get you in the pilots seat. Jack grabbed Devon and hugged him. "Son a man needs to drink, how old you are now? What 18?" "That's right grandpa, im 18, just turned last week." "Hotdamn my boy, its time you had a beer. Come have a beer with your old grandpa Jack" "Lane?" Lane nodded with approval "Go ahead Jack its fine, hes that age now." Jack grabbed another bottle from the fridge and grabbed Devon by the arm "come on lets have a drink, got a story to tell you" They sat down on the sofa, Jack begun Telling a story from early 2000's, it was a tail from world war three.
"Now Devon my boy listen up, i wanna share with you something ive told few people. Im getting old and dont know how much longer i'll be around to annoy everyone so i need to share this story with someone and that someone is you my boy. When i was a little older than you in my early 20's the nations of earth were at each others throats. The eastern nations were vying for resources as they grew to damn near total collapse, so many people. All the western nations with slightly less people decided something had to be done. A new race for the stars begun, massive construction took place in low orbit which in turn fueled industry. People were happy, new places to live, research catapulted ahead as did technology and manufacturing. Then some eastern nations that were pissed with the advances the largest western nations had made contacted some of the smaller western nations and struck up a covert friendship. Behind the scenes it was decided to launch some missile strikes at a number of the orbiting civilian structures. The loss of life and outrage made worldwide headlines forcing a lengthy investigation. What im telling you Devon my boy don't share with another soul to this day much of it still remains tightly sealed up. The outcome of the investigation pointed fingers at suspected nations, but it was never proven who pulled the trigger.
Despite best efforts at diplomacy the world descended into war alliances were formed, backroom deals were cut. Slightly over half the nations on earth at the time allied forming a large collective military force who's policy's and governments wanted peace whilst the rest allied against them wanting to rather rule the planet for themselves and claim its resources. The free world at the time would not have a bar of this, and so war was declared. Gradually all nations were sucked into the conflict, im a decorated hero of that war my boy. Me and my squad took down many battleships, did things to this day were still not proud of in the name of our country and saw more death and despair than any man should ever witness. "Jack took a sip of his beer" I sense that same heroic talent is in you Devon, my grandson. I want you to know no matter what happens to you no matter what calamity may befall you always remember these words, to die for a cause is honorable to die for your country is respectable to die for pride is foolish ignorance. The wise hero walks away to fight another day" Devon took a sip of his beer "Thanks Grandpa Jack" "Your welcome grandson, keep those words in your heart forever, it'll keep you alive" "Oh and Devon one more thing before i go and chat to your Father and uncle Tom" "Sure, what it is it grandpa Jack" "WAKEUP!"
Devon's eyes blinked open. A siren blared around the ship. "Ugh, Wha What's going on?" Sarah attempted to speak "STaa...aaa..aaaaaa.. Stabilizerrrrrrrrrrrrssssss........ offline.....................Gravity........... Graaaaavvit..tttyyyyy pull critical........ Internal......hulllll...lllll ...... damage....... sys... sysssssss.....systems.............. offline............... damage to............ warning................"
Devon immediately sat up his mind and body jerked into action adrenaline taking over, he leaped out of his stasis chamber and vaulted with speed and urgency to the bridge as the Starseed rattled like crazy. An automated warning played over the intercom "Warning Warning, orbit destabilization imminent Warning. "F**k, i never thought to check the gravitational pull on the Starseeds trajectory." Devon sprinted into the bridge, overhead lights were flickering making it difficult to see. The ship bucked around as she picked up speed towards a headfirst descent falling like a comet to the planet below. Devon jumped into the pilots seat strapped himself in and begun flicking through various diagnostic screens and outputs. Shield energy reserves were low, impact shielding reserves read slightly higher. All subwarp engines were offline, navigation thursters were firing at full thurst to reverse the descent but the planets gravitational pull was too much. "Shes never gonna break away, looks like im going down with the ship" Devon considered his options, sweat pouring down his face. The Starseed violently started shaking as it gained momentum crashing down from orbit into the planets weak atmosphere.
"Sarah close the bridge doors, seal all blast doors.. Give me a status report on the stabilizers" "Deeeeee... ddddd.... Devon, Stabilizers are offline the stress of an unscheduled descent from orbit has caused significant damage. I caaaaa.... can, redirect all available energy to frontal impact shieeeeee....shielding to soften contact with the surface...... shhhhhhh.... short range scanners are arrrrre.....are functional...... You will have to navv.... navigate manually Devon" As the Starseed crashed down through the planets atmosphere flames leapt up around the hull, Devon brought up the short range scanner's geographic topology and engaged manual navigation control. "Sarah, shift all energy from all non essential systems to frontal impact shielding, Grandpa lets live another day"
Devon drew on every skill and trick he knew, he brought all navigation thrusters to reverse twisting them slightly trying to bring the Starseed level, nothing worked she was a dead weight falling at extreme speed in a vertical nosedive. As all hell was breaking lose, the Starseed threatening to tear herself apart a small complex of strangely shaped buildings displayed on the shortrange scanner, the geographic topology map pinged a location. As she plummeted Devon could make out metallic glints in the distance. Devon was running out of options "20,000 feet, s**t s**t s**t what can i do think damnit think, what would gramps do. The Warpdrive!, nono thats too risky she'll be crushed by the planets gravity. F**kit what choice do i have." Devon brought up a small console, the warpdrive panel. He changed polarity so it would open a warpvortex below the ship and punched the warpdrive ignition. "Devon what are you doing? I detect the warpdrive is charging" "Saving us Sarah, Saving us" The warpdrive spun into life as the Starseed plummeted. At 10,000 feet, a ripple of energy washed over the Starseed as a swirling vortex appeared slightly below her. Inky blackness projected outwards as time day and space melted together. The Starseed vanished into the gaping hole, a few seconds later a rippling energy vortex appeared near the surface of the alien planet, the Starseed shot out at tremendous speed resuming its nose dive onehundred feet above the surface. The frontal impact shielding took the brunt of the impact as she made contact with the planets surface, a massive dust plume rose up around her. She slid along the surface coming to a rest with a loud thud. Immediately after surface impact all ships systems went dead and the bridge was washed in darkness. Devon was unconscious by the time the Starseed had come to a rest.
It must of been hours before Devon woke. His head was pounding, heart racing but he was alive. A couple of ship systems had partially rebooted. There was atleast lighting in the bridge. "Sarah? Sarah are you there?" ............................. silence. "We made it Sarah not how i would of preferred it but were in one piece" Devon brought up some diagnostic screens on the ships bridge console, there was red indicators everywhere. "Damn, not sure if she'll ever fly again but for now its home" Over half the ships systems were critically damaged, repairable but nothing short of a team of engineers would do it. "Well s**t, what does work?" Devon ran diagnostic scans "Hmmm the airlock seems ok that's something. One working laser, better than nothing. Life support is working but damaged. Genebank stasis is above 50% functional, looks like veggie's on the menu still. Impact shielding was almost entirely drained, it'll recharge but take some time... Shield emitters a little knocked around but still ok. Wonder how the VI serving robots held up? Short range scanners seem fine, all long range scanning shot to hell so forget about that" Devon brought up the short range scanner display examining the signal ping. It was nearby, not close enough to make it on foot. Looks like i'll be taking the newearth mk1 for a spin, hope the eggheads done enough field tests on it. Hate to get stranded out there"
Devon peered out the bridge window, the sky was red pink truly an alien image. He blinked and rubbed his eyes, looking around. Outside were small lakes with unusual looking organic trunk like objects dotted here and there. Occasionally the trunk objects moved slightly vibrating, as they did Devon felt disturbed. In the distance he noticed some low mountains. The trunk like objects bothered Devon "hmmmmm can this short range scanner also scan biological matter nearby?" Devon directed the ships short range scanner at a trunk creature, a laser shot out in front of the bridge and begun washing over the creature. The creature started vibrating more as the scanner passed over it. Devon nervously observed it.
After another sixty seconds the scanner had done its work shutting its self down as the creature in turn slowed down vibrating. Ten seconds later a small report was displayed for Devon. Mostly water based that makes sense. Then Devon read the report on internal analysis of the creature, it was the most bizarre biological makeup. Nothing was anatomically where it should be yet somehow this creature was alive. He scratched his head and decided it would be best to avoid these creatures till more was known. Devon decided the next course of action was to embark on an expedition to the building cluster, first however it seemed wise to get Sarah operational. Devon wasn't sure at which point Sarah's plug had been pulled but he was hardly surprised she was offline. Devon suddenly realized he had no clue where Sarah was actually housed, first priority was to explore the ship and locate Sarah.
Devon moved off to the store room to find it in total disarray. Weapons tools, ammo were jumbled up sprawled across the floor. Thankfully most items were intact and still usable. Rummaging around he found what looked to be a torch, he put it in one of his jumpsuit pockets then started looking for a repair tool. After a little searching Devon found what appeared to be a hullbreach repair tool featuring a nano spray head. Devon was no engineer but thankfully most modern repair tools had built in VI processes which assisted in the use of them. Devon walked down the corridor into the cargo bay. The cargo bay was in utter chaos, containers had been thrown randomly around fortunately the newearth mk1 was still secured where it was meant to be. "Ok Sarah where are you?" Devon pushed a few containers aside, he noticed a small hull fracture leaking oxygen. "This aint gonna kill me yet but i better get it fixed" Devon moved across the cargo bay to the rip in the hull plating held the multi repair tool up to the hullbreach pressed a few buttons, the small tool electronically blipped after which it begun scanning the hullbreach with a tiny laser. Once it had completed scanning the nano spray head sprayed some chemical at the hullbreach, the hull metal magically bonded itself together. "Amazing technology" Devon remarked as the oxygen leak ceased.
He moved around the cargo bay looking for some way to get access further into the ship, he noticed a small door he hand't seen before slightly up one wall. Turned out it was a service hatch Devon figured for repairs. He pressed a button next to it and the hatch door slid open. It was dark inside, Devon dropped the repair tool in his jump suit pocket in turn swapping it for the torch. Devon shone the torch inside the service duct, there was nothing but low crawl space ahead with the odd glowing light here and there. He gritted his teeth realizing there may be danger upahead, then climbed in. As Devon shifted forward in a crouching posture he smelt smoke "Crap, thats not good". Slowly Devon moved forward through the passage. After a few more minutes Devon came to an exit hatch with another switch allowing it to be opened internally. Devon pushed the hatch switch, the hatch door slid open as Devon shone his torch ahead.
The service duct opened out to a slightly larger hallway that was obvious it was meant for technicians as it was not a main hallway. Devon moved forward from the duct jumping down into the hallway, he could hear some burning and electrical buzzing in the distance "Damn, alot of systems must be fried better fix what i can now let Sarah do the rest" He looked around the hallway, it extended ahead towards darkness glowing lights flickering away. "I need to get overhead lighting on before i can do much here" Devon searched around for a subsystem breaker. Multiple panels and ships systems were mounted on the walls with pipes and cables from them. "Where the heck do i start?" Devon muttered. Suddenly his torch caught something interesting, a medium sized panel on the wall had 'lighting subsystem junction' written on it.
Devon ripped open then panel, inside was a mass of neatly laid cables connected to terminal points. Fortunately in the future even subsystems have their own consoles and command interfaces. Devon pressed the display button on the console. A small diagnostics screen switched on, it showed the connected terminal points and lines indicating wires. Lights which had been damaged were shown with red indicators whilst working lights were shown with green indicators. The display suggested rewiring scenarios. Devon decided it would be best to have lighting in hallway he was standing in and some nearby rooms where he could gradually explore more of this part of the Ship. He pressed the command buttons to make the change, the terminal points automatically rearranged themselves moving independently. After they had locked into place lights blinked and clacked on in the hallway, clacks were heard in the distance. "Sarah can fix the rest of it."
Devon looked around the hallway there was alot of damage, he did a quick assessment. He noticed a few more hullbreachs where oxygen was leaking. Devon moved over to them sealing them one by one with the repair tool, he put it back in his jumpsuit pocket as he moved up the hallway. Devon noticed a small service room with an access door, he pressed a button on a panel next to the door. The door slid open and inside was various bits of machinery electronics and a large bank of hermetically sealed liquid filled mainframe towers with the word SARAH stenciled on the outside.
Devon had located the VI's mainframe. There was a few small fires in the room, Devon noticed a cylindrical fire extinguisher on the wall nearby. He grabbed the small extinguisher then aimed it towards the fires, a hydro jet of nano foam sprayed at the flames. The fires were gradually put out, the cylinder beeped letting Devon known it was spent. Devon dropped the cylinder it rattled around on the ground as he moved over to inspect the damage to Sarah.
Mostly she was intact thanks to the thoughtful design to protect her components. Devon thought "Guess the eggheads felt she was the most important thing on this ship, i wouldn't say she is the most important useful yeah atleast she stops me going insane HAHA" As Devon undertook a complete analysis of any damage to Sarah he noticed a few fried removable circuit boards. They had the label power distribution next to them "That makes alot of sense. Ok Sarah lets fix you" Devon looked around the room "There must be spares around here somewhere, comeon!" A few storage cupboards along one wall had various components piled up in them. Devon shuffled through them till he found a bag of circuit boards labeled 'Spare parts - Sarah'
Devon ripped opened the bag and pulled out a wad of identical circuit boards to the ones that were fried. "lets yank these dead boards out" As Devon pulled the dead circuit boards out they buzzed a little making sparks fly, Devon tossed the malfunctioning circuit boards aside and took hold of the fresh components slotting them in, which made a nearby console mounted on a wall bleep to life. Devon moved over to inspect it, it said 'Power restored to VI, all systems functional press reset to begin reboot and initialization of VI systems'. "Here goes nothin, hope to hell this works" Devon pressed the reset button and another display prompted 'reset now yes/no?' Devon pressed yes, the entire ship went dark. Devon turned on his torch nervously. After what seemed like an eternity of waiting, ten minutes or so passed and the ship came to life. Clack clack, lights blinked on in the Starseeds VI room and Sarah showed signs of life. Devon could hear some low hums coming from inside the ship somewhere, lights clicked on inside Sarah's casing as Devon put the torch back in his jumpsuit pocket. After five minutes Sarah's familiar voice spoke over another hidden intercom. "Devon?, Devon? are you there? What happened Devon?" "We crashed Sarah, but were ok now. I done something extremely risky by operating the warpdrive with altered polarity, the Starseed fell into a warpdrive energy vortex. Instead of being crushed in a warpbubble of negative energy i hyperspace bubbled the Starseed to the surface." "Devon, never do that again, the only reason you have not expired is because of a failsafe on the warpdrive. If used manually in such a way as you did the warpdrive will immediately bring its self out of hyperspace" Devon grinned "I know Sarah thats why i done it" "Sarah did you complete the planet scan before the Starseed was pulled out of orbit" "Sorry Devon it was incomplete, you know more than i do about this planet" "Sarah begin a damage report"
Sarah begun running shipwide diagnostics and checks. "Im detecting damage to some critical systems multiple hullbreachs oxygen leaks on all decks, shielding and bulkheads are stable and holding" "Sarah, what is the status of the subwarp engine and warpdrive? Is the reactor damaged?" "Critical damage detected to the subwarp engines, radiation leaks from damaged fuel lines, the warpdrive is critically damaged with a few components beyond repair replacements will be required. Minimal damage detected to the reactor, the reactors reinforced superstructure has moderate damage, I suggest repairs" "Sarah give me a report on life support systems" "Oxygen reserves are less than 50%, suspected multiple shipwide fires consuming oxygen reserves at a faster rate. Oxygen recycling and generation systems damaged but functional. Devon unless most of the fires are put out you will asphyxiate in less than thirty minutes." "Sarah are nano fire retardant systems functional?" "Devon, Im detecting some are non functional but not critically damaged. A few are in an operational state but require power, shall i reroute power from non essential systems?" "Yes Sarah, proceed" A few electrical switching sounds ringout as multiple fire retardant systems spin up blaring away warning sirens. After a few minutes Sarah spoke over the intercom "Devon the fire retardants have reduced the number of ship wide fires by a third. The rate of oxygen consumption has lowered, i now calculate you will asphyxiate in fifty minutes at present rate of consumption" "Sarah what other contributing factors are draining oxygen reserves?" "Multiple hullbreachs, damage to life support systems, carbon dioxide scrubbers offline. Manual repairs suggested Devon, i can direct you and operate some systems automatically" "Ok Sarah lets begin" "Devon continue down the hallway, you will come to a small double door. Inside is the main guidance and navigation system. There are a few fires detected, these should be eliminated as a priority to increase the probability that the Starseed will be pilotable again. In the mean time, i will send some nano repair VI's around the ship to undertake non critical repairs of subsystems." "Very well Sarah"
Devon moved out to the service hallway, then moved towards the small double door. Before Devon entered he made a mental note of roughly about forty minutes of oxygen left. He placed his hand to the door, it felt moderately warm. "Nothing i cant handle" Devon pressed a security override button next to the double doors, they slid open. Fires had taken hold, smoke was rapidly filling up the room and billowing out through multiple small hull cracks. Devon knew he had to act quickly, he searched around the room for an extinguisher. There on the far side of the room he noticed one mounted on a wall. Devon rushed over and dismounted it, dodging flames and small explosions as components started to burst and pop. He aimed for all he was worth at the nearest fire, it was out seconds later, then Devon turned to the rest. After sixty seconds the cylinder beeped informing Devon it was empty just as the last fire was extinguished, he let out a sigh. Next, the hullbreachs. Must of taken another ten minutes to seal the room up fully. "Sarah, guidance and navigation room report" "Devon, there is moderate damage to the navigation and guidance systems but i can automatically repair them it will take time however, im detecting all fires in the immediate area have been extinguished. Hullbreachs have been sealed. Oxygen reserves have been drained further but the rate of consumption is now at half. You have precisely thirty five minutes before asphyxiation will set in. I advise repairing the life support systems to 100% functionality as the next course of action, i will provide guidance once you have completed this" "ok Sarah, direct me to it" "Access to this system is secure, i will assist. One moment Devon" a low static hum was produced over the intercom, then a few seconds later a hidden door in the wall slid open. "Devon walk through the opening and continue down the corridor, enter the first door you come too"
Devon moved through into the dimly lite service corridor, there was cables, components dislodged everywhere. It seemed this part of the Starseed had suffered the most damage. Devon came to another door with a security switch, he pressed the button and nothing happend. "Sarah, the doors not opening. Can you run a check." "Devon, the servo's are malfunctioning. I advise manual override." "And just how in the hell do i do that Sarah?" "I will advise Devon, one moment" "hmmm, must be about twenty minutes of oxygen left now" Devon pondered "Stay calm you big idiot, things are gonna work out." Devon put his hand up to the door, it was cool to touch. After another minute Sarah spoke "Devon i have formulated a way through the malfunctioning door. After performing some local ship scans i detected a small supply of engineering explosives. They are low grade with detonators already attached. It would appear they were misplaced by the original engineering team. One will be sufficient to blow a small hole through the door. I will guide you in how to best place the explosive for the least damage to structure and components. "Ar s**t, its never easy with you is it Sarah" "I do not understand the meaning of s**t Devon." "Nevermind Sarah, tell me where i need to go" "head directly down the corridor and look to the left you will find a small storage cupboard which the explosives are contained in." Devon quickly made hast towards the explosives, he knew his time was running out. "Sarah how much time is left" "Devon you have approximately fifteen minutes before you asphyxiate" "Awesome, always wondered what it would be like to run out of breath on an alien planet" Devon muttered. Devon found the cupboard, quickly snapped it open and located the explosives. "Sarah, what sort of explosive material is this?" "Non volatile standard mining munitions." "Sarah, if they should be dropped what would happen?" "The detonator would spark causing a reaction igniting the explosive material" "Thanks Sarah!" Devon shuddered.
Devon gingerly picked up one explosive bundle and cradled it like a new born child as he rushed back to the damaged door. "Ok Sarah im ready guide me with arming this nuke" "Devon, for optimal explosive discharge mount the explosive on the internal slide part of the door this is the doors weakest point and has the least amount of mechanical parts in it. Place the explosive near the far edge of the door where it slides in from, this will force the door open without completely bursting the entire door inwards." Quickly Devon mounted the explosive charge where Sarah suggested, then primed the detonator and set its timer for twenty seconds." Devon rushed up the hallway to a safe distance. BOOOOOOOM, the ship rattled as the explosive detonated. Smoke billowed out of the room as Devon rushed back to inspect his handy work.
The whole right side of the door was buckled in with a small segment of the wall blasted out, he could now squeeze in. Sarah spoke again "Devon you have 11 minutes of oxygen left, all replacement parts are on the left hand wall in a compartment the life support system is operated by a console you will find on the back wall." "Good thing i blasted the door open on that side wasn't it HAHA, or i'd be a very dead spaceman shortly. A long journey back home for spare parts!" Devon walked over to the console and inspected it, he moved through various diagnostic menu's the display outlined which components were damaged and needed replacing. Devon moved over to the spare parts compartment yanked it open and looked through the various components. He located what was needed, as it turned out a couple of filters and a few microcircuits probably were power distribution subsystems. The life support system had blinking red lights above panels where the failed components were. Devon ripped the panels open and pulled out the faulty components, inserting new functional components. The blinking lights switched from red to green indicating they were working. He moved back to the console the system had a green tick and 100% on all components. It had a blinking box flashing reset with yes/no buttons. He thought he better consult with Sarah first. "Sarah the system is repaired what next?" "Devon reset the life support system, as you do a helmet will drop down from a hatch in the ceiling quickly put it on. Oxygen generation will stop ship wide for a couple of minutes as the system reboots. Oxygen will be diverted and pumped into the helmet. Do not worry about the Gene Stasis it has its own independent systems." "What Sarah? why do plants need so much oxygen?" "No time to detail that request Devon, warning you have five minutes before you asphyxiate"
Devon braced himself, and hit the reset button onscreen. Life support wound down, Devon could feel the oxygen in the room quickly venting as it did a small helmet dropped down with a connected pipe that ran into the ceiling. Devon quickly put it on and the helmet locked its self around his face and neck, oxygen started pumping at a slow rate into the helmet. Devon looked around the room tethered to a lifeline, he never thought he would be standing in a room which was completely devoid of breathable oxygen with only a helmet keeping him alive and no space suit. It was a surreal feeling with death only an inch away. His hands could feel the strange atmosphere, but because it was not deep space and oxygen was still flowing around his body he was surviving the ordeal if not uncomfortably since when was comfort to be found marooned on an alien planet, or so Devon thought.
After a few more minutes of nervous anticipation life support came back online, beeps emanated from it as its console lite up. A couple more beeps and all panel lights turned green from orange Devon guessed which meant a systems boot check. "Devon, it will take approximately ten minutes before a sustainable oxygenated environment is achieved. I highly caution you against removing the helmet until i report it is safe to do so. All fires consumed the remaining oxygen, they have burnt themselves out" "I will await further instructions Sarah"
Devon remembered the dream he had about sitting in his moms lounge and talking to his grandfather. It wasn't a dream but infact a memory, he wondered if gramps had reached out to him to keep him safe. Maybe it was his own consciousness warning him. He got that feeling of utter loneliness once again, it was all he had left. One man and the technology he came with, nothing more than a sophisticated caveman. "Grandpa always watch over me, i'll see you one day but now is not the time" Sarah interrupted Devons thoughts "Devon, environmental reports show an optimal atmosphere throughout the ship. There is still extensive damage and significant hullbreachs, however most of the breach's have been contained with blastdoor lock downs. If the Starseed is ever to be pilotable again all hullbreach's must be repaired however Devon for the time being they are low priority. Critical danger has been adverted and all high level security measures are being lowered." The helmet released its self from Devon's head and neck, Devon walked away from it slightly leaving it dangling from the ceiling.
"Thank you Sarah, you saved my life" "Your welcome Devon, i suggest for the next course of action gather resources and inspect the newearth mk1 in preparation for undertaking the first expedition" "Ok sounds good Sarah, and Sarah about the gene stasis requiring independent oxygen, please explain" "Devon, im sorry request denied. More details can be provided when Authorization is given" "Authorization by whom Sarah? What the hell is going on in this ship?" "by president Alexander, Devon" "What the hell Sarah? President Alexander including the rest of earth is dead!" "Im sorry Devon i cannot provide anymore details at this time" "F**k, im cracking man. Damn it Sarah, bloody b***h!" "I do not understand the word b***h Devon" "Stupid VI!, guess i better carry on still got a job to do"
Devon made his way back through the service hall, past Sarah's VI room and back into the service shaft. He moved into the cargo bay, since he was there decided it was time to have a look at the newearth mk 1. Devon moved over to the still covered vehicle, unsnapped all buckles and the heavy cover sprung off. There before Devon glinting away as if brand new off the factory line in polished steel painted red was the most remarkable little vehicle he'd ever seen. It featured an impressive array of externally mounted jump jets, multiple retractable spinable micro turbines for amphibious travel the command unit its self was mounted on a 180 degree spinable base with the nano ballistic accelerator gun mounted on a counter clockwise miniturret on the command units roof. Small shield emitters could be seen mounted internally in the command unit with some piping running inside the command unit wall, Devon thought this must project the inertia field outwards. Finally it had impressive looking wheels already deployed and ready to roll out at a moments notice connected to all terrain suspension. The wheels had holes in them which Devon guessed spikes projected from for extremely rough terrain and possibly non natural surfaces. It was an impressive fusion of technology, Devon considered it as great as the warp drive.
Devon would come back and gear up, then climb aboard his impressive ride beginning final preparations before undertaking an initial expedition. First he needed supply's, a hot meal and damn long shower. Devon decided a meal would be best first then a shower. He moved out to the mess, the poor VI's were working but banged up. "Guy's how are you holding up?" The food vendor spoke first "Sir our food output is limited but we can still serve you, we apologize for the disruptions and will restore full service as soon as possible" "That's ok guys, i'll be needing a good meal when i get back so just give me what you've got now" "Sir, all we can manage today is sausages and a cup of weak tea, is that ok Sir?" "That's fine guys" "The food vendor robot slowly hovered over, one of its antigravity suspenders misfiring so it was hovering lopsided. The robot slowly materialized a steaming plate of a sausages. Devon took the plate and the robot weakly ejected a knife and fork "Thank you sir, i will take your used plate knife and fork afterwards, Enjoy Sir" The lopsided serving robot hovered off and plopped its self down near the drink VI to conserve energy. Devon quickly wolfed down the sausages, sausages on their own had never tasted so good. He walked over to the drinks VI "Sir one moment we will have your hot beverage" The machine made a sickly hum "Sir we are operating at reduced service due to the shipwide crisis" "Thats fine, do your best" The machine hummed and a few minutes later a weak cup of tea materialized. Devon sipped it and it tasted weak indeed but still plenty of flavor. "Thanks guys, you've done well now let Sarah repair you" Both VI's said "Your welcome sir, please come again"
Devon wandered off to the shower, he hoped like heck it was still working atleast partially. A cold shower would be better than nothing at that moment. The shower had cracks at random places along the wall but atleast it was working. Blissful hot water pulsed out as Devon relaxed hot water streaming down his body untwisting tendons relaxing muscles. Once Devon had done showering he climbed out of his spent and now dirty jump suit, as he was requesting a new jumpsuit from Sarah he got an idea. "Sarah, have you got anything but jumpsuits, EVA suits? I need something combat ready, something good for environmental danger." "Devon the Starseed has been equipped with a supply of combat suits, when this mission was planned it was anticipated you may need a combat suit even though no intelligent lifeforms had ever been encountered. For some years before this mission was to take place, scientists developed a heavy version of the EVA suit you were using to explore the derelict. It is similar to what was supplied to miners for asteroid cracking many years before. The design was taken by military researchers and modified to incorporate heavy armor, an outer shell constructed of the same materials the Starseeds hull is manufactured from which is attached to an inner armor shell of lighter but weaker titanium. All joints are equipped with augmented servo's, walking is electromechanically assisted providing greater degree of movement less fatigue to the wearer and the ability to scale and jump to much higher destinations. Nano shield emitters provide a limited near field radiation shield as well as an electromagnetic flux to prevent the suits systems being taken offline from high electromagnetic fields. Small counter balance weights provide a limited degree of inertia balancing which reduces internal shock and trauma from external forces. The suit is also equipped with a built in VI, short range scanning capability's and a weapons management system." "Weapons management system Sarah?" "Yes Devon, the suit features two externally located medium range beam weapons for personal protection in near encounters. Consider them point defense, they will automatically attack anything that is detected to be a threat to the wearer. All of these features are in addition to the standard EVA suit features" "Sounds great Sarah, where can i find one" "The combat suits are located in secure storage, since they are limited in number and i need to keep an inventory count on them" "What the heck Sarah again, whats going on here?" "Authorization required, please state your clearance" "What the hell Sarah? Devon Starflare, pilot of the Starseed and only survivor of earth" "Authorization....... declined.... Im sorry Devon, im not cleared to give you this information. Please proceed to the cargo bay to await further instructions" "Fine, if you wanna play it that way Sarah" Devon put his dirty jump suit back on and walked off to the cargo bay stopping in at the supply room. He picked out a small ballistic side arm "Just incase" Devon thought then pocketed it. Unsure of what to expect in the cargo bay Devon moved in.
Devon sat on a dislodged crate waiting for Sarah to say something, after a few minutes she spoke over the intercom. "Devon you are cleared for a combat suit, please proceed to the airlock." "Thanks Sarah" As Devon cautiously moved to the airlock the inner airlock door wound up and spun open, its warning alarm blaring away. Inside the airlock a hidden door off to one side of a wall slid open "Devon inside you find the combat suits. Proceed" Devon moved in, he looked around the room. There was a bit more than combat suits in that room. Stacked high to the ceiling was an arsenal of heavy assault ground lasers, ballistic repeaters on tripods. A few piles of magnetic explosive mines. Box's of thermite fragmentation grenades, guided missile launchers complete with a stock pile of 20 missiles and the most impressive of all in the arsenal. A powered heavy mechwalker lowered in couching position for secure transport. Its two massive ballistic accelerator guns where stacked nearby against a wall. "Sarah what on earth? why is there a small army worth of munitions and weapons here?" "Im sorry Devon that information request is denied" "Damn it Sarah" Devon punched his fist into the wall he was standing next too" "Devon please extract a single combat suit from one of the storage units in the back wall." Devon went over to the storage units, as he did one the glass panels covering them slid open and there on a rack was the combat suit heavy and menacing. Devon picked it up then moved out of the room back to the airlock as he did the secure room's door hissed shut. Devon made a weak smile towards the door "what could one man possibly need so much fire power for?" Devon wondered. Unless he wasn't alone?. The thought made him uneasy. What madness had he been sent into. Somewhere in the bridge a ping sounded, it wasn't the signal from the building complex.
Devon climbed into the combat suit, he could feel the suit coming alive as he stepped in. The suit much like the light version tailored and wrapped its self around Devon he felt the familiar pin pricks as before however this time the external armor begun moving and warping its self around Devon's body "Wow this is new, metal that can change shape" "Devon, it was one of earth's scientists greatest last discovery's before the mission was launched. The external armor is capable of self healing in addition, the suit is semi indestructible as you move around in the field however beware its not impervious to damage if the suit exceeds tolerance limits it will become compromised and damage to the operator may occur." "Ok thanks for the warning Sarah, its still impressive technology" "Devon the suit has self teaching tools, simply ask it a question and its advanced VI will explain whatever you want to know" "Thanks Sarah, im ready to begin the mission" "Im prepping the cargo bay doors Devon" "I wondered how the newearth mk1 was supposed to launch?" Devon stamped out to the cargo bay his combat suits boots thudding along the metal floor, the airlock's warning still blaring away after a few moments ceased as the inner airlock door snapped shut.
Devon could still feel the sidearm in his pocket as he stamped towards the newearth mk1. A familiar feeling that felt like a torch and repair tool touched his side "Oh yeah forgot to return them, nevermind im sure they'll be usefull" "Devon step in and familiarize yourself with the drive controls" As Devon stepped up the vehicles small platform to its command unit its ball shaped cockpit window slid open and a seat slid forward as a motor whirred away. Devon climbed in and took his seat in the command unit, the seat and Devon slid back as an array of displays and controls slid down from the ceiling, a main navigation yoke rose between Devon's legs. A precorded voice played over the intercom "T Minus Ten minutes until cargo bay launch" "better perform initial diagnostics and systems checks." Devon flipped through the console screens, and checked the various displays and controls. Shields were at 100% all shield emitters were working at optimal capacity the nano ballistic accelerator gun was discharging correctly magnetic coils had no damage or malfunctions detected, all jump jets were ignited and fully fueled all micro turbines were spinning up correctly and functioning all scanners were operational and supplying data at range VI integration and communications were working at 100% functionality all life support systems were online and operating at maximum capacity. All wheeled systems and suspension were operational, no structural weaknesses was reported. The mission was a go. "T minus Five minutes until cargo bay launch" the newearthmk1's cockpit lid slid down, as it did it hissed as pressure and environment pumped into the command unit. "Can you hear me Devon?" "I can hear you fine Sarah" "Devon i will supply coordinates to the newearthmk1's cockpit hud, i have plotted the most optimal course to the building cluster based on fuel and energy reserves. There are emergency contingency's in the event of a disaster, in such an event the newearthmk1's systems are automated and it will elevate from a level of 1 to 5 gradually in an attempt to sustain its self. If complete destruction is imminent it will sacrifice its self to save its operator." "Its nice to know there's an insurance plan Sarah" "T minus sixty seconds until cargo bay launch"
A loud whirring of mechanical gears and hydraulics took place, two huge cargo bay doors opened before Devon and for the first time up close with his own eyes he steered out towards a truly alien landscape. "Devon exit through the cargo bay doors when you are ready. May the mission be successful" "I hope so too Sarah, will be back for dinner" "I do not understand the meaning of dinner Devon" "You stupid VI HAHA" "Very good Devon" "Idiot!, HAHA"
As Devon started up the newearthmk1's engines his combat suit detected he was about to leave the cargo bay to the environment outside and its helmet slid over Devons head. The engines cranked into life, Devon rolled out the cargo bay doors to whatever lay ahead. The newearthmk1 crashed to the ground outside, bouncing a little "Wow hehe, hard exit" Devon laughed. He pushed the control stick forward and the vehicle lurched forward onwards to its first waypoint. Devon passed only meter's from one of the trunk like creatures, he shuddered as he past it looking up close it was intensely ugly surging away and pulsating. He almost felt sick. its skin was like some sort of leather looking texture "what a disgusting looking creature." The creature swayed slightly as the newearthmk1 moved past it. It was aware of its surroundings. Devon noted this and decided to keep clear of all of these trunk like creatures for the time being. A long journey was ahead, but the sites and sounds were thrilling enough Devon was on edge at the same time as exhilarated. The first man to ever explore a truly alien planet, and here he was.
The Starseed gradually became a blimp on the horizon behind him, Devon started to feel a sense of impending doom. What lay ahead how would he survive if anything happened? he suddenly felt an uneasy paranoia. Was this normal for deep space exploration he wondered? He supposed it was normal for any sort of exploration into the unknown. As the newearth mk1 speed towards its first way point, events were taking place elsewhere....
Somewhere, km's away from the Starseed another ship broke from orbit. It was similar looking in design to the Starseed except it had earth military markings on it. As the ship hurtled down to the alien planet's surface the Starseed's short range scanners begun pinging like crazy. The ship maneuvered its thrusters as it spun upright and then horizontally preparing for a first class landing. There was some other noticeable differences on this ship to the Starseed, this new entrant had massive rail guns flanked alongside its bridge and rear top half, including what looked like two fully loaded artillery ship to ship missile launchers. The new ship blasted dust everywhere as its powerful navigation thrusters gently lowered it to a perfect landing. As it landed 4 colossal legs shot out from its underside. A dust cloud gradually settled around it, an impressive looking central elevator lowered from the ships underside, standing on it was a squad of 12 men in full combat suits with repeating gatling lasers. One of the men stepped forward, the biggest of the group. He had a small badge on his shoulder, indicating the rank of general. Amongst the ships markings was an old earth navy logo with Starseed Mk2 painted in large bold letters, the Starseed had a sister ship. One word was spoken by the general, which was in turn intercepted by the Starseed "locate!"
Im like over there, somewhere.....
Last edited by magnum233 on 27 Jun 2015, 1:19 pm, edited 2 times in total.
Both of the previous storys are very much still in development prob will be for much of my life. The space story is shorter because it requires much more thinking and focus zombies are more like distorted reality a twisted version of our inner selves. The final piece i will share is something i started not long ago, its being written in the fashion of a diary so im finding that quite interesting.
Log entry January the 5th 2017
I was part of control group 2 when everything went to hell. I was there at the beginning. What was her name, damnit i need to remember. Thats it, her name was ALICE. Anabolic Licensed Isotype Configuration E that's what we named her, it was on the damn contract. I was a researcher in control group 2, we never knew who our boss was it was all very hush hush.
We got paid and did what was required, heck if the administration found out about all those tax dollars going to funding they would of had a field day parading around those involved in the supreme court. Now all thats gone, i remain alone hoping praying for an answer to this curse.
There were a few of us left, we tried our best to survive we held on with everything. One by one we were taken. Now its just me, i don't know if there's others out there. Must look for them. Tired, need to rest. So hungry, running out of food.
Log entry January the 6th 2017
Today one of those f**kers tried to get in, i was hiding in my lab busting my n**s trying to fix this s***wup when i heard unnerving footsteps nearby somewhere up research block a's hallway. I moved my hand down to the glock holstered at my side, all researchers were issued standard issue sidearms. I guess my shadowy employer wanted to give us an easy way out if the plug was about to be pulled. Better than being up in front of a supreme court judge for breaking constitution right?
The damn thing started hissing as it dragged its wretched body towards where it sensed i was. As it tried to smash its way through a glass window i took aim and fired, only spent one round thankfully. Ammo was getting hard to come by. The stupid creature smashed through the window as the contents of its head leaked out. I kicked it off the window frame and out into the hallway. Just another day in the lab.
Log entry January the 7th 2017
Success! I made some progress today on studying how the mutations are taking place. It seems once a person has become deceased the virus which is airborne enters through the mouth, ears and eyes. I've not yet ascertained how the virus seems to know when a body is living or not. Surely it's not capable of higher thinking???????? This is all too much right now, i need to rest again. Food... where did put my stash?
Log entry January the 8th 2017
Had a strange encounter today with an old lady who was seeking refuge. She seemed a little crazy, was mumbling about some cult worshiping the dead ones. I'm a little surprised she didn't try to hand me any leaflets, i gave her a bag of salted peanuts which she was overjoyed with then ran off singing to her self like she was on some sort of fantasy trip. Door knockers these days. That reminded me of a joke, what was it....... Something to do with dead ringers. Hah, forget about it you old has bean, just forget.
Log entry January the 9th 2017
Was getting very concerned today about my rapidly depleting food stash. I decided it was time to venture away from the small amount of safety i have here and find supplies. During my travels that day the remnants of downtown Albany shattered whatever pleasant memory's i had left. I went through the husks of different stores looking for supplies but mostly they had been picked clean, it was expected however.
I was able to find one store with a small amount of supplies left, it looked like a 7-Eleven. The owner had made a hasty exit and tried to barricade access. I found a nearby metal? something and pried off some boards which had been nailed to the store front. It stunk to high heaven inside, i swear if those monsters didn't get me the smell would. I found a few cans of beef and some coffee, today was a good day.
Log entry January the 10th 2017
Research has been continuing steadily, whilst enjoying a nice cup of coffee i made another interesting observation. The virus's mutation ability seems to exhibit peculiar characteristics. Upon closer observation i must declare that ive never seen a virus like this in my entire career. Its almost as if.......... No how is that possible? Another planet? What in the name of science is this?
Log entry January the 11th 2017
Today was a breakthrough, i named the mutation that has caused hell on earth the Benson Virus, named in part by my last name and because there is no word or saying in the human language that can be applied to it. I don't know what else to say, what ive discovered has no plausible explanation yet here it is in front of me. I think i need to leave this place, yes leave. Starting to feel not safe here anymore. I hope no ones watching me on that camera, i thought i was the last man alive in this facility.
Log entry January the 12th 2017
Someone knocked me out cold, all i heard was a loud crack and woke up in the dark with a splitting headache. All my research, everything is gone. My notes, everything except this diary and a few supplies. My guns still there i guess they felt i needed this. Nothing is as it seems anymore. What i stumbled on.... i wasn't meant to know. I'm sorry whoever i upset, my life's pursuit is science and giving back to the world what it took from me. I need to leave this place now, there's nothing here for me anymore. Need to leave.
Log entry January the 13th 2017
Cold, hungry.... Tired... a million other emotions balled into one. Im one of the desolate now, thrown out of my own refuge by pan handlers whatever remains of them. I still have some research notes up here, they couldn't take that from me. Would anyone on the road listen, probably not but i care little. I still have a mission to complete or die trying. I looked around, must of been not far from the local cdc. It wasn't first class, but would facilitate my needs. Till next time, if there is one.
Log entry January the 14 2017
I managed to locate it, Albany's downtown cdc. The dead were everywhere a true scene from hell. I knew i had to get in there, or all was lost. Somehow i rushed past a large group of them, one barely had its arm still attached flinging it around like it was some form of demented sport.
I knew this might be the last thing i saw so i took a deep breath thought of my wife and ran for all i was worth. Just made it to the cdc entrance as a huge pack of those crazed animals steered straight at me. The look from their burning hollow eyes sent chills down my spine, Sigmund Freud would of had years of entertainment studying just one of those beasts. What luck, i was still alive and my body appeared intact.
I ran through the cdc entrance hoping what i would find inside would not be the last exercise i got. Too my surprise, i was greeted by a group of people pointing laser targeters straight at my forehead. What an interesting day its been.
Log entry January the 15th 2017
Their a nice bunch, turns out they had setup a refuge camp in the cdc and surviving as best they could. I decided it was in my interests to remain quiet for my reasons coming here, i did tell them i have scientific qualifications and could be of some use particularly on the medical side of things. They naturally received me with welcome on this news and sent me to a nearby infirmary. The cdc doctor is in the house.
Log entry January the 16th 2017
Tom was his name, one of the few soldiers amongst the living. We got on well due to a common interest in fishing. He told me story's about his family he left back in dc when he was called in. He loved going camping with his son, mud fishing and knocking back a few beers. Beer, wouldn't mind one. Had forgotten what it tastes like, a pity. I continued to exchange story's and fun facts with Tom as i worked on patients using the limited medical knowledge i had learnt on my failed doctors degree. That's how i got to be in this mess, i wanted to become a pathologist. Great career choice, to bad you only get one chance in life. Or do you? As i write this, i can hear those... things wandering around outside. These people think they are safe, they should not be so carefree.
Log entry January the 20th 2017
Sorry i haven't written lately, lots of... things have been happening. Some good some bad. I wont elaborate now too little time. Were packing up and moving out, i tried every excuse to remain behind but the group needs my services and considers me one of them. Someone organized a meeting and it was decided the cdc was not as safe as it seemed, yah common sense prevailed. They piled over maps looking for safe houses nearby, turns out there's a dusty bunker not far from here.......from which era who knows. Im more concerned about what might be lingering inside. I wont be able to write for a while. To freedom and the old world!
Log entry January the 31st 2017
Hmmm the last day of the month. Its Tuesday? today would be that great day when the chime of dimes rolled into my bank account then i would sometimes take the day off and treat myself in the company of my wife to a swanky meal.
Need to focus on current events. We found the bunker, they sent some people in. Was hidden in an old subway. I'm not sure what was more worrying the giant rats or the army of zeds nearby. No matter, im just relieved its over. The guys they sent down amazingly came back in one piece. They reported on their findings and off we went. The bunker was in a very bad state of repair, its caretaker long gone and retired to his grave. Still, it felt safer than the cdc. I'll report back once there's more to share.
I may expand and alter these posts as i have more to add over time. Oneday i'd like to have a career in the pc games industry as a script and plot writer.
Im like over there, somewhere.....
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