Should bisexual homoromantic lesbians be able to bang men?
So, I've been studying lesbian culture currently, and there's a lot, I mean a /lot/ of talk about sleeping with "straight" girls. A theory proposed was that these "straight" girls were really bisexual heteromantics, called "straight" because they normally slept with significant others, or men.
Perhaps this is true. Perhaps straight girls' interests in women is merely weaker, or rarer. Most lesbians seem to have an understanding that this girl is straight, will not turn gay, and they can't force it on her.
So now I wonder, could a lesbian have a purely sexual or weak interest in a man? This is taboo, of course, because we all know of the "man-banging 'lesbian'" stereotype. But if a woman's sexuality is really so fluid, can't she? If so, should men grow to have their own guidelines for sleeping with a lesbian, such as, (borrowed from lesbian-on-straight-girl essays), "she makes the rules", "she won't turn straight", etc?
I think I'd worry a bit about the man in question, because he might not be clear on the fact that this girl is never going to want a romantic or emotionally close relationship with him. You say "homoromantic", so I can only assume that these are girls who simply don't fall in love with men.
Anytime a person has sex with someone and they're not in some kind of a committed relationship, they risk breaking hearts. The only way to prevent that is to be open about it. If that guy doesn't know this is just a night of fun or a friends-with-benefits thing, she would risk really hurting him.
I may be a traditionalist, but I do think that having sex with someone isn't something that anyone should take lightly, whether straight, gay, or none-of-the-above. I've heard of people who can have casual sex and be happy; but the only times I've heard of that working out with out people getting really hurt was when everyone involved knew exactly what the score was.
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