Spiderpig wrote:
There are plenty of situations in which, if you stop looking, you're guaranteed never to find it.
Agreed. I've just heard this advice and wanted to discuss it.
To add this is my personal experiences:
Me, personally, I've always been obsessed with the opposite sex and the idea of love and dating, but only want to stop.
I want to almost give up completely and only focus on other areas of my life.
My main problem as an aspie is just loneliness and anxiety. I have decent social skills and it's not hard for me to meet people or make friends.
Right now I'm working on just meeting people at school to make friends or possibly girlfriend.
But..yeah. That's my situation.
I'd say I'm half happy without a relationship.
I want friends and a girlfriend because I have so much free time and feel so lonely, depressed and miserable at times. I want to be with and around other people, to spend time with other people. And it doesn't have to be a relationship. Just any form of human love and attention is alright, whether that be family, friends, or a relationship.
It's not that I'm unhappy being single, it's that I'm unhappy that I don't have any human attention.
The thing is I'm fine with seeking all 3, rather than just family and friends.
Maybe it just depends on your own situation, but I can't see how I can relate it to mine.
I'm not actually pursuing any girls. I'm not seeking a relationship, I don't have a crush on any girls.
It's just, I really really badly want a relationship (or like I said other human attention), I just hide it around other people.
I talk to lots of people.
A friend said they think I now approach dating 'passive-aggressively', and I agree with them; I don't just talk to females because they are also human beings who you can have a normal friendly conversation with, I mostly do it so that it could result in friendship or relationship.
But this just isn't right. I can't talk to other people just to be nice, I have hidden motives. Always in the back of my mind that I am only talking to this person for friendship/love.
It's like I'm still pursuing love and relationship, just making it look like I'm not.
Am I even technically "looking" for love?
What defines
"looking for love"? Does it mean going on dates with many different people? Does it mean having a crush or attraction to someone and pursuing them?
When have you "stopped" looking?
I haven't shown any signs to anyone that I want a relationship, except I ask (maybe even pester) female friends if they know any nice girls to introduce me to and whine to my male friends about being single or having no one to hang out with (who also hate being single).