Today I managed to talk to a hot guy...

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29 Jul 2015, 4:02 pm

...but not only was he straight, he had a 'missus'... it's just so frustrating, though... I had to blatantly lie about my experience with escorts (a simple gender change)... he was so hot, but how am I supposed to tell him that when he's clearly straight? We seemed to go along well too...

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04 Aug 2015, 1:06 pm

It's not usually necessary to lie about what kind of escorts you've been with. You don't have to pretend you're straight just because he is.

Unfortunately not all hot guys are gay or bi, but plenty of them are. Lots of gay guys go to the gym,for example, or participate in various sports.

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04 Aug 2015, 2:34 pm

Except, I don't like muscled men... must be my curse.


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06 Aug 2015, 1:58 pm

Mootoo wrote:
...but not only was he straight, he had a 'missus'... it's just so frustrating, though... I had to blatantly lie about my experience with escorts (a simple gender change)... he was so hot, but how am I supposed to tell him that when he's clearly straight? We seemed to go along well too...

Sorry about the length, but this reminded me of an experience in my past.

Lol, kinda reminds me of the time I got blindsided by this hot, funny, and really kind straight guy. It was when I was in the airforce stationed in the middle of hell (Oklahoma actually, but still hell) and he was a civilian employee at the airbase. I was 19, he was 20 and had married his high school sweetheart. He was very outgoing, and easy to talk to which helped since I wasn't. Anyhow, after about a month of typical workplace banter, he asked if I would like to have dinner with him and his wife. I said sure, beats mess hall food. We had a lot of fun (mind out of the gutter please) and played some cards and talked and drank a bit. I went home in a great mood. I figured I made a good impression on them both and I was looking forward to being friends with them.

Scroll forward a few months and dinners. One day he was giving me a ride back to base (my truck had blown the trannie earlier) and he seemed to be a bit quiet as if he had something on his mind. Since I got to know them, I'd gotten a lot better at judging their expressions, so I asked him if something was wrong. He immediately asked if I wanted to go to a bar and get some drinks, so I said sure.

Just small talk until he had a couple under his belt. All of a sudden, he turns to me and says "Can I ask you a personal question without you getting mad?". Of course I said "Sure, you know I don't get angry very much and I certainly wouldn't with you.". Well, another few minutes of silence and then "Do you not like girls? I told Sherry that it's just cause your shy, but she thinks it's something else.".

OK, mind and body go into instant fight or flight mode. I've never heard him say anything derogatory about gay people, and we were both around the same size so I wasn't worried so much physically. But they were among the closest friends I had, and I would be devastated if I lost them, not to mention this was before even 'Don't ask, don't tell'. He must of seen something in my expression because he quickly said "Don't worry, it doesn't matter to either of us, we were just wondering". So, with my heart in my throat, I said "Yah, she's right". He cracked a big old smile and said "Damn, she's right again. Let's go back to the house, she would really like to talk to you about something". I wasn't feeling much pain after having around 5 drinks so I said sure, let's go.

We get back to their place and he tells her how the talk went. I could tell he was probably a bit past tipsy by this time and I certainly was. Anyway she whispers in his ear for a few minutes while i'm vegetating on the couch. All of a sudden he's sitting on one side of me and she on the other. She leans over and say's "I think it's pretty hot for 2 men to make love while I watch". I'm sure I must have looked like someone hit me over the head with a baseball bat, cause she started giggling and the next thing I know, she puts her hand to my chin and turns my head towards John on the other side of me and he immediately put me in a lip lock 8O

Now your mind can go into the gutter. Turns out that they had always been swingers, but it was usually with another girl. Sherry had decided it was time for her to have some fun watching. And that is about as much detail as i'm going to give :twisted: Bottom line, you can never judge sexuality based on external impressions, hell, sexuality itself is a spectrum. And sometimes, when your honest with yourself and others, unexpected things do happen.


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Imagine my therapist's embarrassment when it turned out they really were after me.;)