Yeah, Guild Wars is awesome. Hell, we should make a WP guild.
Anyone who wants to talk to me online there should contact Kynareth Adeus, that's my dervish.
So yeah. I'm friggen' obsessed with the game. When I'm not drawing or watching the rare selection of animes I like, I'm playing this.
Anyone who has no idea what the hell I'm talking about--go to
It's a MMORPG of sorts, fantasy based n'all. You play as an adventurer and save the world and stuff. It's kind of like WoW at times, but totally different. No subscription fees, but you have to pay 50 dollars for every version--of which there are three. If you're interested, it's probably best to start out with the first version--Prophecies. It's the easiest one to learn from, whereas Factions and Nightfall are fairly rushed at the beginning. They were smart enough to realize that it's best to stop leveling at level 20, such that you don't spend the rest of your life grinding for levels--you just strategize on what selection of skills you're going to bring, and go.
So, yeah, post here if you got it, post your username or whatnot, and stuff. Talk to me ingame, I guess.