Lintar wrote:
Atheism: the belief that there is no God.
Agnosticism: an absence of committment to either theism or atheism, due to an acknowledged insufficiency of relevant information that would settle the issue one way or the other.
Theism: the belief that there is a God (or gods).
What could be clearer?
It becomes much clearer when one uses the actual definition of atheism: the lack of belief in deities.
The prefix "A" means "without", "theism" means "belief in (one or more) deities". Hence, an atheist is one who is "without a belief in (one or more) deities".
Agnostic is the same, except replace "theism" with "gnosticism", pertaining to "knowledge". The agnostic is "without knowledge". No bearing on belief.
Theism, contrary to the two above categories, is the belief in one or more deities, simply.
What is important here is to distinguish knowledge claims from belief claims. I'm an agnostic atheist: I don't know, but I strongly suspect that deities do not exist. It is possible to be an agnostic theist; believing in deities without claiming that you know such exist.
The contention usually isn't that "agnostics aren't real, all agnostics are closeted atheists". It's more that many prominent people, such as Neil deGrasse Tyson, will use the unqualified label of "agnostic" even when the term atheist does apply to them. While I can understand the reason for this; the man wants to avoid being dragged into a religious debate and instead get back to doing science, one might argue that such reluctance adds to the social stigma of being an atheist, and that calling oneself agnostic instead of atheist is a needless pandering to the religious, hence why I've more than once seen the humourous redefinition of agnostic as "polite atheist".
I'm bored out of my skull, let's play a different game. Let's pay a visit down below and cast the world in flame.