Hi. My Nym is Atgnat, I came to that name after trying to register name after name and having them rejected as already in use. So, Atgnat it is, which stands for "all the good names are taken."
I have had difficulties all my life fitting into society and have been in treatment for the last 20 years or so, getting various diagnoses as "Major Depression", "Social Anxiety Disorder", "Avoidant Personality Disorder" and "general mental disorder - we have no clue."
It came as a surprise to me just recently when a person very close to me, who is a licensed psychotherapist, said to me "it's pretty obvious to me that you have Asperger's"
This completely floored me, and, as I looked into the diagnostic criteria for Autism Spectrum Disorder in DSM-V and also going back to the DSM-IV to review the diagnosis of Asperger's, I saw myself in a large majority of the features.
So, here I am. I mostly lurk and read posts, I don't know how much I will be posting at least at first, but I wanted to say Hello.