KingCrimson wrote:
I have no idea what to do or where to go for help. I have no friends, no one to talk to, no hope, a huge debt from my suicide attempt, a family who hates me as much as I hate them... I can't gather the will to do anything... I'm so f***ing alone. Nothing will change this. I'd welcome death. I don't know what I hope to achieve by posting this.
You've got it wrong. You do have an idea what to do or where to go, because you posted here. So, although you may not know what you hope to achieve, you must have a vague idea that posting might help you. If you think about that for a bit, you might get some insight into what could help you. Then it might be worth posting again.
So, you do have people here to talk to; you must have some hope in order to post here, and you can gather the will to make the post. These are starting points. Furthermore, look at it this way: if things are so bad as you say, then they can only improve! Therefore there is cause for hope and optimism.
Everyone's got their problems, and I guess most people here have got problems which are in many ways similar to yours. Yet we manage to survive. So can you. You will find it will help if you talk to us about your problems, your feelings and what is happening to you. Try it, anyhow!