I did a LOT of public speaking in HS and although I was initally nervous, it seemed to disspiate quickly once I got a rythm going. Eye contact wasn't bad cause I would just scan the room quickly.
I did:
A speech on how Buckye BOys State changed my life (lies, lies, lies!!
Two sermons (first one was good, the second one was terrible. . .)
A optimist club scholarship speech
and assorted other ones that escape my memory at the moment. . .
Oddly enough, I would have massive problems with school oral projects and would sound like this:
so the republic of rome. . .(clears throat and searches for place left off). . .was founded by remuls and. . .(Clears throat adn searches for lost place again) romus!
I don't know why, but speaking to larger crowds of my peers was always easier then delievering a oral report.
Yes! And no reciprocity, no guessing games. You can't even see anybody, just a field of blackness and glaring spotlights. For all your eyes can tell, you're alone in your dark bedroom.
I can remember how it was when I was in 3rd grade through 5th and I was in an all deaf choir (yes, we really sang!) and how much I enjoyed singing. I was pretty anonmous in the group though, so that might have had something to do with it.
I loved to sing solos. . .sometimes I wish I joined choir in HS.
All your bass are belong to us.