eddie7sf wrote:
The main "unpleasant" trait that I seem to have is that I feel I'm smarter than pretty much everyone.
The weird part is that I know rationally that I'm not. I'm a pretty smart guy, particularly when it comes to certain topics, but I know I'm not the smartest guy in the world.
Yet I look down on pretty much everyone. There are a few people that I don't (a couple of close friends), but beyond that, I dismiss almost everyone else I meet as being dumber than me. Which by and large is probably true based on how people present themselves. I have little time for most people and their petty topics of conversation.
I still don't entirely get why being smarter than the average person and saying that out loud is entirely bad a thing, but apparently it is, so I tend to keep quiet about it now.
WOW, I used to feel like that a lot, but I never vocalized it. People thought I thought I was a "know it all", simply because I was so pedantic. HEY, I couldn't help knowing so much, etc... I NEVER claimed, or even thought, I knew everything. Far from it! Only an idiot would think he or she knew everything. My feelings were because of their reluctance to listen to the truth, etc... I AM starting to see more that come close to me in a certain area, etc..., but I may always feel smarter than a lot of people I work with.