I am going to be straight with you only because it's for your own good. Fast food jobs are the worst possible fit for both people with Aspergers. You just need to realize fast food requires that your brain takes in a lot of information incredibly quickly in a short amount of time. On top of that, it's all non-verbal and most people with Aspergers struggle with non-verbal(meaning getting instructions verbally without being shown how to do anything).
The thing people need to realize about fast food jobs is while they are labeled as low skilled jobs, it doesn't mean everyone can do them, that they are easy, and everyone will be good at them. I never did them because I would have done terribly. I can't remember a lot of information given to me in a short time, I cannot multi-task, and if I had to take people's orders, I surely wouldn't be able to remember what they said within 10 seconds or if I got distracted, I would probably forget what they said and mess the order up. Not to mention running around with a ton of people in a small space would have drove me crazy. This is just my personal opinion on those jobs.
Not all is lost. There are plenty of jobs that can pertain to our strengths. Jobs where we can learn at a slower pace that don't require a ton information thrown at us verbally while being around a ton of people. It just needs to be in a better environment.
The following jobs that I would recommend to people with Aspergers who are just starting out in the workforce.
Grocery stocking: You get to work by yourself and fill shelves in an aisle without having to worry about people constantly being thrown at you. Nighttime grocery is even better because there are no customers in the stores.
Warehouse jobs: (such as loading, picking, and packing): Again you are in an environment without customers and it's another type of job that is repetitive and is easy to learn. They also often have set hours (ex: 9-5 Mon-Fri).
Custodial jobs: It's often a solitary job that involves cleaning.
Dishwasher: If you want to work in a fast food or restaurant type of an environment, this position maybe the best fit.
"The less I know about other people's affairs, the happier I am. I'm not interested in caring about people. I once worked with a guy for three years and never learned his name. The best friend I ever had. We still never talk sometimes."