This may just be something you can't relate to, or maybe some of you can. I've never really been able to appreciate any real artistic paintings, photographs, statues, or... well, even what some consider beautiful things in nature. When a painter creates an intricate picture, I can appreciate the hard work and skill put into it, and the likeness to whatever the subject may be, but I don't get a feel from it, I don't get the meaning or the emotion that art is meant to convey.
That is, until I went to a Salvador Dali show in Philadelphia a few years ago. I have no idea why I went, as I can't stand art and don't get it, but I'm glad I did. I have no idea why, but everything just seemed so profound and really engaging. Many of the paintings had backgrounds which told what they were of, what Dali meant them to portray, some had no captions, and although I found my own meaning in some, even those that seemed to be senseless were still captivating. I have yet to see any other artist's work in any medium that I truly appreciate.