I'm stuck I cant seem to finish my book. Actually I cant seem to finish any book idea I start,
But this one I MUST finish.
I'm having a hard time subtly hinting the lead characters troubles has to do with Aspergers.
I keep thinking too big and too wide, and if I narrow it down, after research I see that its been done already.
( I dont want to use words like, loner, freak, glasses, weird, and of course Aspergers)
I want the story to deal with overall character and dialogue
the book is geared towards 3-7 year olds,
the characters are birds personified.
I will also be doing the illustrations, I would insert a copy of the first page but idk,
any advice is greatly appreciated
The guardhouse sits just on the moons lap like a dying child.
She whispers in the greyest of grey voice. "hush my child, hear now this is the antithesis of the end".