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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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07 Apr 2007, 10:10 pm

I'm a parent of a 7 yo hf autistic child. He's inspired me to return to school for my masters degree in special education.

His academics are fine (reading on 5th grade level). It's the social stuff that he has trouble with. He chats incessantly. It's like he HAS to give a running commentary on whatever he's drawing or playing (he loves computer games). The kids at his Catholic school like him, but he talks at them (almost commands them) without the give-take interaction of social discourse.

He's receiving social skills therapy at his school. I drew up the IEP myself after he was re-diagnosed by his pediatrician. The original diagnosis and IEP transferred when we moved, but he was mistakenly undiagnosed back here in my town. The school system evaluated him under SDD, which of course he didn't qualify for, so for two years we were w/o a diagnosis. It was hard to get his school to work with us, since nothing had been set in stone.

So when our insurance dumped our old pediatrician, I went to the new one with my child's files in hand. I handed them to the guy, said I think my child has autism, here's his history. I had also conveniently highlighted the characteristics in the DSM IV that my son met. The doctor interacted with my child, noticed the no eye contact (my child would look at a point beyond the doctor but never ON the doctor), agreed with me, and I got the ball rolling at school.

Eventually (maybe as soon as next year) we'll ask the public schools for help and therapy, but so far so good this school year.

That's my novel!

I hope to hear from you all soon


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07 Apr 2007, 10:11 pm

Welcome to WP!


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Emu Egg
Emu Egg

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07 Apr 2007, 10:17 pm

Thanks! It's good to be here!


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08 Apr 2007, 12:20 am

Hi Ashley, very nice that your son inspired you to return to get that special degree!

ah, and welcome to the forum! :D

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08 Apr 2007, 3:07 am

Hello Ahutchga1972,

I never knew what I was like as a child till I got here. We are a bit much. You seem to have a grip on it.

I would recomend the Kid's Crater, overdoing it with others seems to slow when they find people who are the same. My guess would be he is reaching out, and getting no response, keeps reaching harder.

In the Kid's Crater they find what they have been seeking, peers, and then seem to turn into the more common grade of kids.

You are the third mother this week with the same story, the last two said they found interacting with older kids here, teens, reduced their fears of the future. We are a handful, but not impossible.

You are doing all the good stuff. The most recent batch is turning out well, and do have social skills. The young teens post in the Kid's Crater, they want to keep up with toy development.

For some reason all of the Dx stuff seems to vanish between us. We seek to interact with others, and that spills over into the world. Check the recent getting to know, and you will see the story unfold for ubbyubbyubby.

Thanks for being a good Mom.


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08 Apr 2007, 3:11 am

Welcome to WP! It's good to see more parents here.