AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
Rudin wrote:
AnonymousAnonymous wrote:
If you feel uncomfortable when someone calls you by an adjective that you don't understand, be honest and say to that person "Please do not call me by any adjectives that makes me uncomfortable."
It didn't make me uncomfortable, it made me confused because I didn't know what this person meant.
When I was younger, many girls flirted with me just for their amusement in order to get me to say something to them. Such situations made me uncomfortable and simultainiously confused because I didn't know what they wanted with me.
If you ever feel confused in such situations, just tell such people in an honest manner that you don't know what they mean when they address you by adjectives that you don't understand.
BOTH of you shouldn't say "Please do not call me by any adjectives that make me uncomfortable." That's robotic and mean! You can't assume that a young girl is a social authority, who has any idea what will or will not make a young man uncomfortable.
Like other people said, "so sweet" probably means "cute and nice." But if you are a young man and you're not sure if a young lady is flirting with you (or trying to manipulate and embarrass you), a better thing to say is "What do you mean by that?" or "I don't understand." This way, if she's just trying to be your friend (or more) you haven't alienated her, but you're making it clear that you don't get it and don't want to be teased.
You never know when you're going to meet someone who will be special and important to you. You shouldn't shut people down without giving them a chance.