In a way, I feel as though he is marginally related to Computers, Math, Science, and Technology, but a good place than any other I suppose! (But also DER!! of course he is related to computers- the Mac and etc)
I've been listening to the audiobook "Steve Jobs" by Walter Isaacson, and it is interesting in that it tells a lot about an "iconic" figure in pop-culture. However, I am beginning to more seriously question his status as the impetuous and mercurial "genius" that "revolutionized" the realms of the personal computer and computer design/engineering. This may stem from my lack of familiarity with the professional minutia of the field, but to me it seems that he was simply a great marketer and very good at spinning hype and selling his brand, all the while being particularly acrimonious and contentious towards his peers and industrial competitors.
My main qualm is that he didn't really invent anything in particular, but instead was just insistent about how his product came across.
However, people like Steve Wozniak who did most of the heavy lifting in the engineering department get much less acclaim and don't really have movies or books produced about them.