BrainPower101 wrote:
I can lose all the weight I want simply by stopping my medications but my anxiety comes back and I feel like sh*t.
Which would you choose if you were in a similar situation?
Option three:
1} Stay on the meds while you follow an elimination/challenge diet protocol to determine which, if any, foods trigger or aggravate unpleasant or disturbing feelings or reactions, and which ones make you feel better. Over time, you'll get a much better sense of the diet that helps you the most emotionally and physically.
2) Begin a movement program that builds reflexes and restores primal movement patterns (Original Strength, Yoga Tuneup, Restorative Exercise, Primal Play are examples). Keep a mood log, or use mindfulness practice to get in tune with your body's response to this.
3) Increase your intake of leafy greens, which are known to improve mood and regulate anxiety, partly by decreasing systemic inflammation and partly by providing essential nutrition for nervous system health and development.
4) Talk with your physician (the one who prescribes the meds) about a responsible, monitored tapering off of the meds, one at a time. Dropping them quickly, or without first developing the habits 1-3, will result in misery, as your brain and body need time to adjust gradually to changes in neuro and body chemistry. Your body and brain adjusted *to* the drugs and will need time and support to adjust to lower drug levels.
You don't have to be fat OR skinny. You have another option, which is to step toward increased wellbeing, one small gradual change at a time, and it never has to stop.