A bit of a plea for help. My 13 year old son was diagnosed with high Functioning Autism a couple of years ago, and we have gone through much the same as many on the forum….exclusion from school, fighting the system to get help, frustration, despair etc. Current situation is he has not really been to school for two years, has agreed to visit a couple of times to a very good Autisms specialist school but no real progress currently. He is a bright, smart and clever boy, but very hard to communicate with, and the number of conversations we are able to have is few. He is aware that he is special but will not discuss it.
The one constant throughout has been his fascination over many years with making Video’s, he started with his laptop when he was 7 or 8 and more recently discovered YouTube and Capture Cards. He seems to be able to chat away very articulately, is even funny for hours on end to the Camera. Watching his You Tube Video is one way to see our son in a way that we cannot see him in real life, he makes us smile.
And now the sad bit…., after doing everything to create his YouTube site, recording hundreds of videos on Minecraft, Tom &Jerry and more recently Call of Duty over the past two years, he has no followers, and has very few views. He loves chatting away to the imaginary hoards, but never gets any comments or feedback…as you might imagine it is very hard for him to join multiple Forums and chat away, dropping in his YouTube Channel link into the forum to ‘market’ his videos. His last video to his Audience indicated it was the End, he wants to give up and close that little window we have on our son that we never see in real life.
My plea…very simple! Please could you like his YouTube channel, which is ‘WhiskersTheEvil’ and if you think its funny lets others know. For those into CoD, add some positve comments …he does seem to be rather good, and if anyone knows how he can get more followers then please help him, we need him back.
I can't post the URL, but his channel is 'WhiskersTheEvil', please have a look