Hi everyone, thanks for the warm welcome!
Since i only just recently learned that i have aspergers i havent really capitalized on what you (i should really start saying we) excel at.
I have a decent memory for things that interest me (I can quote every line from any episode of friends a few seconds before it happends while watching the show, but i cant remember what my professor said in the lecture on monday..).
To answer the actual question: Ive so far gotten through college by relying on logic, and stumbling / bumbling along the way, my GPA is not pretty, but hopefully that will change once i start learning why my head works the way it does.
For my hobbies, well, im studying electrical engineering because i like robots, so my desk has a tendency to look like a warzone whenever i pull out the old arduino components.
I also enjoy reading fiction (fantasy, trashy romance, sci fi) and i probably spend way too much time playing computer games instead of studying..
I like listening to music of just about any genre, can anyone else relate to the fact that heavy metal can actually be calming?