So here I am feeling down, frustrated, and not really ready to jump in the front car of the rollercoaster again, when I open my email............
As you all know I have been trying to get help for my kids. It has been a battle to say the least. I know they need help to be ok in school, but all the academics aside, I need help to understand my kids. I need someone to guide me a little when issues are over my head, I need someone who can tell me straight out what I am dealing with and what I am not, someone to direct me in the right direction for each child.
In my frustration yesterday I worte an email, a long one, describing my kids and giving a brief history of each and sent it off to the specialist who I have been told is "the one to see". Now I have written emails before to doctors looking for help to no avail. Well I opened my emails up and there it was....A REPLY!! !! Not exactly what I wanted, ( she is going out of town, but just wanted me to know she got it and was looking at it), but still SOMEONE HEARD ME!! !
Trying hard not to get my hopes up, but not working very well,lol.