I pretty much like all Final Fantasy songs (minus some of the J-pop stuff they had for FF10-2, otherwise the soundtrack was amazing).
I would rate my top 5 soundtracks of the series
1. IX
2. X
3. VII
4. VI
5. IV
My personal favorite songs would be (I'll list them from each game that springs to mind)
IX - Crossing Those Hills, Frontier Village Dali, Danger in the Forest, Terra, Esto Gaza
X - This is Your Story, Zanarkand, Besaid, Yuna's Theme, Macalania Woods, Via Purifico, Servants of the Mountain
XIII - The Warpath Home, Blinded By Light, Sunleth Waterscape, The Archelyte Steppe, Sulyya Springs, Dust to Dust
Plus, way too many more to name.