Yes I have two daughters and I'm pretty sure they're both NT. One is 13, the other is 19. 19-year-old is shy and introverted, but not Autistic; 13-year-old apparently has ADHD but is not on the Autism Spectrum. It can be hard to explain myself to them sometimes, but they grew up with my random outbursts from Disney movies and Sesame Street and albinoblacksheep flash cartoon scripts, and from Narnia and LotR and Harry Potter books. Yes I randomly insert quotes from all of the above into conversations. At least they're used to that. It drives their NT stepfather round the bend.
Your neurodiverse (Aspie) score: 141 of 200
Your neurotypical (non-autistic) score: 71 of 200
You are very likely neurodiverse (Aspie)
Official diagnosis: Austism Spectrum Disorder Level One, without learning disability, without speech/language delay; Requiring Support