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Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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17 Apr 2007, 2:37 pm

Hello all!

I think it would be cool to compile a list of generally-recognized Aspie traits. Having been diagnosed with Asperger's, I'll start:

Add your own, agree with those on the list, or comment!

1. Thinking in pictures.
2. Monotone speech
3. Weight on chest aids in sleep
5. Walking on balls of feet
6. Intuitive with animals
7. Looking at other's eyes is uncomfortable.
8. Sensation of cotton tingles and is uncomfortable.


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17 Apr 2007, 2:44 pm

Being boring
Lacking physical coordation
Good with PCs
Loyalty that can be easily misplaced and taken advantage of by others
Lack social skills
Fast reader
Difficulty in retaining and gaining meaningful employment

17 Apr 2007, 2:58 pm

fast learner
good in absorbing facts
good with numbers
no interest in chatting to people
like reading about your interests
good in remembering dates
narrow interests
literal thinking
disliking changes
prefer to do the same things over and over
don't like your routines being changed by others
dislike in being interupted
god in math
poor in math
good orgnization skills
bad organization skills
excessive talker
underexcessive talker
troubles in reading body language
interest in computers
interest in science
interest in technical
rote memory

Tufted Titmouse
Tufted Titmouse

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17 Apr 2007, 3:04 pm

Now that I've thought about it, what I actually want to do with compile a list of weird quirks that don't seem at all to relate to the high intelligence or social dysfunction of Aspies. This might be used to confirm a diagnoses for someone who is borderline.

For instance, hand-flapping. If you have a child who is a hand-flapper, the average person probably wouldn't suspect that they are an aspie. They just think it's a weird trait. Combine that with walking on the balls of their feet, and you are starting to build a case.

So let me start over with the list:

1. hand flapping
2. Walking on the balls of feet
3. Cotton produces uncomfortable sensation
4. Able to perceive high frequency sounds and light flickering
5. Enjoys sensation of weight while sleeping.


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17 Apr 2007, 3:34 pm

On that basis

Hand Flapping
Walking very,very quickly with one arm swinging up and down
Lack of eye contact
Low tolerance of repetitive sounds
Inability to talk to girls :cry: :cry: :cry:


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17 Apr 2007, 3:36 pm

Do I make a list of My symptoms..(and mind you this is coming from a person who does not know whether or not she has it)

I am a foot flapper :)
walk on balls of feet (toe walker)
horrible eye contact (except with animals)
difficulty recognising people
verbal stimming..( i sing constantly and make mouth sounds..have a habit of always saying dopey do'h or doh doh doh..)
collect things
have gone through bouts of OCD at various times
umm...I stammer (not a full blown studderer but have trouble stinging sentences together without going round in circles and repeating myself
look and act much younger than age
am prone to panic attacks (meltdowns)
extreme social anxiety
don't like being touched by people I don't know
have to cut the necks out of all my t-shirts because they choke me
don't mind cotton, but cant stand texture of new clothing or poly cotton

there are a few more, but I gotta go


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17 Apr 2007, 3:58 pm

poopylungstuffing wrote:
I am a foot flapper :)

Me too!

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17 Apr 2007, 4:55 pm

Hand flapping - no, hand rubbing - yes.
Walking on toes or balls of feet - no, walking on heels - yes
sometimes I recognize faces but forget the names and vise-versa.
poor coordination
High speed dexterity (typing, playing musical instruments) - poor
Low speed dexterity (working with small parts and precision tools) - excellent
Stims: rocking back and forth, making bird noises.
Can't stand loud or percussive noises
I wash new clothes at least three or four times before wearing them.

17 Apr 2007, 6:07 pm

Problems judging distance (things appear closer than they really are or further away)


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17 Apr 2007, 8:11 pm

Love of animals, especially cats
Interests unusual in both type and intensity (I'm a 42 year old woman who likes Roger Bannister)
Good memory for facts
Fast reader
I have a seizure disorder, fortunately controlled by medication. (I wish I didn't have to be on it. )
Sensitivity to bad smells


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17 Apr 2007, 9:25 pm

My traits:

I think in pictures
I sometimes speak without thinking first
I have majorly obsessive interests
I sit on my legs (I don't know of anyone else who does)
I am great in subjects that interest me
I am suckish in subjects that don't
I am really bad with faces and names
I am more likely to remember the little details than the big picture
I try to be proper (although being a teenager, I do use slang)
I like to stay organized with some things but not others


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17 Apr 2007, 10:24 pm

Well, I have NLD, not AS (psychologist wondered about it though), but there's a lot of overlap, so I'll give it a shot just to add to the pile:

Lots of stims- tapping, rocking (try to avoid this in public), swinging legs, swiveling chair endlessly, excessive blinking
Poor visuo-spatial processing, organization, and memory
Rockin' verbal skills
Excellent rote memory, poor memory for things that have happened to me personally
Terrible eye contact! Stresses me out, can't do it
Difficulty being around non-family members for extended period of time- too tiring
Don't get this whole "kidding" thing- just say what you mean!
Couldn't care less about style of clothes- why can't I just wear the same thing everyday?!?! (it would be so much easier!)
Do not do well with change AT ALL
Impaired tone discrimination
Poor fine motor skills
Impaired tactile perception
Left side weakness

I think the last two are just NLD things- the rest I think are similar to Aspie symptoms though


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17 Apr 2007, 10:27 pm

Lightning88 wrote:
My traits:

I think in pictures
I sometimes speak without thinking first
I have majorly obsessive interests
I sit on my legs (I don't know of anyone else who does)
I am great in subjects that interest me
I am suckish in subjects that don't
I am really bad with faces and names
I am more likely to remember the little details than the big picture
I try to be proper (although being a teenager, I do use slang)
I like to stay organized with some things but not others

I HAVE to say... When you said "I sit on my legs (I don't know of anyone else who does)", I HAD to laugh! I do ALSO! Though, admittedly, this is a defense against some bullies. When I was a kid, people found that you could prevent a person from standing by preventing them from changing their center of gravity. I would sit on one leg so that I could get up without changing my COG NEARLY as much. It was also quicker. I never got out of the habit, although I do try to avoid it now because of a knee injury I got.(I think it is almost 100% healed though).

I was the same way with subjects, but now I wish I maybe spent a little more time on math and foreign language. I got stuck with spanish because of timing, and just didn't see the point.

Based on how some describe the resolution of mental pictures, etc... I guess I do also. I almost wish there was a way of relating experience better than the spoken word.

OK, here is MY list. I took those that applied to me, and added a couple more:

My traits:

I think in pictures
I sometimes speak without thinking first
I have real obsessive interests
I sit on my legs
I am great in subjects that interest me
I am not so good in subjects that don't
I am really bad with faces and names
I am more likely to remember the little details than the big picture
I try to be proper
I like to stay organized with some things but not others
Stims: rocking back and forth
Can't stand loud or percussive noises
My voice sounds like I am in my 20s
I can stammer sometimes
don't like being touched by people
I actually got in trouble in highschool because I didn't swing my arms while walking!
Lack of eye contact
Low tolerance of repetitive sounds
Inability to talk to girls outside of being a brother type
Able to perceive some high frequency sounds and light flickering others can't
fast learner
good in absorbing facts
no interest in chatting to people
like reading about my interests
tend to think literally
disliking changes
prefer to do the same things over and over
don't like my routines being changed by others
dislike in being interupted
ok in math
good organization skills I don't use much anymore. 8-(
troubles in reading body language
interest in computers
interest in science
interest in technical
memory by rote, association, logic
Lacking some physical coordation
Good with PCs
Loyalty that can be easily misplaced and taken advantage of by others
Lack social skills
Fast reader
Intuitive with animals



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17 Apr 2007, 10:46 pm

My Traits(that I can recall)

Sensitivity to noise
Sensitivity to smells
Sensitivity to flickering lights
Obsessive interests
People obsessions
Cannot learn unless it is something of interest to me.
Cannot go out unless I have music with me
Stims-hand/finger flapping, singing, talking to self, foot tapping, hand wringing, lip biting
Poor eye contact
Either have long phases of being mute, or talk too much, too fast.
Cannot do small talk without discomfort
Tend to get a pressure inside to talk about my current obsession
Set habits
Food fads
Very aware of patterns in everything
Tend to focus on details
Over analyse everything, including emotions
Major rage issues
Trouble speaking of feelings in person
Clothes fads
Inability to deal with basic things, like sorting bills...essentials...anything involving face to face interraction
Inability to lie...totally open and honest, often blunt.
Very poor face recognition
Clumsiness...often walk into things or trip over my own feet.
Tendency to phase freeze in the middle of a store because I cannot decide what to do next.
Sensitivity to anything rubbing against me or digging into me.
Dislike of extremes of temperature.
Intense dislike of crowds or of being jostled by anyone
Total inability to initiate physical contact with anyone.
Intense sensitivity to criticism...take it totally personally.
Tendency to stare
Very poor at putting myself in another's shoes or feeling empathy unless I have experienced their situation.
Black and white thinking a lot of times.
Natural slouch-poor posture.
Live in own world a lot of the time.
Poor voice modulation...speak too loudly without realising it.
Difficulty expressing sentiments.
Dislike sudden changes
Take things literally a lot of the time, and do not spot when someone is joking or teasing.
Hate being wrong.


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18 Apr 2007, 10:36 am

I am a foot flapper
walk on balls of feet (toe walker)

horrible eye contact (except with animals)
difficulty recognising people
verbal stimming..( i sing constantly and make mouth sounds..have a habit of always saying dopey do'h or doh doh doh..)
collect things
have gone through bouts of OCD at various times
umm...I stammer (not a full blown studderer but have trouble stinging sentences together without going round in circles and repeating myself
look and act much younger than age
am prone to panic attacks (meltdowns)
extreme social anxiety
don't like being touched by people I don't know
have to cut the necks out of all my t-shirts because they choke me
don't mind cotton, but cant stand texture of new clothing or poly cotton

i was trying to think of more and quoted myself so as to avoid repeating

One thing I wanted to do was list non-aspie traits that I might have...naah...I will try to articulate that in another thread....

I do not have a monotone voice I have a very high silly childish lyrical voice...think kinda sorta Gracie Allen or Betty Boop..I talk-sing...but I have gone through phases when I did have a monotone is kinda weird..In listening to recordings of my voice, often I can hardly tell what I am saying.

talk to self
sing constantly
pace a whole lot
very slow to get things done
think in pictures..(is that an aspie trait?)
Whne I can bring mysef to interract socially, it is in a very akward, tactless and roundabout way
I HATE talking on the phone

more will come to me....


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18 Apr 2007, 11:47 am

Here are some of my traits...

Above-average verbal skills
Write much better than I speak
Good eidetic memory
Bad eye contact
Mixing up some facial expressions
Anxious in unfamiliar social situations
Very blunt about people's weaknesses AND strong points
Mild trouble remembering faces, much worse with names
Toe-walker with a tendency to lean forwards
Excellent long-term memory and learning skills for interests
Mixing up right and left verbally
Very quiet unless if I like the subject very, very much
Odd sense of humour
Take most things very seriously
Inability to logically understand other people's point of view
Mild echolalia
Some tics: cracking my thumb-knuckle, throwing my head back, moving my jaws
Stims: rocking, jumping, clapping, snapping, tapping, staring, nail-biting, lip-biting, skin-biting, making "weird" noises, shaking my left hand, rubbing my right wrist, talking to myself in my head as far as I can think of
Sensitive to sound, smell, taste, pain and touch
Almost, inability to filter out sounds and taste.
Lack of desire to try new things
Routined in "weird" things
Slightly bad fine motor skills
Monotone-ish voice