I was watching a movie the other evening and one of the actors unexpectedly bumped his head into a cabinet. I had my typical reaction, which is I felt a very brief tightness in my body (usually in my shoulder area) and then flinched. While it hadn't occurred to me before, I do this all the time (whenever I see someone else get unexpectedly hurt).
Let me give some more examples. If was with someone and they happened to get a paper cut, I would flinch and check my own finger to make certain it's OK. Or, when watching a sport telecast, if a player twisted his knee, I would feel tightness and my thoughts would focus on my own knee.
I want to be clear, I don't actually feel the pain (as if it were happening to me). But I feel like the event is happening to me, without the pain. Albeit very briefly.
So, cognitive empathy is the largely conscious drive to recognize accurately and understand another’s emotional state. Is this the same thing? As I am feeling what they are feeling (even if that feeling is simply acting, as in a movie), albeit for a micro second. Or is something else going on. Is this simply being hyper sensitive to my surrounding? Or is this simply me being anxious?
More importantly, do others respond similarly to these type of situations.