The_Blonde_Alien wrote:
...And so on.
In fact I think I might be sexually open to just about any guy.
But of course, I wouldn't be making this thread without a fair share of questions. Here they are:
1. How can you tell if you are gay and what can you do to know for sure?
2. Is anal intercourse really hard to do?

3. How hard/easy is it to find a same sex partner?
4. How do you deal with homophobic people should you turn out gay or bisexual?
I hope you can at least answer some of these questions.

Maybe you're simply attracted to fictional male characters & that's that. There are straight guys who are turned on by gay porn and that's simply what type of porn they like, but they're not actually into doing anything sexual with another guy.
1. Only you will know if you are or aren't sexually attracted to another guy. The only way to know for SURE is to have sexual relations with another guy and see if it is in fact something you enjoy. Or to initiate them and see if it goes further if you're into it, or if you stop it because you determine you're simply not into it. You'd need an understanding partner who accepts either outcome before attempting something like this.
2. No, but it does require proper preparation & lubricant etc. But it's not difficult; people do it every day - straight people, too.
3. For a guy, probably a lot easier than a hetero sex partner, especially in a major city. There are plenty of gay guys that like to hookup for meaningless physical sex. There are literally apps for that. It's not difficult at all.
4. Depends on the person and situation. In some cases I ignore them, in others I might tell them off, in another I ended up defending myself at a human rights tribunal over the period of a year of my life.

for supporting trump. Because doing so is deplorable.