Yigeren wrote:
I'm confused about his assertion that everyone always sides with women here. And that women reject him because they are mean. I don't really see everyone siding with women. I see women siding with women, and I usually side with whoever makes the most sense. I often side against the majority of women here, and many seem to not like it.
How can anyone know that the reason that they are rejected is because everyone is mean? I'm rejected because I have poor social skills. And because I'm weird.
So I guess I need more information or examples of this behavior.
Whenever a guy post here about relationship problems. We are always told it must be us it must be something we did, we must be glowing with negativity . No way the women could be the problem.
There's quite a few men who always side with women. Hopper for example is a man though you wouldn't know it from his posts as he always takes side with women. I honesty thought he was a woman for a while.
Only time people don't side with women here is when it's a guy in a relationship that's abusive, like the "am I selfish thread" but if it's a loser guy who's having trouble getting s single date it's always his fault even in the case of guys who have most women's wants checked off. We told to lose weight, build confidence or fake it, change out clothing style, change our hair, grow a beard/shave, build muscles and get w six pack etc. when it's a woman complaining it's always, you just not going after the right guys, don't change anything for a guy.
I never said everyone's mean I said there's lots of mean women.theres like what 10billion people on this planet? That means there's lots of all kinds of people.
You don't seem weird 0.o
All my dates I went on minus 2 were good, or so the women said. They smiled, laughed, seemed to have a good time. I seem happy, positive, confident in person. Perhaps because the stuff I talk about here I don't talk about anywhere else except very close friends and family. Does everyone here go out and talk about their sad stuff with random people or dates, doubt it,so why assume men here do. It's very likely if a girl dated me she'd never every hear of any of this stuff. I'll likely still have panic attacks about other stuff though, since I have anxiety.
I'm running out of time very quickly, in two years I'll be un able to have a gf or dead.