Gilb wrote:
i would get linux if
A) i hear of a free (or at least non-subscription) alternative to
Cedega that is compatible with DirectX10 games and is reliable with all windows games (i have quite a catalog that spans years back)
Can't help you there... except... why do you not want to "get" Linux? It's free. It's just a download, or free CD, and you can dual boot, or run both with Xen.
Gilb wrote:
B)if open office is compatible with all Microsoft office (i have only heard it works with word so far)
Can answer this one... see below
Gilb wrote:
C) if they add compatibility with Hybrid Hard drives and DX10 cards(i heard the hardware is completely different)
They will, faster than MS. Again, see Xen.
I find it amusing to talk about OpenOffice being "compatible" with MS Office.
Being sensible, MS Office isn't compatible with MS Office.
Way back in the very early days, when I was progressing from StarOffice onto an early beta of OO, I had a rather large MS Office Word document that went "bad". MS Office would just crash when attempting to open it. There had been quite a few changes between the bad copy and the previous (readable) backup. Somewhat of an impasse.
I loaded the document straight into OO. Two chapters had been swapped (back) in position (possibly the change that had caused MS Office to panic). Other than that late change, all was intact. Re-saved it, and then MS Office could cope with it.
Around the same time, I had found some minor incompatibilities between OO and MS Office spreadsheets (not the least being how few functions MS supported). Mainly layout. IIRC, OO was correct, Excel didn't excel. I've not noticed any problems recently.
OO have just started fully supporting ppt files.
What else does MS Office give you... Outlook and the wildly imcompatible Outlook Express? Shall we forget about them?
Talking of incompatible - MS Works? (Which to my mind, doesn't.)
OO runs under MS Windows, so you don't
need Linux for it, and why pay for the inferior MS Office anyway.
"Striking up conversations with strangers is an autistic person's version of extreme sports."
Kamran Nazeer