I just joined here because I was wondering if maybe I was somewhere on the Autism Spectrum, and wanted to get some opinions before going through all the effort of getting in for a professional assessment, only to be told that I was wasting their time. A counsellor once said he thought I might be, but I was dismissive at the time, and didn't ask why he thought that. I know that I don't do well with sudden changes, and that I'm socially awkward, and I sometimes get upset about random, irrational things, and I don't know why. For instance, today I was going to do the dishes, but I couldn't because my husband had put a dirty door mat over the kitchen sink, and I REALLY didn't want to move it, and started feeling anxious, so I went and curled up in my bed instead. Is this something that is common with, or might indicate something like Asperger's? I never finished high school, have never had a job, and with a family history of depression, I assumed that was the problem. Now I am thinking I might need to look at another reason as to why I don't function like "everybody else", there there is a lot of overlapping under the mental health umbrella. Maybe I have bipolar disorder, ADHD and Asperger's all at the same time. Sometimes I feel like I don't really fit into one category, but that's nothing new, as I'm used to not fitting in.