It's not that extreme these days, not like when I had to live in a home where they were constantly changing everything and moving people around - I was lucky if I stayed at a place more than a year, especially if I actually liked it. Staff that I liked because they were friendly and pleasant to talk to would usually leave and work elsewhere and I'd probably never see them again, only to be replaced by staff who were stern and cold or would rather talk on the phone all day than go out on our grocery day to buy food, even when there was hardly anything left to eat- but when my plans to go out with somebody for a pleasant outing such as eating lunch together or shopping is canceled I feel like "Now what am I going to do? It's just another long dull day being alone and stuck in my apartment" Sometimes I go out by myself but usually the weather is bad or it's too expensive to pay for a a cab ride both ways. I know I should care more about the person if they can't come because they don't feel well but, when it feels like they have an excuse almost every week, like it does now...
Anyway, my mom and I are planning to go out for supper tomorrow. I'm really hoping nothing will put it on hold. It will be nicer and more relaxed to have supper instead of lunch like we normally do, because Mom won't be telling me to hurry up and finish eating because she has to go back to work, and she won't mind waiting for our food as much so we'll have more time to chat.