I would like that people in this forum explain to me, what motivates people to hating me? i didn't do anything to them, the girls laugh when they see me, and my companions mistreat me. I know that all that is different is excluded but i preffer to be excluded only, and not to be treated like that, horrible things happened in my life that i won't write here because i could take me all night and most of the problems that i had you had too. So i also know that neurodiversity is a term that is used only by people inside autistic spectrum, but it doesn't exist really, if it would exist people would get along with each other that is completely wrong in my case.
I expect you have some good answer for this because i went through horrible experience and i would like (if asperger cannot be cured) to live quiet. For example today three guys insulted me, and the girls behind was laughing, i was going to obliterate them but my boss appeared saving the situation. I will expect for reply!